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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Murphyx;1050557 wrote: I'm bald. :H
    What from head to toe?


      Progress thread for ne

      Murphyx;1050537 wrote: Hey! What? Whoa there fella! OK, I'm a noob here, but from what I've read from various other sources, mg/kg (dose/body weight) is generally considered to be relevant.

      Have I got that completely wrong?
      Yes. According to Dr. L (Doctor Levin, telephone numbers and address available all over here, and links to his scientific studies, as well as books, also available).

      He says weight has nothing to do with it. It is all "chemical and genetic." Most people reach their switch between 210 and 275 mg. Period.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Progress thread for ne

        Cool. I wasn't looking forward to doing 650mg/day. Good to know.

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          Progress thread for ne

          Ukblonde;1050575 wrote: What from head to toe?
          I shave my head, but not my toes.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Progress thread for ne

            Murphyx;1050634 wrote: I shave my head, but not my toes.
            Why not?


              Progress thread for ne

              I know I am late to chime in here, but congrats on 2 AF days, Nev!! :goodjob: :l

              Let us know what you decide to do in regards to the titration schedule.

              Bleep is starting to influence me, I'm thinking of splitting up my 160 (maybe 180 even) into 20mgs doses spaced 2 hours apart. So from 7am - 9pm I'd be popping a pill every 2 hours. And I figure if I'm going to go up to 180 (will try it tonight, anyway), I'll just take another 20mg when I wake up in the middle of the night, since I know I will.
              Come to think of it, I used to keep a bac next to my water glass on the night stand and take one in the middle of the night to help me continue sleeping. Geez, why the heck haven't I thought of that until now?! Maybe I could have been avoiding all of the tossing and turning after the first few good hours of sleep! I'll try it tonight and letcha know how I go. Might be something you want to try!!
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                Progress thread for ne

                Congrats Karen, I didn't catch this til now, two days AF is a great predictor of your future. Keep it up! May you have the Bleep experience of pouring a glass and drinking half or whole, but then preferring TEA!



                  Progress thread for ne

                  I had to take my doses every 3 hours while awake to spread out and even out the levels. Later I was able to "consolidate" into a 4-5 hour schedule. Congrats, NE on your 2 days. How has today gone?


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Thanks for the congrats and the luuuv. Murphy, don’t worry about the toes, it’s the ears and the nose that make the difference. HI! Sunnyv! Really great to have you back on the boards.

                    Pffft. To Dr. L about the 275, I’m at 320 now. However, it’s working!!!

                    I want to tell you all about Saturday, which was funny, but I’ll digress in a moment.

                    Sunday was lovely, very FUN and very, very productive. I took the pills every ~3 hours. (Not sure it helped in terms of somnolence, but will try again today.) Poured a glass of wine around 4pm. I thought I’d been looking forward to it all day long. Had a few sips, I think. It sits on the counter where I left it in the kitchen. I think I’ll leave it there, covered, as a reminder. (Don’t buy any more expensive wine!!!)

                    I had 1 beer with dinner. It was delicious. Didn’t want another. Went to bed shortly after. Sober. Woke up with the alarm and took the pills twice more at 1030pm and midnight.
                    I have to tell you that in the seconds following that last dose, I panicked a little. I have a v. long, demanding day today. I worried that I might freak out, came up with all sorts of contingency plans/excuses for missing work if something terrible happened. I even thought about throwing up the pills I’d just taken! I talked myself down off the edge. Then I fell back to sleep. I woke up several times, read a little, carried on conversations with mwo-ers in my head, almost got up at 2am because it felt like the thing to do. Got up at 445am and had to drag myself out of bed. Yay, me!

                    Sunday went like this: took the dog for a walk. went on a run. took a nap. cleaned the kitchen spotless. cleaned out the herb garden. threw away all the things cluttering my space. put away the last of the xmas stuff. emptied and cleaned the pantry. finished the laundry. baked a chicken. made a grain salad for the week. emailed lots of friends who are missing me. had lots of fun with husband. danced and cooked and made love (a lot.) read a blog, and started a brawl on mwo! Who does all that?

                    I felt pretty lousy all day! Very tired, definitely hazy, like I was swimming through fog. Definitely, definitely not manic. I can’t wait to see what life holds when I’m not taking ridiculous amounts of baclofen. But I’ll put off finding out for as long as I can.

                    Saturday went like this:
                    Around 9pm I crashed my computer. (Turns out it was just overheated. Whew. Crisis averted.) I didn’t freak out. Sorry I missed the opportunities for witty chat, though.

                    I couldn’t remember how much or what I’d taken. There was a mid-day dose missing from pill box, that I hadn’t remembered taking. Didn’t freak out. (I decided to split the difference, so I probably took 340mg that day.) Spent the next hour organizing pills, having decided to use the bleep method for the next day, and the Ig method of plastic baggies with the times on them, so as not to have any confusion. I don't have any plastic baggies in the house, so a trip to the convenience store at 11pm, unheard of even a week ago. (I think that I make life a little too difficult for herself and others around her, ftr.)
                    Spent more time, with husband double checking the amount for the next day, and organizing it by dose. It was a labor of love on his part and I was completely befuddled.

                    Threw up about an hour later, into the kitchen garbage can. (yuck) Which is what makes me think it was 340. Didn’t throw up any pills, though. Just the tubs of water I’d been drinking all evening.
                    I drank 3 beers on Saturday. 2 in the afternoon, followed by a long nap. 1 in the evening. That’s it. Husband is finally a believer, as it’s the second Saturday he’s come home late to find me sober. It’s unreal, friends.
                    I have been VERY emotional all weekend. Feeling all sorts of compassion and empathy. anger and despair, too. But the bad feelings are decidedly more mellow. Weird.

                    I don’t think I’m going to stress about having a beer or two this week, though without the reward, it seems kind of pointless.

                    I sorely miss getting drunk. Around about the time I poured the glass of wine I almost started crying because I knew that I couldn’t/wouldn’t get drunk. I miss the lazy Sunday afternoons from 2 weeks ago when I poured my first glass at noon, plugged into computer and MWO, followed it up with a couple of bottles of wine, and ‘vanished’ from myself for the day. The sense of loss made me indescribably sad. Ah well, the price one must pay to get cured, right? Lololol! And YAY! And woooohooo. Bring it on! That’s the sense of loss a woman could get used to!
                    Peace out, lovely friends.
                    I’ve got to start my busy, busy day. Sober and not hung over. On a Monday. Yowza!
                    I have one more thing to clear up and my pc is still wonky, so I'll answer pms, etc. later as time allows. xoxo


                      Progress thread for ne


                      I wasn't reading many posts on the meds threads these past couple of days.

                      Good going, NE!
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Progress thread for ne

                        neva eva;1051368 wrote: I sorely miss getting drunk. Around about the time I poured the glass of wine I almost started crying because I knew that I couldn?t/wouldn?t get drunk. I miss the lazy Sunday afternoons from 2 weeks ago when I poured my first glass at noon, plugged into computer and MWO, followed it up with a couple of bottles of wine, and ?vanished? from myself for the day. The sense of loss made me indescribably sad. Ah well, the price one must pay to get cured, right? Lololol! And YAY! And woooohooo. Bring it on! That?s the sense of loss a woman could get used to!
                        So much to respond to in your post, but (like you) I have a hella busy day ahead, so I'll just respond to this paragraph.

                        AMEN, sister! As hard as it can be to say goodbye to being drunk, it's also exactly what we really want & need.

                        Woooohoooo is right! and Bring it on! You've turned a pretty critical corner in the last couple of weeks. :wd: :huggy


                          Progress thread for ne

                          I've been following your story since the beginning. and rooting for you. can I just say... yeeeehaaaaaaaw!
                          been on this forum( under a different name) for about four years. man, I've seen a lot of peeps get cured and disappear. I know you probably will too, but I hope not. bittersweet. congratulations.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            i mean I hope you don't disappear not that you aren't cured. hope that was clear.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              That's a nice post, written from what seems to be a happy place for you neva. I'm really pleased for you.

                              I, too, miss getting drunk, but in the saying-goodbye-to-an-annoying-relative-who-has-been-staying-with-you-for-too-long kind of way. Hope they don't come back anytime soon, nice to be shot of them. Maybe they'll pop back in in a while for a brief visit.

                              I'm happy for you neva.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                wow. stupendous! :bday3:

                                One thing is for sure, it was NOT an easy way out. You worked damn hard and did what it takes. 320.


                                Up to 240 for me today, then...
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

