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Progress thread for ne
Thanks Ne but I cracked and went and brought some beer,not as much as I have been though.
I have one of my sons with me tonight so I can't drink too much anyway.AF days start tomorrow
I saw before that you talked about the cost of drinking,I swear I have spent way too much money on AL in the last week and am looking forward to saving some cash from not drinking too.
Lis, it is so amazing to see you. Sorry you're unhappy with getting high every night. But it *is* better than drinking, no? A little weed to take the edge off the day. I get that. Wish it worked for me, to be honest.
Hi Ne - I go to the Corte de Pelo across the street from my apartment. And they are all very nice people, but they also obviously do the barest of hair cutting services, because this is a haircut for $8.
So I am waking up at 6a right now, and scared, and alone, and trying to figure out what all happened last night. Nothing bad, I don't think. But I have only 1 beer here, and even if I steal from my girl's stash I only have a mini vodka and *maybe* a bottle of wine. So wish me luck, folks. Just trying to make it until the bar opens at noon. That's 5 1/2 hours from now.
Morning, all.
Stuck, I'm so sorry my dear friend. That sounds like it really, really sucks and I'm bleeding for you. That song is awesome but sad.
Here's a song that is probably not appropriate but makes me smirk 'cause he gets it.
Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
The refrain is this:
Son of a bitch
Give me a drink
One more night
This can't be me
Son of a bitch
If I can't get clean
I'm gonna drink my life away
Hang in there, Stuck. Lots of love and hugs and strength to you.
Alright, so I got a text shortly after I woke up from my dear friend (from MWO) wishing me well if I decided today was day one. I'd forgotten about it, or maybe hadn't been awake long enough to think about drinking yet. (Which means I wasn't awake very long! ha!) Anyway, it was the reminder and the impetus I needed to take the goddamn pill. Antabuse, that is.
So I did! And rather than freaking out about it, I'm really giddy that I actually did it and I don't have to drink today because I absolutely can't. WHO KNEW I'D BE HAPPY ABOUT IT??? Not me, that's for damn sure.
Here's the sad and sweet part: Ed is off today, and when I told him that I was going to take the antabuse, he hugged me tight and cried. Now, my husband is not emotionally stunted, but like many men he does not cry easily or often. It takes A LOT to bring those tears out.
Which makes me feel like shit. This has been really terrible for him, obviously. I've been totally isolating myself from him and everything and everyone else, sitting on my couch in my study spending all my time on the computer or reading...
No more! NO MORE!
Now listen, that said, I'm not making any guarantees about tomorrow, so please refrain from being too encouraging. Okay? I'm just going to commit to today. Not tomorrow. If I drink tomorrow (or the next day or the day after that) I don't want anyone being disappointed or freaking out about it. That's all I'm saying.
But today is mine and I'm really excited about it.
Hope you guys have (or are having) a good day, too.
Much love and strength to those still suffering. (Including me.) xx
Awesome Neva! :goodjob: Are you still taking baclofen? Oh and I love that song!The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
Friedrich Nietzsch
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
Benjamin Franklin
Day one down. Didn't drink. Watched TV and ate a smash burger and lots of chocolate. Drank water. Slept and slept. It's 10 am here, I just got up and may go back to bed. Drinking is hard work on a body, yo. I'm tired from all that shit.
I getcha, Ne. No promises about tomorrow for me either. But for today, we stand strong! I need another good night's sleep.
I can't remember what I posted last about dosage and side effects, but here it is... 120 mg. of BAC and 1200 of GabaP. I had gone up too quickly not he last 20mg of BAC so dropped back down. Leg pain has been minimal to none. But that could be because a half a jug of vodka is really nice pain medication. So we'll see. I can go back up on the GabaP for a bit, but will have to see my PDoc to keep it there as my script is only for 1000 and my stash is running out.
I didn't get the vitamins from the good place, Ne, so I'm going to go to a good store in town to pick up some Bs (stopped taking the shots for now) and that other one your Pdoc had mentioned and a good multi. I am officially on vacation, but we won't leave town for the mountains until tomorrow. I am going to exercise today but am going to limit my screen and typing time. I have a wicked case of carpal tunnel. My middle finger turned completely white last week. What a tragedy that would have been if my Flipping off finger had fallen off. On my right hand no less. I pulled over (as I was driving) convinced it was a symptom of a stroke (worst-case always the first case) and called my ex, because no one else answered the phone. She looked it up for me (Rynaud's syndrome). So i've had some physical therapy and chiro this week to try, and will try and rest the hands (some) for this week to let things chill. (I will send you your stuff early next week Ne.)
Stuck -- hang in there. Stevo, join the non-party Ne and I are having for the day (whenever yours starts). Just give yourself a day off from the drudgery of the work of drinking.
I'm sure I'll check back later today, but for now, it's back to bed.
Originally posted by time2quit View PostAwesome Neva! :goodjob: Are you still taking baclofen? Oh and I love that song!Yes, Time. I'm taking 240mg of baclofen. I reached indifference before at 320mg, so have a ways up to go if that holds true this time. I'm just not willing to wait for it to happen, but I'm also not sure I could make the decision to abstain on my own when the witching hour comes. In fact, I'd be having a beer right now (it's noon-ish) if I hadn't taken the antabuse. So I'm glad I did.
Glad you liked the song. I love it. It makes me grin.
Dun, so much to respond to in your post. Congrats on day 1! Glad you're rested. Sorry about the finger, and especially such an important one! ha! Sorry, too, about the visions of the worst case scenario, though that's pretty damn funny too. I know the feeling all too well, though. Glad your legs aren't bothering you for the time being. Hope your doctor is supportive should you need more gaba.
The only thing I can say about the vitamins is that my urine is not bright yellow, and there is a full complement of B-vitamins in one of 'em. I figure that it must be the case, as she said, that they are more easily absorbed because they are...methylated (or something. I can't remember). I also can't remember what's in the other that she thinks is so important. But whatever. As I said before, I just try to do what she tells me to do these days. I'll email you the component of the other one that she said was so important to alcoholics if I can find where she wrote it down.
Don't worry about working on the things I sent you. When you're ready to work on them, let me know and I'll resend them. I'm going to work on all of it again today and tomorrow, so I want to make sure you get the updated, revised, versions.
Hope you had a good nap.
Peace out, peeps. I'm going to spend some time with my husband for a little while.
(We might go see Deadpool today. Has anyone seen it? Is it outrageously stupid? I like my movies on the dumb side, but they must be funny.)
Short of time so haven't read everything except... the haircuts...
Do people really dig haircuts? I can't stand the fucking things. Dreadful waste of time. I cut my own hair, reluctantly, and it is a PITA. Going somewhere for an hour to have hairs cut..... man.
Neva I believe your thinking of chelated
Nutritional supplements
In the 1960s, scientists developed the concept of chelating a metal ion prior to feeding the element to the animal. They believed that this would create a neutral compound, protecting the mineral from being complexed with insoluble salts within the stomach, which would render the metal unavailable for absorption. Amino acids, being effective metal binders, were chosen as the prospective ligands, and research was conducted on the metal-amino acid combinations. The research supported that the metal-amino acid chelates were able to enhance mineral absorption.
During this period, synthetic chelates such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) were being developed. These applied the same concept of chelation and did create chelated compounds; but these synthetics were too stable and not nutritionally viable. If the mineral was taken from the EDTA ligand, the ligand could not be used by the body and would be expelled. During the expulsion process the EDTA ligand randomly chelated and stripped another mineral from the body.[14]
According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), a metal amino acid chelate is defined as the product resulting from the reaction of a metal ion from a soluble metal salt with a mole ratio of one to three (preferably two) moles of amino acids. The average weight of the hydrolyzed amino acids must be approximately 150 and the resulting molecular weight of the chelate must not exceed 800 Da.[citation needed]
Since the early development of these compounds, much more research has been conducted, and has been applied to human nutrition products in a similar manner to the animal nutrition experiments that pioneered the technology. Ferrous bis-glycinate is an example of one of these compounds that has been developed for human nutrition.[15]The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
Friedrich Nietzsch
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
Benjamin Franklin
Ne -You are making it happen. Awesome!!
Here is a link to a song that I played at least 300 times when I began my first real attempt at quitting (maybe it might help you too?):
Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
Met an old friend last night, had a cup of coffee
We talked about all the things that had been going on
We talked about the old days, we talked about the new days
We talked just about anything but what was really going on
After ten long minutes that slowly passed us by
The tension in the air I could cut it with a knife
Staring out the window and gazing at the menu
Suddenly he called my name and he looked me in the eye
He said, "I don't know where I'm going and I don't know where I've been.
And there's one long road that I traveled just to see you again.
I said I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I've been.
And it seems I got a little trouble and I need you my friend."
And then he talked to me, he really talked to me
He said, "I've been thinking about all of my drinking.
About all those good things I've just let slip away.
First it was a good job and then it was the woman that I loved.
Then it was my car and all the material things."
And suddenly tears welled up as he did surrender
He cried, "I finally lost the only thing I ever really had."
He said, "I lost myself in the madness."
And now I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I've been
And it's one long road that I traveled to see you again
No, I don't know where I'm going, I don't know where I've been
And it seems I got a little trouble and I need to talk to you again
Oh, it's in the journey that we see there's no destination
It's in the journey that we find our true love
It's in the journey that we learn we can do it alone, can do it alone
Still gotta dig deep down inside and lose my pride
Well we don't know where we're going
We don't know just where we've been
We gotta dig deep down inside
Can't do it alone
We gotta dig deep down inside