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Progress thread for ne

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    I'm going out of town for the weekend to visit my inlaws. And while I'm not very happy about it, it'll probably be good for me.

    I am going to set a new date of April 1st for the new forum. Seems appropriate.

    Hope you guys have a good weekend. See you next week!



      Morning from Virginia, everybody!

      I had a really nice weekend with my inlaws. They're stuck back in the 1800s and so I don't have unlimited access to the internet when we visit. It was actually really nice to step away from my online life for a couple of days.

      I have lots I want to share, but I need to run so will fill in the gaps tomorrow.

      I do want to give you all some info about the new forum. I set the original date for March 1st knowing that at that point there would be things I needed to focus on in my 3D life. There were some technical things that weren't completed by March 1st, and I haven't finished filling in all the info about the medications and other things, yet.

      Because we want to make sure that we have all of the glitches and all of the information necessary on the forum before it goes live, we moved the date to April 1st. That way I/we can have time to get it right.

      I received a couple of PMs about it and want you to rest assured that it is definitely going to happen and is progressing right along. Don't worry!

      Also, one PM was concerned about the fact that we have not reached our new financial goal. While I would love, love, love to see that goal met, I am not overly concerned. We will give people the opportunity to donate through the forum itself, and we will also be offering memberships. (I sincerely hope that you will ALL become members! Very, very important!! More so, even, then meeting the new goal.)

      If you would like to donate now, here is the link:

      Much love, everyone.



        Originally posted by Spiritfree
        NE, please help us all to better understand how you have NOT reached your financial goal of $1,200.00 to start your new web site.

        The 'Go Fund Me' site says that you have raised $1,323.00 of your $1,200.00 goal, yet in your just now released post, you say how sorry you are that you have not reached your goal. What the hell is going on? Are you now scamming people on MWO? What gives NE?
        If you take the time to read the updates, you will see that we were ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to reach the original goal. Because we reached it, we increased the goal to $1600.

        In addition, you will see from my previous post that I mentioned that it is the NEW goal that has not been met, and that I am not concerned about it.

        Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post

        Also, one PM was concerned about the fact that we have not reached our new financial goal. While I would love, love, love to see that goal met, I am not overly concerned.
        Thanks for your interest, Spiritfree. It gives me the opportunity to clarify what our goals are and why we are doing what we're doing.

        And by the way, if you read the rules of My Way Out you will see that I am not breaking any of them by posting this information.

        You, on the other hand, break the rules regularly.

        Quit trolling here. You know it doesn't work on me.


          Originally posted by Spiritfree
          NE, please help us all to better understand how you have NOT reached your financial goal of $1,200.00 to start your new web site.

          The 'Go Fund Me' site says that you have raised $1,323.00 of your $1,200.00 goal, yet in your just now released post, you say how sorry you are that you have not reached your goal. What the hell is going on? Are you now scamming people on MWO? What gives NE?
          Read the text on the go fund me page - Klutz

          At least have some substance to the bile you post...


          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


            pfffft. Whatever.

            Spiritfree, you're wrong on all counts and your inane and insane posts and threats mean nothing. They are literally incorrect. I suspect it's because you don't know how to read. I don't hold that against you, but I do think you should just stop posting such nonsense.

            Trolling doesn't work here, remember?


              Originally posted by Spiritfree
              NE -how many times do I have to ask you to stop causing me harm? You continually try to publicaly shame me, harass me, etc. You are relentless in your efforts to cause harm. This will end in a court of law.
              Donald Trump? Is it really you??

              I'm with ya', buddy! Make MyWayOut Great Again.


                Spirit, just go away. You offer nothing but acrimony to MWO. Accusing someone of theft is just not cool.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Thanks, Sk. I am very humbled by the fact that so many people have entrusted me with what I consider to be a whole lot of their hard-earned money.

                  I take the responsibility very seriously.


                    I just had 30 days. But it ended and I'm drunk tonight. Guess I just wanted to keep everybody in the loop and let ya'll know what's going on with me.

                    How has the world, and our country, come to this point? What is left for us to fight for, if this is what 'the people' want?

                    I'm done. Today broke me. Some shit with work that was awful but I won't get into it, then the future of our planet, then my girl reacting to me drinking. Just. Today was a bad day.

                    And I guess that means that I have to get up tomorrow. And slog through all this shit again. And somehow keep fighting against myself and against every fucking other person out there. I'm tired and I'm sick of this.


                      HUGE congratulations on the 30 days, Stuck. I can't believe it's been that long since we've communicated. Shame on me. Sorry about that.

                      It's a huge accomplishment and I don't even care that you got drunk last night. I mean, I'm sorry you feel badly about it, and I feel badly for you that you're probably hungover and feeling like shit right now. But damn, man. THIRTY DAYS!

                      From what I have read in the research, it's not the cumulative days, it is the total number of days. In other words, you don't need a white chip to start the whole shebang over, as if the last 30 didn't count for anything. The last 30 are the raison d'etre to get up in the morning and feel good about yourself. And to find reasons to do it again.

                      Speaking of which, how the hell did you do it? I wish I could say the same. I'm up to a day, or at the most two, abstinent a week. It sucks and I'm really fucking tired of it.

                      In other news, today I took my last dose of the antidepressant that potentially increases drinking and withdrawal symptoms. I'm going to start titrating up on baclofen again on Sunday, probably. (I'm taking 240mg now.)

                      I had to get a script for 25mg of naltrexone so I can start with 12.5mg because starting with 25mg often made me really sick, even when I took it with a big meal. Not just nausea but diarrhea and stomach cramps, too.

                      In other, other news, I finished my resume and will start applying for jobs next week. I got two things from the state: One is my authorization to take the licensing exam (April 25th) and the other is an authorization to work before I'm actually licensed.

                      The new forum is coming along beautifully, in no small part because we have a genius behind the wheel.:thanks:

                      Please don't forget that I'm going to ask you to share your story as soon as, or even before, the grand opening. So start thinking and writing, my friends!


                        Let me add to the congratulations Stuck - 30 days is no mean feat. Can I suggest that you try to pick up again and get back to being sober because as you know the longer you keep at it, the easier it gets and it becomes your normal. I also am not into collecting chips for milestones but even so, most of us want to feel some sort of personal achievement, whether its quitting booze or losing weight or trying to write something.
                        Sorry to butt into your thread Ne, but I wanted to pass on my support- and to you as well of course!


                          Thanks, TT, for your insight. You're absolutely right. I had two consecutive days of abstinence over the weekend and it felt like an accomplishment. It also helps that I didn't wake up nauseous, hungover and out of sorts.

                          I don't often drink so much anymore that I wake up with those symptoms, but waking up after not just one, but two days without a drink, made a huge difference in my productivity and outlook for the day. It was actually inspiring. I have to hope that soon, hopefully very, very, very soon, my life will once again be contentedly booze-free. It's just a matter of tying the days together for longer and longer stretches.

                          Appreciate you posting. Thanks again.


                            Stuck, how are you? How about everyone else? Dun, I haven't heard from you in an age. Hope you're doing ok. Same with all my other buddies here. Where the hell are you?

                            I am busy as all get out. Which makes me really, really happy. It's about time that I got off the couch, don't you guys think?

                            The thing that has made the most difference was joining a program at the YMCA and working out 3x a week. My muscles are sore, in the best way. And just as Cassander, and before him, Lo0p, promised, exercise makes a HUGE difference. I don't even care about my weight or any of the other stuff one usually thinks about when they go to the gym. My energy level and ability to focus are much, much better. I know I've apologized before, Cass, and I would never suggest that one can exercise their way out of addiction, but you are absolutely right about the benefits of busting a sweat...Hope you see this and that you're doing well.

                            I won't be able to get back to my online life until Sunday morning, but I hope you guys are doing well and rest assured I'm thinking about you and getting very, very excited about the Grand Opening in a mere 13 days.

                            Much love.


                              So get this:

                              We invited the super-head-honcho and the director of PR from Ed's company over for dinner about a month ago. We thought they were coming over tonight (Saturday). A very creative friend came over yesterday morning to help me hang pictures and spruce everything up. We made a HUGE mess, pulling things out of the attic, etc. etc...Then I spent the rest of the day shopping my little heart out buying candles and flowers and some other things to decorate with. You know how it is when you're going to have company you want to impress, right? You do all the little things you have put off forever and get everything lovely.

                              I got home around 4pm and thought I'd take a nap before I started tackling the cleaning/decorating/organizing. At 5pm, the doorbell rang. We had the wrong date. These two women, who I greatly admire and really, really like and want to impress, were on the doorstep. Ed was in sweats. I hadn't even taken a shower. We had no food prepared and the entire house, including the kitchen, was a disaster area of half-finished projects and dirty dishes. Ay carumba. I thought I was going to die from the embarrassment.

                              Never the less, they stayed and we had a blast...

                              Anyway, all that is to say that I have today and tomorrow suddenly totally free. (I had an event to go to tomorrow but it was cancelled because of the weather.) So now my time is free and my goals have changed. New forum is the total focus for this weekend, and will hopefully be done by Monday! I feel energized and motivated...

                              How about you people? Is there anyone out there who wants to post that isn't whining about how the world is conspiring against him and we are all terrible people? Because I sure as hell am tired of reading that annoying thread.



                                Originally posted by Spiritfree
                                NE, please just answer one question: Is it legal to obtain and use prescription medications without a prescription from a legitimate medical doctor?
                                This question has been answered thoroughly and repeatedly. I can't even imagine why you think it is so important that you have been posting the question for months, despite the fact that it has been answered over and over again. Never the less, I will once again post the answer, written most succinctly by Terryk on a different thread. I'll include the fact that you, yourself, have ordered baclofen online without a prescription from a doctor and add to it that the only reason you were able to get a prescription from a doctor is because someone from My Way Out contacted the doctor at your request.

                                Originally posted by terryk
                                Spirit, you are a delusional hypocrite. Not only have you ordered medications online without a prescription, you have heaped praise on those who did so before you
                                Here is the short answer to your question:

                                Originally posted by terryk
                                Now, for anyone living the USA, here are THE FACTS regarding the importation of regulated substances: while it is not technically legal to import drugs, medications, supplements, etc. WITH OR WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION, in practice - IT IS WRITTEN INTO THE LAW - that enforcement action is limited to individuals importing controlled substances and/or vast quantities for commercial distribution. Baclofen, naltrexone, topiramate, and disulfiram are not, nor have they ever been, controlled substances.
                                In other words, just in case you need it simplified, it is not legal but the law is not enforced for people who are ordering the medications for their own use. So order away, people, if you cannot find a doctor who will help you. It may save your life. It saved mine. I'll never understand why Spiritfree is making such a big deal about this, other than the fact that he wants to insinuate that I have behaved criminally. Whatever. If I still needed to order baclofen online because I didn't have a prescription, I would do it without hesitation AND WITHOUT ANY FEAR OF ANY LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS, because there aren't any.

                                How many people are you going to scare off or kill because of your deliberate attacks and misinformation, Spiritfree? It is especially hypocritical since you, yourself, have done it. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GOOD THINGS GO AWAY.

                                Here's the longer version, just in case someone is still worried about it:

                                Originally posted by terryk
                                From Wikipedia:
                                Importation of an unapproved prescription drug (not necessarily a controlled substance) violates 21 USC, Section 301(aa), even for personal use.[26] The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act does allow for the importation of drug products for unapproved new drugs for which there is no approved American version. However, this allowance does not allow for the importation of foreign-made versions of U.S. approved drugs.The law further specifies that enforcement should be focused on cases in which the importation by an individual poses a threat to public health, and discretion should be exercised to permit individuals to make such importations in circumstances in which the prescription drug or device imported does not appear to present an unreasonable risk to the individual.

                                See also:

                                Information on Importation of Drugs Prepared by the Division of Import Operations and Policy, FDA:

                                The General Guidance Section states that FDA should consider not taking enforcement actions against such importation:

                                "when 1) the intended use [of the drug] is unapproved and for a serious condition for which effective treatment may not be available domestically either through commercial or clinical means; 2) there is no known commercialization or promotion to persons residing in the U.S. by those involved in the distribution of the product at issue; 3) the product is considered not to represent an unreasonable risk; and 4) the individual seeking to import the product affirms in writing that it is for the patient's own use (generally not more than 3 month supply) and provides the name and address of the doctor licensed in the U.S. responsible for his or her treatment with the product or provides evidence that the product is for the continuation of a treatment begun in a foreign country/area." (Emphasis added)

                                The above guidance does not specify that a U.S. citizen may import an unapproved drug only with a prescription from a U.S. licensed physician, or that a foreign citizen may import an unapproved new drug only with a foreign prescription. Rather, to ensure that the importation is for personal use only (and not for resale), and to ensure that the use of the unapproved new drug sought to be imported into the U.S. is supervised and does not represent an unreasonable risk, the guidance provides that the individual affirm in writing that the drug is for his or her personal use, and provide either the name and address of the U.S. licensed physician who will supervise its use or some evidence that the treatment was begun in a foreign country/area and that the drugs are being imported to continue/conclude the already begun treatment. Thus, while not the only documentation, either a U.S. or foreign prescription, along with an affirmation of personal use, could be supplied as evidence that this factor exists.

                                From this thread:

