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Progress thread for ne

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    You are of course right Ne. I for one will desist in goading the poor fellow on. After all he clearly has enough problems as it is.


      Amen to that.


        Im down wit the sickness too. Im sorry just too hard not to say something...... enjoy your lunch NE. Thinking about a drink myself
        The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
        Friedrich Nietzsch

        Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
        Benjamin Franklin


          screw it i having a drink any one want to join me
          The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
          Friedrich Nietzsch

          Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
          Benjamin Franklin


            I just noticed that I have a tag on my thread. BAHAHAHAHA. wth, people?

            Nope, not me, not yet anyway, T2Q. Hang in there, though.


              It's fairly pretty here, too, Ne. Can't say I'm struggling much with the drinking decision today. There's beer and a little whiskey here, and of course it's always nice to kill an afternoon in the bar. Especially on days like today, when there really isn't a lot going on and I don't have much motivation for anything.

              But I told the girl I'd keep it together through the week, so she can sleep well each night while she's so busy at work. That's a big help, I have to admit.

              Anyway, either decision you make, I hope you get out for a nice walk!


                no big deal Ne said i would wait 30 days been more than that so gonna get the weekend started early......
                The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
                Friedrich Nietzsch

                Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
                Benjamin Franklin



                  Originally posted by StuckinLA View Post
                  It's fairly pretty here, too, Ne. Can't say I'm struggling much with the drinking decision today. There's beer and a little whiskey here, and of course it's always nice to kill an afternoon in the bar. Especially on days like today, when there really isn't a lot going on and I don't have much motivation for anything.

                  But I told the girl I'd keep it together through the week, so she can sleep well each night while she's so busy at work. That's a big help, I have to admit.

                  Anyway, either decision you make, I hope you get out for a nice walk!
                  Thanks, Stuck. Took a 1/4 pill (12.5mg) of Nal, waited an hour and have had a beer (or two). Very thankful that the nal hasn't made me nauseous.

                  Probably not going to go for a walk but I think I will cut down all of our grasses (the big kind that need cutting back--usually in the fall) and play with the pup in the backyard.

                  That's great that you have an incentive and that you feel strongly enough about it to have it motivate you.

                  Oh, and you know you have to be careful when you mention to me that you don't have a lot to do, my grammar-wizard-friend.

                  I just sent the link to the new forum to my parents (!!!!!!). Not that they'll appreciate it, because they have no idea what they're looking at, but I think it looks pretty cool and wanted them to see what I've been talking about for the last several months. Scariest part, I suppose, is that they'll find a bunch of errors that will make me look el stupido. But whatever. I'm super excited. (Check your PMs, btw, and if you don't get one from me, send me one!!!)

                  I just watched an EMT parody video on Facebook that made me think of you. And of the hotty-McHotterson that was in my EMT class last year. (Two years ago? Can't remember...) Very funny.

                  What'm I doing on FB on this gorgeous day when I've just finished all my computer homework for the new forum (!!! ) and have no reason to be sitting on the couch? I DON'T KNOW. I think I've forgotten how to turn this thing off unless Ed's home. I don't even like Facebook that much. So silly. Will turn this thing off now and not even check phone or tablet. I will! i swear!

                  Originally posted by time2quit View Post
                  no big deal Ne said i would wait 30 days been more than that so gonna get the weekend started early......
                  That's SO great that you made it past 30, T2Q! Man-o-man-o-man, I cannot effin' wait to get there. Dammit. <sigh> Hope you're enjoying whatever you're drinking and that you stay safe and don't go overboard. :hug:


                    Incentives are nice.

                    Well, and a good damned thing, too. She wanted to go out for dinner and just to chill somewhere for a bit after work. But then on her way out of the building, she got stuck in the elevator and was there probably nearly an hour.

                    She's fine, but to put things mildly it was very good that I was here finishing up dishes and straightening the kitchen and ordering takeout to be here when she got home. Instead of sitting here in front of the computer with a drink in my hand.

                    That's my story, anyway. Hope everyone had a good one. And sorry I missed the afternoon thread-party. An early start on the weekend sounds pretty good, too. And congrats on the AF time. Over 30 is awesome. Truly.


                      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                      Hey! Thanks for checking in.

                      I haven't been taking it very consistently, UKB. It has made me too sick. I got a pill cutter today, though, and will be able to cut my 50mg pills into quarters, so I'll start with 12.5 tomorrow and see if that eases the burden on my stomach.

                      It's also clear that I have to eat before I take it, instead of taking it with food, or eating soon after. I'm really bad about eating regularly during the day, so that's been a struggle. But whatever. I'll get better about it and try it again. I DO think it helps, on those days when I have done everything right and not gotten sick from it, I didn't drink much...

                      Hope you're well.
                      Use needs to be consistent - both to overcome the SEs, which don't take very long to do so, and for TSM to work. if you play around it won't get a chance - those receptors need to be blocked and extinguishing each time you drink. Have you read the book and seen the graph about the rats?Sure lots in the book isn't accurate, but the graph of readdiction was more than enough to make sure I was ALWAYS consistent.

                      It's one pill only on days you drink. If you can do baclofen, TSM is a walk in the park.

                      Glad to hear you were ok with 12.5mg, do that dose again then try 25mg.
                      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                      AF date 22/07/13


                        Originally posted by StuckinLA View Post
                        Incentives are nice.

                        Well, and a good damned thing, too. She wanted to go out for dinner and just to chill somewhere for a bit after work. But then on her way out of the building, she got stuck in the elevator and was there probably nearly an hour.

                        She's fine, but to put things mildly it was very good that I was here finishing up dishes and straightening the kitchen and ordering takeout to be here when she got home. Instead of sitting here in front of the computer with a drink in my hand.
                        Yikes! No kidding. Glad you were there for her. Unfortunately I had the opposite experience yesterday. Ed was supposed to be home from work at a reasonable hour for dinner, and instead got caught up until almost 8pm. I hadn't done a damn thing in the kitchen, which was a mess from the day before, and we were both starving...I was pretty saucy, too, I'm ashamed to say.

                        I pulled it off by stacking dirty dishes out of the way and making dinner working around them, but today is a "clean and organize" day for sure. After I finish posting here, and answering some emails, I'm closing the computer for the entire rest of the day. Unheard of!!


                          Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
                          Use needs to be consistent - both to overcome the SEs, which don't take very long to do so, and for TSM to work. if you play around it won't get a chance - those receptors need to be blocked and extinguishing each time you drink. Have you read the book and seen the graph about the rats?Sure lots in the book isn't accurate, but the graph of readdiction was more than enough to make sure I was ALWAYS consistent.

                          It's one pill only on days you drink. If you can do baclofen, TSM is a walk in the park.

                          Glad to hear you were ok with 12.5mg, do that dose again then try 25mg.
                          Got it. Thanks, so much for the info and support. I actually downloaded the PDF a couple of days ago so I could use it to put more info on the new forum. Lots of good stuff in that book...Even though, as you say, some of it is outdated.

                          Took 12.5mg yesterday and will stick with that for several days before moving up to 25mg. I'm not at all squeamish about side effects, God knows, after going through hell with baclofen (by doing everything wrong). But I got very tired of vomiting...ha. (And no, it's not actually funny. But just goes to show that I'll keep at it until I just can't stomach it anymore. Pun intended.)

                          Will keep up to date here and elsewhere so I can remain consistent and accountable.


                            Morning/Afternoon/Evening all!

                            So, Kronk, I'm gonna put it out there that you finished your amazing trek. Right? Dying to know all about it.

                            I've sent you an email...

                            That's all I've got for this rainy morning, since today is the first day of marathon studying for me. (double, triple, ugh.) But I WILL pass this exam (on the 25th) the very first time. I WILL, I WILL, I WILL.

                            And since I've forgotten everything I've ever learned about being a nurse, I've gotta hit the books hard.

                            Peace out!


                              Happy Easter, I don't do the church thing either but it's a good day b/c a neighbor surprised me with and Easter basket full of very thoughtful goodies.

                              Good luck with the studying Ne - you will know so much later!
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                                And since I've forgotten everything I've ever learned about being a nurse, I've gotta hit the books hard.
                                Good luck Ne! Study hard

                                It's beautiful here today. Warm and sunny. Happy Easter to those that celebrate.


