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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne



      Progress thread for ne



        Progress thread for ne

        Oh good.


          Progress thread for ne

          The rant is based on this: EDIT: deleted for bull shit factor

          At several points throughout this journey people, my closest friends sometimes, suggested that I was suffering from some sort of collective hysteria and 'finding' side effects. pfffft.
          Also, it was suggested that I should just. quit. drinking. Even though that is NOT what the people in question did. Even though I couldn't have just. quit. drinking. Until I did. (look at photoman's response on page 2 or 3 of this thread. He'd been on bac for 4 months when he 'decided' to stop drinking! But he suggested that I make a decision to quit drinking at that point in my journey. pfffft. what the fuck ever. Hindsight being 20/20 and also really blind I would not so humbly suggest that people refrain from offering advice that is exactly contrary to their own experience. I don't include you in this category, bleep. Just the opposite.)

          The SEs bleep reported happened to me over and over and over again. I had to work, had to be present, had to manage the SEs and manage several lives. It was excruciating. Made worse when people suggested there was something wrong with me, or that I lacked commitment, or wasn't strong enough.

          I internalized all of that. And I think we can all agree that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with me that would keep bac from working. Or that I lacked commitment. And if you doubt whether or not I was strong enough, ha! enough said about that. I'm plenty strong, mentally and physically.
          So are the other women around here who are struggling. This rant was for them, mostly. But also fair warning for those that have an internal dialogue that suggests something other than the fact that taking bac is tough. I'll have to amend and edit all of this, I suppose. Fortunately there aren't that many who are up yet!
          Going for a run. Will reflect and assimilate while I'm sweating!

          EDIT: I really should've gone for a run first.


            Progress thread for ne



              Progress thread for ne

              Thank you ukblonde


                Progress thread for ne


                I CANNOT believe that icon with the guy eating popcorn isn't available.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  beatle;1066820 wrote: a fuckining poet (uch: it's even harder to write when the f day is over) who sells Chryslers.

                  (Just saw the ad -- I don't live in the U.S., as you know).
                  Weighing in the important goings on here, I just saw this. Is it true? The man is ruined in my mind if he's done that. That will doubtless ruin his day.


                    Progress thread for ne



                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1067539 wrote: ukblonde has decided not to amend what I wrote that she quoted.
                      So let me say this loud and clear:


                      I wrote it, I ought to be able to take it back. Period.
                      I said I would not delete but might decide to change it later, later was about 60 seconds. Perhaps you need to stop jumping so much.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        to bleep, re. eminem:
                        I think it might be true.
                        A guy's got to support his habit, his baby-mommas and his entourage somehow doesn't he?

                        do you know chumbawumba? They sold an ad to GM (general motors) for a commercial. Then they gave the money, all of it, not just the proceeds, to a group that organized a boycott against GM. The group used the money to air commercials about how bad GM is.


                        My kind of people. The music rocks too. Especially the song, Mary, Mary.

                        Every line rings true for me. Going to put that on repeat and run now. really. I promise.


                          Progress thread for ne



                            Progress thread for ne

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1067546 wrote: I think it might be true.
                            A guy's got to support his habit, his baby-mommas and his entourage somehow doesn't he?

                            do you know chumbawumba? They sold an ad to GM (general motors) for a commercial. Then they gave the money, all of it, not just the proceeds, to a group that organized a boycott against GM. The group used the money to air commercials about how bad GM is.


                            My kind of people. The music rocks too. Especially the song, Mary, Mary.

                            Every line rings true for me. Going to put that on repeat and run now. really. I promise.
                            I'm quoting your whole reply so there's an external record of it. I thought I was losing my mind during that whole little episode. Lots of fun though, thanks.

                            Any artist who sells his soul out for an advert just hits rock bottom, if you ask me. That Chumbawumba story is very cool though, they get 10 points.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Plus the lead singer dumped a jug of water over the Deputy Prime Minister's head at a gig, so they're OK in my book.

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                Progress thread for ne


