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Progress thread for ne

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    Don't hate America, bleep. Haircuts at the Mexican bodega are the best 10 minutes of pampering that $8 can buy.

    Take care of yourself, spend the time and the money, because if you don't who will?



      Originally posted by bleep View Post
      Short of time so haven't read everything except... the haircuts...

      Do people really dig haircuts? I can't stand the fucking things. Dreadful waste of time. I cut my own hair, reluctantly, and it is a PITA. Going somewhere for an hour to have hairs cut..... man.
      That's funny. But I'm betting your wife does not feel the same way.

      It is...extravagant to go to the salon. I'm usually there for about 3 hours. I might be middle-aged, I might be overweight (at the moment) but I have fabulous hairs, thanks to my fabulous stylist.

      (Reminds me of that scene where Bette Midler rams her car into a couple of chicks who took her parking space. She says something like, "I might be old but I can afford good insurance." I'll give someone a dollar [or not] if you can tell me the movie and link the scene. First time I saw it I was the age of the young women. <sigh>)


        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post

        (Reminds me of that scene where Bette Midler rams her car into a couple of chicks who took her parking space. She says something like, "I might be old but I can afford good insurance." I'll give someone a dollar [or not] if you can tell me the movie and link the scene. First time I saw it I was the age of the young women. <sigh>)
        Can't link to the scene, but I know the movie... Fried green tomatoes! Those girls stole the parking spot that she was waiting for. They said something about being younger and better looking. Loved that movie.


          Lol, I knew exactly which scene you were talking about.


            Originally posted by _serenity_ View Post
            Lol, I knew exactly which scene you were talking about.


              Bahahahaha! That's the one.

              Omg those hairdos! That car she's driving, too. Ay carumba.


                Oh, I guess I owe you guys a buck. I'll get back to you on that...


                  Even though I didn't drink as much as I have been of late,I drank everything in the house.It wasn't too hard to chill after I had run out and it was nice to spend the night with my son.

                  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                    Originally posted by Mom2JTx3 View Post
                    We posted at the exact same time


                      Actress was Kathy Bates, not Bette, btw. So I get a dollar too! Still not drinking. Going to bed now.


                        I cracked again,it is so hot here and I am in a cabin with no air con or fan.

                        Drinking beer seemed like the best option?


                          Ok so my life is a horrorshow this weekend. Drunk. All weekend. My girl has friends in town and they're having a girls' weekend, but we all met up Friday night for drinks. Guess I said some things in conversation that really, really upset her. Then I drank all day yesterday and bailed on a friend who wanted to go see a band play last night. He showed up, I said I'm a drunken mess, and can't make it. This friend is a pretty good alky himself, and so when he says 'wow I had no idea things were this bad...' well, I should probably pay attention.

                          Then my girl and her friends come by, and she just closes the bedroom door on me so I'm kind of locked in the room while they're all here. That's about where we're at - she doesn't want me around, doesn't want to deal with me, and doesn't want to have me screwing up her time with our friends. And now it is 4 in the morning, and I am trying to sleep but can't, trying to drink enough to sleep but don't really feel like drinking, and I have 2 days to sort this all out before work starts again next week. And I have approximately one million papers to grade.

                          But THIS is big.

                          My years of hard work have finally paid off. I wrote an honors thesis as an undergraduate, and it was awarded best of the year. This eventually led me to graduate school, where I spent 7 years working on my doctorate. I finished that, wrote a 200 page dissertation, was lauded by my committee for how freaking brilliant I am, etc. And after all of this, I cannot tell you how proud I am to now find out that I NOW HAVE A CHILI PEPPER ON RATEMYPROFFESSOR.

                          That's right. Me. Some random student that I had last fall thinks I'm hot. Thank all that is holy.


                            Wow. So much to respond to. Ne - Good job on taking the antabuse! And so happy to hear that you felt good about doing it No pressure for tomorrow, though. We all know what it’s like. Have you picked up the Nal yet? Also, thanks for the exercise reminder. I did recently start doing yoga once a week (all that I can afford to take), but I’m not doing anything else. I’m not sure what else I can do at this bitterly cold time of year, so I should probably figure out a way to do some yoga at home on the other days. I do highly recommend yoga, though, and am glad to see that you’re thinking of picking it up yourself.

                            dun - Congrats on getting through day one! That’s awesome I had to chuckle about your finger story. I also have (a pretty bad case of) Raynaud’s syndrome. It’s the reason I can’t go out at all in cold weather. But I know that feeling of panic you must have been going through all too well. The first time I saw my fingers turn into that sickly, almost translucent, white color I thought I was dying - for real. Having been through it myself, I actually don’t think you overreacted at all. Anyway, glad you can keep your flipping-off finger lol. Also, as far as the vitamin discussion goes, I can’t speak to sources of where to get the best type, but I know that every time I’ve been in detox (and I’ve been in multiple facilities), I was always given a multivitamin (either shot or pill form), a full B complex, and an additional thiamine supplement (vitamin B1) on top of the B complex (lack of this vitamin is what leads to the dreaded wet brain condition). Don’t know if that helps or not. Anyway, I hope you have a great getaway!

                            Stevo - Don’t worry about caving to some beer on a hot day. It was your first day trying, and your first day going up on bac, so that in itself is progress. Keep plugging away at the goal and you’ll get there soon enough.

                            Stuck - I’m so sorry to hear how your weekend is shaping up, and that your girl is shutting you out like that. I feel you so hard on that. Just try to do what you have to do to take care of yourself in the meantime, and hopefully you can talk things out after her girls’ weekend is over. Hang in there, my friend, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Congrats on getting rated a hot professor, though


                              I'm already in the weeds this morning. (Anyone in the restaurant business knows what that means! It means falling way behind in what needs to be done.)

                              I'll have to come back later and respond fully.

                              Can't decide if I'm going to take an antabuse today. And if I don't soon, chances are not good.


                                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                                I'm already in the weeds this morning. (Anyone in the restaurant business knows what that means! It means falling way behind in what needs to be done.)

                                I'll have to come back later and respond fully.

                                Can't decide if I'm going to take an antabuse today. And if I don't soon, chances are not good.
                                Ne - have you ever used antabuse before? Just wanted to give you a warning in case you hadn't used it. I will have a reaction for sure if I drink the day after taking an antabuse. Please be careful. :hug:
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

