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Progress thread for ne

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    We found the two dogs, GS and Alsabrador, abandoned at a local beach. We saw them from when they were tiny pups. We think they were dumped there and were being fed by some workers at a hotel project and one day they managed to climb down onto a ledge and couldn't get back up so we took them home with us.

    The Lasation is more of a companion and enjoys sleeping on our bed while the GS sleeps at my feet or on the floor near our bed but is less keen on snuggling up. The Labsation is very clever, uses his paw do do things like open doors, even let other dogs in the house.

    They both have herniated belly buttons but the Lab's has healed now at 1 1/2 years. The GS bites people unfortunately so he needs some training and he is very energetic but the two are perfectly matched when they play fight.

    Our vet told us they probably had different fathers but I wonder whether they are both from a Lab and Alsation but they coats just came out different. I've seen that in Chihuahua's where you get a mixed long hair and smooth haired mix in one litter with the same father so I am inclined to think they have the same parents. They are now 50 kilos, the Lab is bigger...

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Once there is crossbreeding you can get a full range of pups representing both parents in looks and temperament. If you had a couple of hundred spare you can DNA test to find out for sure


        Originally posted by Spiritfree
        Stuck -this hurts. Perhaps I can send the $10 to u so that u can better waste your life away? Again, what is ur mailing address? Never mind, I just now found it -again.... My B.

        Stuck, not that it really matters now, but I truly do find it entertaining at how NE was downing you so badly (to me on the phone) a little over a year ago and now you two are back to being buds. How cool.
        Just saving the troll's drunk posts before he deletes them the next day.


          Originally posted by Otter View Post
          I have five lovely dogs. A greyhound, two Pomeranian/Spitz crosses a German Shepherd and German Shepherd/Labrador cross. And a cat. It's black.

          The cross Alabrador is interesting because he is from the same litter as the German Shepherd which is a gorgeous show standard dog. The GS is mad crazy but the Labrasation is cool as a cucumber. Apart from their temperaments and the Alsabrador having floppy ears and a black coat they are identical dogs and they fight like crazy and then kiss and make up.

          I think the Albrador is a great mix but I can't figure out what name to call the damn thing and no one believes it is the brother of the German Shepherd.
          A fabulous insight into the Animal Kingdom of Mr & Mrs Otter

          Kennel bills must be a bastard when you go on holiday tho....


          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


            Originally posted by kuya View Post
            Once there is crossbreeding
            Ah - Interesting.....

            Originally posted by kuya View Post
            If you had a couple of hundred spare you can DNA test to find out for sure
            You mean there might be more? NO -lease:


            I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
            Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


              I was planning on filling this home with dogs until we got a Siberian Husky puppy. She is our first purebred. We've always had rescues, and used to foster, and I'm very committed to the cause. But my beloved dog that died was a husky mix. She had a pink nose and blond hair. I found that I rejected every dog we looked at (for 6 months) until I found a white husky with a pink nose and then I was in LOVE. Until she started destroying things.
              We have never had a dog (and we have had many!) that was so consistently intent on getting into trouble. She is baaaaaad. Beautiful, though, and fools everyone because of it. Fortunately, she and my husband are madly in love with each other. I probably would have had her stuffed and mounted (she IS pretty to look at) were it not for him.

              She's almost two now and almost well behaved. IF we ever get another dog it'll be a 6-year-old mixed breed that appreciates couch-time.

              Dogs are a much better discussion than where I thought this was headed...


                Originally posted by Otter View Post
                German Shepherd/Labrador cross. ...

                The cross Alabrador ... the Labrasation ... Alsabrador ...

                I think the Albrador...


                  Originally posted by kuya View Post
                  The new forum looks amazing NE. Well done!
                  Thanks, so much, Kuya! It was a group effort, of course, and it was the work done behind the scenes that made it happen. Those anonymous chaps deserve public acknowledgement, but remain anonymous. Many, many thanks to them for making the forum what it is.

                  That and the fact that a bunch of people donated their hard-earned money to create it and make sure that it would stay up and running. It literally could not have started, much less come to fruition, if so many people hadn't been supportive of it to begin with.


                    Originally posted by Spiritfree
                    Tomorrow will begin a new day, hopefully for us all. Investigations will continue and another will begin. NE, please stop acting as if the tag to your thread is hurting you; you are simply using this as advertising for your new 'for profit' forum. You now have the 'safe' forum. I know exactly who the perp is and he is one of your friends (so called). It is a shame that I had to resort to the formal authorities to resolve this problem. NE, hope you are having an alcohol free night with Ed. Peace Out.

                    Edit: NE, I truly was hoping that your new forum would be more than just a 'Baclofen' promotion site. Unfortunately, as of now, that is not the case. You are even allowing Otter to post his Baclofen rhetoric. Change the direction of the site now in order to help it stay around and help others -otherwise ?......
                    Otherwise? What?

                    This is what I was talking about when I came back to this forum after an SF induced departure following his mind games with me.

                    I got a lot of opposition from people here who didn't believe me when I said he had an agenda. He does. It's plain for all to see now. He targets people who are promoting or encouraging the use of a generic. He may be doing it for his own entertainment and not for some drug company but...who knows, ultimately.

                    This is not a down and out drunk we are talking about. He posts from his office desk and runs a business removing asbestos and he has an accountancy qualification. He is an ideal candidate to disrupt a forum for a drug company involved in patenting and licensing a new product with which a cheap generic competes. It's sad but true and I know people who disrupt forums and I know people who post on forums to promote new businesses. In fact, it is an industry and you can hire people in India and pay them pennies to make up posts. My own site was hit by several hundred spammers from Hong Kong and I had to shut down the members' side altogether to prevent access because the posts were all about how to get forged passports and my site was at risk of being taken down. That's on a very simple level. When you are talking about alcohol and rehab, and patenting an alcohol cure, you are talking about a multi-billion dollar business where there is already an ongoing investigation into undermining of generic competitors by a multi-billion dollar multi-national by the FDA.

                    I can't prove anything so I am not saying there is any substance to any of this. It is just a possibility and it is very worrying when someone starts issuing "or else" type threats to others who just want peace and recovery.



                    Olivier Ameisen

                    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                      It really is moot, isn't it Otter?

                      The things he's written in the last couple of days have nothing to do with pushing an agenda other than discrediting me, with mean, petty and completely false statements. He's also targeted others, and it seems to me that the sole purpose is to undermine the new forum. Which, according to his post, he's already been banned from.

                      I won't respond to most of what he's written since it's just spiteful nonsense, but I will address the comment he made about the forum being "for profit" and the suggestion that anyone is making any money from it. That's absurd.

                      Those of us intimately involved in the development have spent our own time without compensation, and hundreds of our own dollars, in order to get it started. The expenses are clearly noted. The remaining money from what we raised is in a savings account specifically for, and the money to pay for the forum itself will come directly out of that account in direct payments month to month without any other expenses or influences.

                      Time to move on.



                        I agree about moving on and leaving the poison behind. However before I for one do I want to support Ne in this. I have played a small part in supporting the new forum. The process is completely transparent and open and it is clear nobody is out to make money out of it. SF needs to be careful if he wishes to avoid a lawsuit for slander.


                          Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                          It really is moot, isn't it Otter?

                          The things he's written in the last couple of days have nothing to do with pushing an agenda other than discrediting me, with mean, petty and completely false statements. He's also targeted others, and it seems to me that the sole purpose is to undermine the new forum. Which, according to his post, he's already been banned from.

                          I won't respond to most of what he's written since it's just spiteful nonsense, but I will address the comment he made about the forum being "for profit" and the suggestion that anyone is making any money from it. That's absurd.

                          Those of us intimately involved in the development have spent our own time without compensation, and hundreds of our own dollars, in order to get it started. The expenses are clearly noted. The remaining money from what we raised is in a savings account specifically for, and the money to pay for the forum itself will come directly out of that account in direct payments month to month without any other expenses or influences.

                          Time to move on.

                          Yes, I agree.

                          I suppose I feel vindicated. I was just settling into a new life with no job and an uncertain future. That future was made possible by Dr. Ameisen, baclofen, people on this forum and hundreds and hundreds of hours of hard work and pain beyond description to end this addiction's hold over my wife. This guy then sooks up to me and I bought it hook line and sinker. I watched him shmaltz his way into the good books of people I liked and respected while he turned on me and turned people on me.

                          Try moving half way around the world to a place you have no right to work in with an ill wife and a child still in school, with no road home if you need it. You will feel isolated and my only real connection with the past was this forum and that went as well. I felt awful but I figured it was just me because SF had beguiled so many people here with his folksy BS southern "charm" if you can call it that.

                          I don't know what to say about this forum anymore. Like Ameisen, I have let rip here and done things I regret, only because I let myself act in an undignified way because of SF. All I can say in my defense is that I intend not to engage in that kind of behaviour on the new forum and only come here to be positive about what Ameisen did for me and my family, and share some photos of some beautiful loving creatures.



                          Olivier Ameisen

                          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                            Otter, I completely understand, trying to understand SF is impossible because we don't have his mental issues. To me he is behind the curtain in Wizard of OZ. His veiled threats reveal his fears, his threats to "out" people reveal his malice, his posts reveal a drunken state and his posting on things are incorrect and yawnworthy, his whining when people retaliate and hiding behind somebody's skirts reveal cowardice. He posted on a thread to Terry he replied that he knew ????????would get a rise out of him, revealed his motive. He has no friends here and promotes negativity and offers the site nothing.

                            Ne has been especially targeted and has gone to great length to start a troll-free forum and it is great, we appreciate a safe and intelligent place to be.

                            See ya.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Originally posted by SKendall View Post
                              To me he is behind the curtain in Wizard of OZ.
                              Now, wait a minute, SK. That's the nickname I have for the technical wizard for the new forum. I call him the technical-wizard-behind-the-curtain or the genius-behind-the-curtain. Because what he does surely makes sense to some people on some level, but not to this woman with my amount of technical knowledge! He makes magic happen, but it isn't really magic...

                              Originally posted by SKendall View Post
                              Ne has been especially targeted and has gone to great length to start a troll-free forum and it is great, we appreciate a safe and intelligent place to be.
                              Thanks, again, SK. Can't wait to see you there.

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                                Originally posted by Spiritfree
                                Your filthy language, your personal threats to me and your revealing of my name, and other such foolishness will not be forgotten. You, did in fact, break your own promises to yourself and I have experienced harm as a result of your actions.

                                I've never revealed your name on this forum or to anyone who did not know it. I maintain anonymity at all costs. Including yours.

                                I certainly have never threatened you. That's laughable. In fact, it should make people laugh. Ha!

                                If you have a problem with swear words, that's your problem, not mine. I'm a grown woman. If someone says the word fuck I'm not going to freak out about it.

                                My promises to myself are mine to maintain. They have nothing to do with you or anyone else. They have no effect on you, since you have absolutely nothing to do with my life in any way.

                                Time for the rest of us to move on...

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