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Progress thread for ne

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    Thank you for sharing the Forum Rules of Engagement at for

    Originally posted by Spiritfree

    There are many paths to the end of addiction. This community thrives because of a lively exchange of differing experiences, perspectives and opinions. For this to continue to happen, tolerance for one another is imperative. To foster that atmosphere please keep in mind not just the letter of the guidelines, but the spirit in which they were written.

    There are really only two rules:
    Rule 1: We generally provide a lot of leeway in what content is acceptable, however… It is at the discretion of the moderators and administrators to determine where the line will be drawn.
    Rule 2: Only one username is permitted per member. If you have issues signing into your account, contact the administrator. Do not create another account. It will be deleted.
    Guidelines for content that will be removed:

    · Anything illegal, pornographic or violent
    · Content that threatens, embarrasses, harasses or bullies
    · Revealing another member’s identity and/or private information (either advertent or inadvertent)
    · Trolling (posting with the intent to disrupt the forum or intentionally and/or repeatedly disturbing or upsetting another member)

    · Spamming (if you have something legitimate to sell or wish to share information about a for-profit venture, send a message to an administrator)

    · Flooding (repeated posts intended to keep members from having reasonable discourse)

    Report posts that you believe warrant the attention of the moderators by using the “Report Post” button located at the top of every post. Someone will follow up within 24 hours.

    Levels of enforcement:

    Removal of content
    Asking you to knock it off (nicely)
    Asking you to knock it off (less nicely)
    Temporary suspension of account
    Permanent suspension of account
    Banning the username /IP address


      Originally posted by Spiritfree
      Hi Time2Quit:
      In an effort to help you, me and the forum, I thought that it might be beneficial to reveal your statistics as follows:

      Purported membership date: Feb 2016
      Total Posts in the prior 15 days (since 03/19/2016): 25
      Total Posts made to SF (15 days) (since 03/19/2016): 14
      (all posts to SF were abusive and/or with foul language)
      Percentage posts to SF vs other posts: 56%
      Other posts contributed by time2quit (44%): (topics: advice to others how to stop drinking/pharmacy/you are back drinking)

      Total posts to or about Time2Quit past 25 posts (03/21/2016): 1 (one): "Please stop responding to me or my posts" (stop harassing me).

      Posts to SpiritFree or about SF by Time2Quit since 03/19/2016):
      (04/03) sorry guys just couldn't help myself...... (response to Ottor making fun of me)
      (03/24) He really makes it hard for me to follow the golden rule. I hate him for that. there i go again......
      (03/24) the problem is spirit does no justice to anything.....
      (03/24) Omg fml! Ftw! (in response to something I wrote)
      (03/24) screw it i having a drink any one want to join me (this post was earlier in the day on 03/24)
      (03/24) shit i just saw a post FML!
      (03/24) Hey we've been spirit free for a few days. so there's that.
      (03/21) Wtf?
      (03/21) Do yo really think we are all idiots? seriously bro just stop....
      (03/21) Wtf?
      (03/21) Spirit you're a dick! (post was 'liked' by Pollywog?)
      (03/19) AHHHHHHH! For Fucks sake drop it already SF!

      T2Q -it is my opinion that you do indeed help fellow members to better understand how an active alcoholic behaves and responds when he/she is in the midst of their alcoholism (AUD). You provide a clear example of just how awful and harmful the effects of alcoholism can be to someone and how they harm others during their addiction crisis. I only wish you peace and freedom from alcohol as you continue your travels.
      FML! once again. gotta give you credit. you are persistent in your crusade to ruin this place. Fuck off Ass Hat! Nice knowing ya Ill be at the new forum.....
      The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
      Friedrich Nietzsch

      Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
      Benjamin Franklin


        Originally posted by Spiritfree
        Mentium -how did you know that I was banned from the site? LOL.
        Where did I say that exactly? You certainly deserve to be. Your behaviour here has caused great 'harm'. Personally I would give you enough rope to hang yourself there, which would take about five minutes, but it isn't up to me.


          Originally posted by Spiritfree
          (1) You had to move half way around the world... why?
          (2) You blame someone else for the way that "you feel"? Why? How can anyone MAKE you feel anything?
          (3) You do not intend to behave in the same manner that you have on this forum?
          (4) You have said "undignified" things on this forum because of SF? What about the things you said before SF?
          (4) You feel a passion to and a desperate need to share Ameisen's word?
          (5) You want to share photos of your animals on this forum in order to......?

          Thank you.
          Yes, SF, I had to move half way (well, not quite) to get here, because if I didn't move, and had stayed where I was, then I would still be where I was.

          I think it is very important that you raise the point, and I hope I can answer appropriately and fully, that the reason I want to post about my animals is because they are really cute.

          The Alsation has lovely big brown eyes and a lovely coat. I say to my wife that I want a fur coat like his and if I am around when he dies, then I would consider having him made into a coat or maybe a pair of fur boots, although it's probably too warm here for that. His brother is also lovely. He paws me and then jumps up and stands in front of me with his big black nose under my chin.

          The greyhound is also lovely. He is sleek and grey and runs like the wind. I marvel at his speed and his form when he runs. He ripples with well defined muscles, reminding me of a top flight athlete, every sinew stretching to its full extent, bounding across the dewey morning grass like a wild, free force of nature. I tingle with excitement.

          The other two little dogs are also lovely. They have boundless personality, big eyes and fluffy white coats. They are like fur muffs. I could see myself making hats out of them which I could wear with my Alsation boots.

          So, I hope that answers your question.

          Olivier Ameisen

          In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


            I thought this forum was about medication research. I love showing people pictures of my dachshund but didn't think this was an appropriate venue to do so.
            First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


              Originally posted by aihfl View Post
              I thought this forum was about medication research. I love showing people pictures of my dachshund but didn't think this was an appropriate venue to do so.
              Well, that's where you're wrong. Live and learn, live and learn...



              Olivier Ameisen

              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                Originally posted by Otter View Post
                Well, that's where you're wrong. Live and learn, live and learn...
                Well alrighty then…

                First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                  Ask me about my boxer!


                    This is just plain crazy:

                    Originally posted by Spiritfree
                    You blame someone else for the way that "you feel"?

                    Why? How can anyone MAKE you feel anything?
                    Originally posted by Spiritfree
                    You, did in fact, break your own promises to yourself and I have experienced harm as a result of your actions.
                    Either it does or it does not - Cannot have it both ways old chum - Munchies stretching its proxies to Ne now - Not sure she will like to be in the same basket as your dog though

                    Originally posted by Spiritfree
                    Mentium -how did you know that I was banned from the site? LOL.
                    Originally posted by Mentium View Post
                    Where did I say that exactly?
                    Indeed - I could not see you print this Menty - I will have to add Paranoia to poor Spirits lengthy list of disorders


                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Originally posted by Spiritfree
                      Now we know... the rest of the story
                      Now you have really lost me

                      Originally posted by Spiritfree
                      Carry on BacMan.
                      Nah - Carry on Camping was my favorite one - the bit when Babbs' bra came off still makes me chuckle......

                      Ho Ho, Ho


                      I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                      Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                        Well he is one handsome dog and I am indebted to NE for bringing this fine dog to my attention in her post of a couple of weeks ago. It is a fine fine dog yessir!


                          Know what SF, you are now cyberstalking and it's all saved and printed. You cyberstalk on Ne's thread and have now admitted to trying to get into her website which was created by Ne and you were told that you aren't welcome there.

                          Enlightened by MWO


                            He looks like a lovely doggie. You are lucky to have him!



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              You know what's weird?
                              I've been receiving emails that say that the message I sent to "" (which is MWO) can not be delivered. The email I sent was asking about my password and was first sent in Feb 2014. At first I thought someone was trying to hack my account here until I noticed the date of the email I sent.
                              Weird, right?

                              All well in Ne-land, I suppose. Desperately need to start studying. I suppose I'm procrastinating by stopping by here after spending most of the morning on the new site. But I wanted to say hi and check in over here. I don't think I'll ever be totally removed from MWO. It's too ingrained in my world to give up!

                              I have no new puppy updates, I'm happy to say. She has not eaten/chewed/destroyed in some way anything recently. I should knock on wood. She even let me sleep in this morning...

                              Hope all is well out there in MWO land!


                                Ne, that is suspicious for sure. All will be revealed soon I hope. Are you able to get the ISP number and location. Techie has amazing tech abilities, thus the name.

                                Glad you're up and contributing today.
                                Enlightened by MWO

