Stevo, don't worry about it. Whenever you're ready, we'll be here. It's effin' hard! I absolutely definitely would have drank yesterday if I still had a choice about it. And that in spite of the fact that I took medication to help with the discomfort/withdrawal!
Lis, I love your long posts. I haven't picked up the Nal yet and it doesn't look good for today because it's frrrrreeezing out there. (19 degrees!) I have an appt with my pDoc tomorrow morning, though and will have to get dressed and leave the house. I'll pick it up then.
Stuck, so sorry. :hug: And congratulations! You are hot!
Dun, nice on day 2. I'm thinking about trying to sleep much of this day away, too. But I've got a whole bunch of stuff to do...Kathy Bates! I owe you one, too, then. Put it on my tab?
