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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Jesus, thanks Lo0p, the way I've always done it is really convoluted.


      Progress thread for ne

      Ne/Neva Eva;1085250 wrote: Ha. oh well.

      OH! I can relate. Add to that the fact that I'm suddenly living on a Greek-austerity- budget... I can't even BUY things. :upset: So I'm 'organizing'. Which is effin' insulting, though I suppose, sorely needed.

      But first I'm off to memorize the very first anatomy flash card, with only a couple thousand more to go. (Do people actually know that stuff? REALLY? My esteem for nurses and doctors is already growing.)
      My cousin and mom are nurses as I may have mentioned, if you need any input/help. I can always ask a question for you if you don't have someone else to ask. And bravo for doing the organizing, I did a tiny bit (forced by a deadline) of that and cleared a dusty patch on my workdesk. (How does dust get under a pile of papers?) I an embarrassing amount of organizing to do! But I'm focusing on AL and Diet right now and giving myself a break on the rest.

      You should remember to be kind to yourself as you rehearse these flash cards and remember, teaching someone else is an easy way to learn. Teach DH each word after you've gone through the cards a few times. Of course, he could test you too.

      How is he doing on the bac, he started, right?


        Progress thread for ne



          Progress thread for ne



            Progress thread for ne

            Excellent news Ne!

            I'm sure you'll have some company for your 3 in the morning shifts soon, as well, so there is that to look forward to as well. Couple of other side effects will be kicking in soon, I hope you have braced yourself!

            I'm certainly not tired of your thread, please keep the updates coming. Will Mr Ne be starting a thread anytime soon?


              Progress thread for ne



                Progress thread for ne

                Hmmm. Ask him what he wants to be called, that's the easiest way.

                What made him change his mind? Was it endless pleading on your part or cool, rational debate, or did he just watch you for a while? Quite an interesting turn of events.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  spam on my very own thread. fuckers.

                  That's a good question, bleep. After all was said and done, I came home one night and told him that I really wanted him to consider it. That I'd not bring it up again, but that I thought he owed to himself to give it a shot.

                  He replied that he had been planning to call Dr. L that night! He said that the night before I seemed so happy, so content and at peace and that he was jealous for the very first time.

                  The night before I had been reorganizing our pantry, and cleaning it. With my ipod on, singing along, nothing particularly profound or happy going on with me!

                  So there it is. He called Dr. L. Dr. L couldn't talk with him for TEN DAYS! Needless to say, we didn't wait.
                  He was already taking 60mg/day when Dr. L prescribed 15mg/day for the first week, dosing up by 15mg each week.
                  Needless to say, we're going to ignore that. (Who wants to cut up 20mg pills to get to 15mg each and every week?) So ENe (?) is going to dose up 20mg/day every 5 days or so. Poor doctors, we're very ornery, aren't we?
                  I nominate that as the word of the day.

                  I'm feeling particularly ornery today, this last day of work before 8 days of blissful vacation. What does one do when not drinking to drunkenness with all that free time? I'll let you know!


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ne, I'm so happy for you both! I love this thread. This is one of my favs. It sounds like he may have a fairly easy journey. I hope so.

                    You couldn't pay my husband to participate in an online community. He'll read them (loves Reddit) but won't post. Not his bag.

                    For vacation, you could come to my house and help me clean out my very scary basement!

                    Or, we could re-roof the garage!

                    I trust you will find fun ways to keep yourself occupied.

                    * * *




                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ah, it was re-organising the pantry that must have done it. He saw that, and realised what joy he was missing out on. Imagine how sorted that pantry will be when he too reaches indifference. You'll be fighting over whether to alphabetize by ingredient or manufacturer.

                      Nice story though, jokes aside. ENe sounds more like a molecule of cleaning fluid than a loving husband, I vote no. Maybe give him a random name like Carl or Bob or something. Let him know in case he reads the thread one day though!


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Maybe name him Oz?
                        * * *




                          Progress thread for ne

                          Mr E?
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Both of those sound like drug dealers.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Oz wasn't a drug dealer. He was a werewolf:

                              * * *




                                Progress thread for ne

                                That chap looks more like a weresheep. Ne, you're going to have to step in here with a name before this gets out of hand.

                                I'm off home, have a good evening ladies and gents...

