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Progress thread for ne

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    Hey! Thanks for checking in.

    I haven't been taking it very consistently, UKB. It has made me too sick. I got a pill cutter today, though, and will be able to cut my 50mg pills into quarters, so I'll start with 12.5 tomorrow and see if that eases the burden on my stomach.

    It's also clear that I have to eat before I take it, instead of taking it with food, or eating soon after. I'm really bad about eating regularly during the day, so that's been a struggle. But whatever. I'll get better about it and try it again. I DO think it helps, on those days when I have done everything right and not gotten sick from it, I didn't drink much...

    Hope you're well.


      Hi guys. Quick update from me. After 30 AF days I ran into a week-long stumble. But I'm dusting myself off and trying to get back to some consistent AF time. Not making any promises to anybody, but I'd certainly like to get through the weekend and into a rhythm of teaching again next week, as my T/Th classes start up again.

      The girl is working on a big presentation at her company. She's not the one giving it, but she's working really hard on the PowerPoint for the people who are presenting. So she needs to get a good night's sleep every night, and basically told me she was planning to sleep on the couch all week.

      I took that as an opportunity to score some meds from my friend yesterday, and to sober up so the girl can sleep in bed without me tossing and turning and keeping her up. And pissed.

      Ideally, getting a couple days in will make it easier to get right back into the good day-in day-out sobriety that I was actually kind of enjoying.


        Hang in there, Stuck. Thinking about you. :hug:


          Yes, the pm was hateful ad so is S.F. He did reply in a very civilized manner and if had issues he could have dealt with it but b/c he is who he is he had to post it and he'd had a few.

          Does anyone know or knew a troll like S.F. who wants to publicly embarrass people, accuse them of ??? The only thing he contributes is disharmony and his mood changes as the day wears on.

          I no longer want my name and his in the same sentence as so he's on IGNORE. I wanted to support the people who he was belittling and should never have engaged
          Enlightened by MWO


            BTW Ne and I have NEVER discussed you in a pm, you are not that important.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Originally posted by SKendall View Post
              Yes, the pm was hateful ad so is S.F. He did reply in a very civilized manner and if had issues he could have dealt with it but b/c he is who he is he had to post it and he'd had a few.

              Does anyone know or knew a troll like S.F. who wants to publicly embarrass people, accuse them of ??? The only thing he contributes is disharmony and his mood changes as the day wears on.

              I no longer want my name and his in the same sentence as so he's on IGNORE. I wanted to support the people who he was belittling and should never have engaged
              Ignore is the best policy I have learned the hard way. The guy is sick at best and evil at worst. Opening shortly - a meds focused properly moderated forum. Watch this space.


                Morning, everyone!

                I couldn't drink yesterday. Not that I didn't try. I had a total of maybe 2 beers over the course of the whole day. Not sure what that's all about, but I'm wondering if, now that the antidepressant Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) is totally out of my system, the baclofen is actually working. It could also be that I was hungover from the day before because I just didn't feel very good. I couldn't remember how much I drank, and even asked Ed about it. He didn't think I drank very much either. Weird... Either way, I'm going to have to start keeping track of my intake again. I'm going to try to make today a totally abstinent day, but no promises.

                I'm so sick and disgusted by what's going on here on the meds threads of My Way Out that I woke up this morning thinking that we should just open the new forum, regardless of whether or not I/we think it's "perfect".

                I have to talk to my partners in development, since they may know more than I whether or not we're ready...

                I know I mentioned it up on the Steppers threads, but did I tell you meds people that Ed's identity was stolen and someone filed a tax return with his social security number? And guess why? The head accountant, the big wig who runs the show at his company, sent ALL of the W2 information for all 800+ employees to a link she got in an email. She thought the email was from the CEO, but didn't bother to check. So yep. Had to close all our accounts, get new everything, etc. etc. And now our tax return may be delayed for months. Which sucks so badly, I can't even describe. I hope it comes through before we have to start paying for the repercussions of the DUI, because other wise I don't know how we're going to afford it.

                I suppose I'll be working by then. But what a dismal thought to have to spend my new salary on a DUI. grrrrr.

                What else? It's springtime and crazy gorgeous today. I am absolutely committed to 1. Walking Puppy Pete at least around the block and 2. Getting rid of some of the weeds in the front garden.

                What're you guys doing?


                  Hey we've been spirit free for a few days. so there's that.
                  The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
                  Friedrich Nietzsch

                  Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
                  Benjamin Franklin



                    I hadn't noticed that! Are you sure? I have been feeling completely inundated and overwhelmed...



                      No - he's been posting. I have him on ignore but he..still...posts.


                        shit i just saw a post FML!
                        The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
                        Friedrich Nietzsch

                        Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
                        Benjamin Franklin



                          He really makes it hard for me to follow the golden rule. I hate him for that. there i go again......
                          The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
                          Friedrich Nietzsch

                          Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
                          Benjamin Franklin



                            He PM'd me asking me to take his name off the Tags under the various threads which he has started. He thinks I put them there but I didn't and I don't know how to get rid of them. He has also been posting about Ibogaine and how this could just maybe possibly be the real answer to alcoholism, because Vermont is debating a Bill to allow Ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction.

                            He has also finally come out of the closet and disclosed that, as I have said here, he sees medical treatment of alcoholism to be about finding a drug which makes you "feel good" and not want to drink....screw the science behind it. lol



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              Careful you don't 'harm' him by saying stuff like that.

                              Damn - there I go again.


                                You do realize we're just egging on this whole thing, right? I mean, don't get me wrong, I got a chuckle. But probably better if we just talk about something else altogether.

                                It's a gorgeous day here. Did I mention that? Still haven't gone outside, but at least the windows are open. I'm about to have a huge lunch so then I can take some naltrexone with getting sick from it...Unless I decide not to drink today.

                                Dunno, yet.

                                Anyone else out there struggling with the decision?

