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Progress thread for ne

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    Omg. Apparently someone tried to file taxes with Ed's information. So freakin' annoying. Now there's a bazillion things I have to do, all a bureaucratic hoo-ha, and even worse, our refund is going to be delayed. AAAAAAARGH.

    Just had to share my pain.


      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
      I got home around 4pm and thought I'd take a nap before I started tackling the cleaning/decorating/organizing. At 5pm, the doorbell rang. We had the wrong date. These two women, who I greatly admire and really, really like and want to impress, were on the doorstep. Ed was in sweats. I hadn't even taken a shower. We had no food prepared and the entire house, including the kitchen, was a disaster area of half-finished projects and dirty dishes. Ay carumba. I thought I was going to die from the embarrassment.

      Never the less, they stayed and we had a blast...

      Anyway, all that is to say that I have today and tomorrow suddenly totally free. (I had an event to go to tomorrow but it was cancelled because of the weather.) So now my time is free and my goals have changed. New forum is the total focus for this weekend, and will hopefully be done by Monday! I feel energized and motivated...

      How about you people? Is there anyone out there who wants to post that isn't whining about how the world is conspiring against him and we are all terrible people? Because I sure as hell am tired of reading that annoying thread.

      That's great Ne, that the dinner went well - despite getting the date wrong. It's a good sign when people don't get hung up on the fact you made a mistake. Sounds like they were good company.

      Good on you for getting on a roll with the new forum. Even though I don't mind waiting, the madness around here lately has made me think it's be a damn fine idea if it was up an working!

      I have come to the conclusion that the individual involved here lately is unwell. I don't believe the conspiracy theories. Just mentally unwell, simple as that. A pity that we all have to suffer too.

      Where are you Roberta Jewell? Hello? We need help here.


        Thanks, MJM.

        Listen, I just got an email from a friend and I'm afraid I may have been misleading in my post about the new forum. I am going to finish with the information I want on there before we go live, but I don't want to rush the Grand Opening and so will stick with April 1st to make sure all the bugs and kinks are worked out.

        Hope it's a happy Saturday!


          MJM, I'm not sure if Roberta is involved with MWO. I joined in 2006 and she used to post and get involved with members, trolls, etc. Last I heard she had sold MWO to her husband. Her advice was always so wise and mentioned person would be out.

          We once had a video/conf call with her - so much fun. Unruly and nasty members would be suspended for a period of time and if they continued would be banned for life.

          In the early days there were many "interesting" posters, but the cream rose to the top.
          Enlightened by MWO


            You need help.


              Originally posted by Spiritfree
              This NE, this is a slanderous and harmful lie. You have once again demonstrated that you will go to any lengths to cause me and my family harm. Please provide me and the rest of the forum written documentation showing where I have purchased medications without a prescription. You will not be able to do this NE because you have fabricated a lie in an effort to cause me personal harm. I have known how you operate NE, but now the rest of the forum will see the truth as well -behind your veil. I do not think your followers will care how you try to harm others, but I think that others that do not you will now better understand who you really are:
              You are clearly delusional and brain-damaged. Here are your own words describing how you imported medications from overseas:

              on 05-22-2013
              Originally posted by spiritwolf333 View Post
              I have already ordered my overseas supply of Baclofen just in case
              on 06-05-2013
              Originally posted by spiritwolf333
              And now, low and behold, I not only find a doctor, I find one within a few hours of my home. (I would have gone alternate routes-as suggested on MWO if I eventually hit a dead end -and I have ordered and received backup Baclofen -thanks to MWO posts.)
              TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                Originally posted by Spiritfree
                Edit: And please loosen the collar on your beautiful Boxer. My Boxer, Dolly, lived till she was 15 years old and provided a lot of life and love to our family while she was here.
                Not that this isn't much beside the point, but this is what a boxer looks like:

                Does that in any way resemble the terrier in Mentium's avatar? Didn't think so.

                I swear, Spiritfree, your behavior and your posts are so bizarre, make so little sense and are so paranoid that I am tempted to call your wife and make sure that you are not having a health crisis of some sort.

                Have you had a stroke or something? You definitely need a doctor. I'm being completely and totally serious. I hope you get help. I don't mean that in a demeaning way. I mean that from one human being to another. Please talk to your wife, or at the very least have her read your posts and our responses.


                  Morning from Virginia, everyone. Meds update, just in case anyone is curious:

                  Once I started taking a really small dose of Abilify, my sleep patterns normalized and now I sleep like a normal person. I hate it. I really miss getting up very early in the morning for some quiet time before anyone else is awake. Now I sleep between 8 and 10 hours every night! Granted, it's uninterrupted sleep, which is great. And I don't feel like I'm going to drop dead around 3pm every day. But still.

                  I'm going to talk to my pDoc this week about tapering off of it, too.

                  I don't think I can take naltrexone anymore. I never thought I'd be one to give in to side effects, but just 25mg makes me vomit more days than not. Isn't that weird? I have never heard of anyone having that side effect so dramatically, but of course I don't really know much about naltrexone. I might pop over to the TSM forum and see what they have to say about it because it seems to really limit my drinking even on those days when I'm not so nauseous I throw up everything I eat or drink. I need to lose some weight, but I'm not trying to use that route!

                  Still taking 240mg of baclofen, but now that the AD I was using is officially out of my system, I'm going to start titrating up again this week. 20mg every 3 days or whatever I can tolerate.

                  The REALLY EXCITING news is that the forum name is officially in place. One more thing and then it'll be ready to go! Can you believe it? (I know, I know, it's taken forever...But I hope you guys are still excited and eager to participate.)

                  Hope it's a good day!


                    Originally posted by Spiritfree
                    Yes I do.... legal help. Can you imagine someone making a post accusing you of breaking the law, etc. and her statements being a total fabrication only to cause harm/injury to you? Of course you can not; no one would ever do this to the Ment man/women; lol.

                    Ment, do want a medical professional to tell you the truth (the facts-the way it is), or do prefer a medical professional who will only tell you what you want hear? Please do not respond; instead, just consider the question.

                    Edit: And please loosen the collar on your beautiful Boxer. My Boxer, Dolly, lived till she was 15 years old and provided a lot of life and love to our family while she was here.
                    You have an amazing ability to get almost everything you post wrong. It is almost uncanny. The dog is a border terrier and his collar is fine. And mind your own damned business you ignorant excuse for a human being.


                      Originally posted by Spiritfree
                      Hi Ne -please review the following PM that I received from SK. SK continuously sends me PM's that are quite vulgar and intimidating.
                      (can you truly believe that a member sends out these types of words -to anyone?)

                      SF received this from SKendalll on 3/16/2016:
                      Spiritfree, I consider Private Messages to be just that: Private. I believe that violating that privacy is ethically wrong. I hope you will choose to delete a message that was sent to you with the expectation that it would remain private.

                      What's more, that is her opinion and I have nothing to do with it. I'm not sure why you would put it here. That's confusing. Nice that she has nice things to say about me, though.

                      If you have a problem with someone who sends you private messages that you consider "vulgar and intimidating" then I have several suggestions:
                      1. Put the person on ignore
                      2. Just ignore the message and delete it before you read it
                      3. Contact the administration/owners of this forum
                      And here's the BIG one:
                      4. Contact the person and see if there is some way to mend the disagreement/dispute/animosity

                      That's all I've got for you, Spirit. You've made A LOT of people around here angry. And you seem to think that I have something to do with all of the responses you get. It isn't true.

                      I rarely, if ever, discuss you with anyone via Private Message or email or in any other private way. The people who are posting things that you don't like or want to hear are doing it because that's how they feel, not because of me.

                      In other words, please look at your own actions and words on here and perhaps you will find some insight as to why you have made so many people so, so angry.


                        Originally posted by Spiritfree
                        Dearest Ment:
                        Please take time to read your very own statement regarding me:

                        "Originally Posted by Mentium View Post 2/16/2016
                        Baclofenman - I have SF on ignore. It makes life a lot easier on this forum. He is a past master of trolling and though it is hard to ignore his bile and passive (and not so passive) aggression, it is worth the effort. He was one of my biggest hurdles here when I was trying the baclofen route, nasty excuse for a human being that he is. Anything you post in response to his poison just fuels him.
                        Best wishes - and hoping you like the graphics!"

                        Ment, why are you having difficulty following your own advice to yourself? Just wondering.
                        You were on ignore when I was trying to get to grips with baclofen, because your hectoring, negativity and the way you undermined me were getting in the way - big time. I take responsibility for my own actions, however you contributed in no small way to me giving up on baclofen. That is mainly why I dislike you so intensely you ghastly man.

                        I am happy to challenge your nasty bullshit now that baclofen is not an issue.

                        It is pretty pathetic that you went hunting for the above quote. I guess you don't have better things to do with your life.


                          Originally posted by Mentium View Post
                          however you contributed in no small way to me giving up on baclofen.
                          Does this not make you very concerned about your comments and actions, Spirit? Does it perhaps help to explain why so many of us get SO upset with your posts?


                            Originally posted by Spiritfree
                            LOL x 10. Not much hunting to do when you are only a few posts back having made this post.
                            You might say that you take responsibility for your own actions but I am not quite sure this is reality. You essentially accuse me of your giving up on Baclofen. Read your post. All in all Ment, what you are saying is that you can not get sober because of other people. Ok.

                            Ment -You’re all bum and parsley. Please take care.
                            You clearly don't comprehend English very well. Figures. However you have taught me a good lesson and that is that entering exchanges with trolls just feeds their poisonous innards. Lesson learned. You are on ignore again. My mistake.


                              Yeah, super important. Everything you do here is very helpful, SF. Keep up the good work.


                                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                                Morning from Virginia, everyone. Meds update, just in case anyone is curious:

                                Once I started taking a really small dose of Abilify, my sleep patterns normalized and now I sleep like a normal person. I hate it. I really miss getting up very early in the morning for some quiet time before anyone else is awake. Now I sleep between 8 and 10 hours every night! Granted, it's uninterrupted sleep, which is great. And I don't feel like I'm going to drop dead around 3pm every day. But still.

                                I'm going to talk to my pDoc this week about tapering off of it, too.

                                I don't think I can take naltrexone anymore. I never thought I'd be one to give in to side effects, but just 25mg makes me vomit more days than not. Isn't that weird? I have never heard of anyone having that side effect so dramatically, but of course I don't really know much about naltrexone. I might pop over to the TSM forum and see what they have to say about it because it seems to really limit my drinking even on those days when I'm not so nauseous I throw up everything I eat or drink. I need to lose some weight, but I'm not trying to use that route!

                                Still taking 240mg of baclofen, but now that the AD I was using is officially out of my system, I'm going to start titrating up again this week. 20mg every 3 days or whatever I can tolerate.

                                The REALLY EXCITING news is that the forum name is officially in place. One more thing and then it'll be ready to go! Can you believe it? (I know, I know, it's taken forever...But I hope you guys are still excited and eager to participate.)

                                Hope it's a good day!
                                Hey NE

                                Are you taking Nal on an empty stomach?Also have you tried 12.5mg for a couple of days?How many days in a row/per week do you use Nal?

                                Vomitting for some people is not uncommon, but generally a side effect which can be quickly overcome by eating an hour or so beforehand, and starting a small titration, if possible having an AF day the first dose - obviously not possible for many, but not totally impossible for some.

                                How quickly are you drinking when using it?
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

