I'm crying. Which is going to be hard to explain if someone catches me at it.
It's too soon to call it anything of course. But I love you guys.
Not going anywhere, gratitude. Thanks so much for those thoughts. I think about you a lot.
b- yay to the 240! That was a happy one for me. 250 sucked though. just sayin'. And hell yes, I did. Only one who's worked harder is you. We didn't have to make it so hard, though. did we? (doesn't matter. eyes firmly on the goal.)
bleep- nice thoughts, thank you. You were the one who made me feel better about feeling bad about not being able to get drunk. thx. like you loads. (would say I love you, but i'm scared of your wife. Plus, I luuuuv her. She puts up with you.)
serenity-HAVE A GREAT TIME TODAY! I can't wait until you feel this good. SEs suck when I drank. They noticeably do not suck at all now, even at 320mg! Let's meet in Chicago at some point and toast to Dr. L, preferably with him there, with a glass of ginger-lemon-water. (or something cool, hip and healthy...I'll leave that to you. lol) (everyone else, too. beverage of your choice.

Thanks tigger.
Pretty damn sure I'm not going to drink tonight. And very sure I don't care.