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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I'm crying. Which is going to be hard to explain if someone catches me at it.

    It's too soon to call it anything of course. But I love you guys.
    Not going anywhere, gratitude. Thanks so much for those thoughts. I think about you a lot.
    b- yay to the 240! That was a happy one for me. 250 sucked though. just sayin'. And hell yes, I did. Only one who's worked harder is you. We didn't have to make it so hard, though. did we? (doesn't matter. eyes firmly on the goal.)
    bleep- nice thoughts, thank you. You were the one who made me feel better about feeling bad about not being able to get drunk. thx. like you loads. (would say I love you, but i'm scared of your wife. Plus, I luuuuv her. She puts up with you.)
    serenity-HAVE A GREAT TIME TODAY! I can't wait until you feel this good. SEs suck when I drank. They noticeably do not suck at all now, even at 320mg! Let's meet in Chicago at some point and toast to Dr. L, preferably with him there, with a glass of ginger-lemon-water. (or something cool, hip and healthy...I'll leave that to you. lol) (everyone else, too. beverage of your choice. We won't care. taw's there already, and murphy and grommet are in the midwest, too?)
    Thanks tigger.
    Pretty damn sure I'm not going to drink tonight. And very sure I don't care.



      Progress thread for ne

      CONGRATS NE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you! You deserve it!!!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Progress thread for ne

        I'm really pleased too.

        Does this get flagged?could it be a lie?

        I hope not.


          Progress thread for ne

          neva eva;1051368 wrote: Pffft. To Dr. L about the 275, I?m at 320 now. However, it?s working!!!
          That's my girl.

          Don't tell him I said that k? :blush:

          Oh and...

          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
          A Forum
          Trolls need not apply


            Progress thread for ne

            Oh come on Blondie give it a rest. If you feel the need to snipe do you really think this is the thread to do it?

            WTG Neva, you're doing brilliantly!

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              Progress thread for ne

              I am truly showing how pleased I am for Neva Eva, genuinely. I'm just aware that I keep getting accused of lying so am posting very carefully, I wasn't aware I was lying in the past so am having to post the disclaimer in case I am.


                Progress thread for ne

                Neva. 100 points.

                Don't know what else to say, really. "eye on the goal" paid off, in spades. Now the goal is behind you.

                Well done!


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Yipes! Aren't we getting a little ahead of myself?

                  Not that I'm not doing a little dance, mind you.

                  Bleep, let's call it 90 points. And I always go for the extra credit. What's that in this case, I wonder?

                  lo0p, I won't tell him if you don't. and yep. ('bout time, I know.)

                  I really, really should be doing other things, and can't resist checking in here every down second I have.
                  Did anyone see the post I made for Seeking_serenity? I think she gets home from her first day at her new job in 5 hours from now. Share a little love over there will you?


                    Progress thread for ne

                    I know it's great about both of you and I have seen her post too.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      neva eva;1051368 wrote:

                      Sunday went like this: took the dog for a walk. went on a run. took a nap. cleaned the kitchen spotless. cleaned out the herb garden. threw away all the things cluttering my space. put away the last of the xmas stuff. emptied and cleaned the pantry. finished the laundry. baked a chicken. made a grain salad for the week. emailed lots of friends who are missing me. had lots of fun with husband. danced and cooked and made love (a lot.) read a blog, and started a brawl on mwo! Who does all that?
                      I had a very similar weekend, of getting a TON of stuff done. I just didn't quit, and felt very nice at the end of the day, without feeling like I deserved a drink for getting so much accomplished. It's good stuff.

                      neva eva;1051368 wrote:

                      I sorely miss getting drunk. Around about the time I poured the glass of wine I almost started crying because I knew that I couldn?t/wouldn?t get drunk. I miss the lazy Sunday afternoons from 2 weeks ago when I poured my first glass at noon, plugged into computer and MWO, followed it up with a couple of bottles of wine, and ?vanished? from myself for the day. The sense of loss made me indescribably sad. Ah well, the price one must pay to get cured, right? Lololol! And YAY! And woooohooo. Bring it on! That?s the sense of loss a woman could get used to!
                      What's funny about this is it was this same feeling that led me to baclofen. I had developed such a tolerance for booze, that I started totally skipping the nice buzzed relaxed feeling that was the whole REASON I drank in the first place. So I would drink more to try and chase that feeling, but instead of catching it, the only thing I would catch was a hangover! That was when I decided I really needed to put an end to it and started logging into MWO again and found out about the new kid on the block - bad ass bac! :H

                      So I do completely understand what you mean. But you're in a really good place right now. By the way, after everything you got accomplished on Sunday, can you see how getting sober on bac doesn't necessarily leave a hole? I was thinking about that on the drive to work this morning - I am so motivated to get everything done now, that even with the time I have back from not drinking and not feeling like shit from drinking, I still don't have enough time to get it all done!
                      I'll elaborate a bit more in my own thread at some later point today. One area in which I'm not getting a lot accomplished is work! My brain's all over the place and I have so many other things I'd rather focus on and research!

                      By the way, the divided doses in baggies with the time written on them is BRILLIANT!! And yay to hubby for helping you with that. :goodjob:
                      Better Living Through Chemistry

                      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Baggies is a term used for heroine addicts I think, but now it's a term for recovering alcoholics.

                        I mean that in the best taste, and humour possible!:goodjob: Wish I could do that but I'm not that organised yet.


                          Progress thread for ne


                          Hey NE, remember it was just two months ago, or was it three, when we were scribbling back and forth to each other about how depressed and hopeless we felt, how enslaved to the bottle? And you said, I'm going to try bac! And I was too new (was here a couple years ago then forgot my user name and pword) this time on MWO to know what the heck you were talking about.

                          I won't hijack your fabulous thread, but I have news and am inspired by you (and all the other wonderful supportive people here) to start my own progress thread. Like you, I've had such horrible SE's that I almost quit a couple of times. I hope I can be a benefit to lurkers as I go through the healing process you're in the midst of.

                          I'm so happy for you, and Eric, I am excited you seem to be having love not war these days, which is so different from Nov/Dec. Yay for you!!!!!



                            Progress thread for ne

                            neva eva;1051613 wrote: Yipes! Aren't we getting a little ahead of myself?

                            Not that I'm not doing a little dance, mind you.
                            good point. You did say it is working, but not that you had reached your switch, right?

                            But it sounds very close. According to the doctors, it will totally switch off. Has that happened?

                            Dr. L calls it the 'golden moment' -- or to me, he said the 'golden level' -- either way, it sounds like it is pretty definite:

                            ?Like you never had any alcohol in your life. Just like magic. It stops. It turns itself off. And it will stay there for the rest of your life.?

                            btw, I'm drinking far less now, thanks no doubt to the bac + an extreme desire to stop drinking altogether (easily confused with willpower by many people, but very different to me). But no 'golden moment' yet. It will happen, I'm sure.

                            And for me, SEs are far less right now,despite bumping up.

                            (oops, didn't mean to make this post about me.)
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Isolde;1051619 wrote:
                              the new kid on the block - bad ass bac! :H
                              One area in which I'm not getting a lot accomplished is work! My brain's all over the place and I have so many other things I'd rather focus on and research!
                              By the way, the divided doses in baggies with the time written on them is BRILLIANT!! And yay to hubby for helping you with that. :goodjob:
                              :H love that! going to put it in my signature, I think.
                              I know. NE GET BAC TO WORK. but this is so much more fun!
                              Yes, the baggies, and every 3 hours, are brilliant. and husband was a HUGE help.
                              Bruunhilde;1051624 wrote:
                              Hey NE, remember it was just two months ago, or was it three, when we were scribbling back and forth to each other about how depressed and hopeless we felt, how enslaved to the bottle? And you said, I'm going to try bac! And I was too new (was here a couple years ago then forgot my user name and pword) this time on MWO to know what the heck you were talking about.

                              I won't hijack your fabulous thread, but I have news and am inspired by you (and all the other wonderful supportive people here) to start my own progress thread. Like you, I've had such horrible SE's that I almost quit a couple of times. I hope I can be a benefit to lurkers as I go through the healing process you're in the midst of.

                              I'm so happy for you, and Eric, I am excited you seem to be having love not war these days, which is so different from Nov/Dec. Yay for you!!!!!

                              Someday we should compile our FB exchanges, or reread them, anyway when we can LAUGH at how miserable we were! I'm so glad it sounds like things have changed? Can't WAIT to see your thread. Rock on sister!

                              beatle, YES, thanks for that. I am starting to think about drinking, just now. Need to get off of the damn pc!
                              I'm glad about the SEs. and that's how last Th and Fri were for me. It was pretty painful, but not excruciating to not drink.
                              Make it about you, please. Tired of Ne!
                              I am really and truly out at this point!
                              :ls and :h


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Wherever you happen to be, it's a good place to be by the sound of it. i don't want to pressure you in any way.

                                I was filled with doubt, especially given my post-switch behavior, but there was a part of my head that knew. There is that same part of your head that also knows. Have quick chat with it - if you are able to talk with it at all, then you will know. Let us know what it says.

                                I'm sticking with a 100 points for now, until you get back to us.

