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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Karen, you know I've got a ton of stuff on my plate in the next 24 hours, but just had to step in and say...something! I don't even know what to say! I'm ecstatic for you!! I honestly didn't hold much more than hope for your situation, but I feel like I can breathe a little bit easier now, this is awesome!

    How about Mr. Right?
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Progress thread for ne

      bleep;1088570 wrote: Ah, it was re-organising the pantry that must have done it. He saw that, and realised what joy he was missing out on.

      Nice story though, jokes aside. ENe sounds more like a molecule of cleaning fluid than a loving husband, I vote no. Maybe give him a random name like Carl or Bob or something. Let him know in case he reads the thread one day though!
      Excellent observations! :H

      I think Lo0p has a good idea on the name, or you could call him Mister. Or DH (dear husband) or Mr. Fo'eva.

      Congrats K, excellent news, just think back a year and compare, that's AMAZING!!!! Poster couple for bac.


        Progress thread for ne

        I vote Mr. Fo'eva! :yougo:

        I'm really happy for you! The future sounds very bright in the Ne household.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Progress thread for ne

          Karen, I am so thrilled for you! :l
          Though I know you've spoken to him about bac in the past, it's great that he came to his own decision on it based on your good example!
          That he's doing so well on just 60mgs a day is such a good sign. Two bac'd out lovebirds under the same roof - look out! Lucky girl! :h
          (Sorry, couldn't help the Monty Python reference!)

          As for how to refer to him, you know, you HAVE used his real name here before - why not just stick with that?
          Better Living Through Chemistry

          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


            Progress thread for ne

            Well hey Is, we know she's a "goer", now right?


              Progress thread for ne



                Progress thread for ne

                Great news about your OH (NesE? what does that mean?). He clearly wants the bac to work, which means it almost certainly will. But it happens at different speeds for all of us and it must be incredibly difficult to watch a partner going through it without wanting to jolly them along and get them as quick as possible to join you.

                It really is fantastic news!

                RE the SEs: remember they're dose dependent, so at times there may be great uplifting ones for men and at other times rather...errr...less so. SAGKNOB, there I've said it, SAGKNOB. SAGKNOB may be waiting round the corner to jump out and scare him, well not "jump out" more sort of flop around in a sad way. :upset:

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Ne I find your observations of sobriety very interesting and I am thankful that you take the time to write about it. By the way before I forget I want to tell you that you are a very good writer, and I hope you are saving all of your writings, it would make a great e-book.

                  Anyway, isn't it odd that clarity can be boring? It's so weird.... to be bored when not high. It scares me and intrigues me at the same time. I'm not toally AL free, but I recognize I'm not really enjoying the couple beers I continue to have. I haven't been drunk in ages... so I'm not sure what the point is... sigh. I think I'm still dealing with my emotional attachment to AL.

                  Which brings me to my next thought. I'm starting to think that the reason I've avoided a sober life is because getting sober is only half the battle. With it comes a new found "responsibility" to get ones shit together. On top of all the other numerous negatives about AL it allows us to be lazy psychologically. It's an excuse for us to not live our dreams and find our true potential.

                  I think it's very cool that you are forging your way through the "boredom". Please continue to write about it. A nice house, an organized pantry, goals, real-life stuff.... for both you and your husband is very inspiring.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    It is so much effin' fun, Chi, that I can't believe it!

                    (I had to have a little pity-party for myself yesterday. Pajamas, soda water, a good novel--no self help crap in sight!)

                    But today? WOOOHOOOOO! I LOVE SOBRIETY!

                    (and this is me normal. Imagine what I was like bac-manic???)


                      Progress thread for ne



                        Progress thread for ne

                        Hey Nev,

                        A good Sunday to you too! I can relate to your experience. I'm the chairwoman of the bored. This is one reason I drank. Certainly not the sole reason, but a big reason a couple of beers or glasses of wine sound good evenings

                        Now I pop a 25mg baclofen and 1/2mg xanax and get a calm enough feeling that I don't need to worry much. Sometimes I skip the baclofen and feel no difference. I haven't yet been able to skip the xanax, but am reducing it. A week ago I was having 1mg xanax and sometimes up to 3 during panic. I had wine last Wednesday and it was a thoroughly disappointing experience. No joy, just regrets.

                        Wish I felt like cleaning out the pantry with my newfound time and energy, like you do. The one thing that stares me in the face and depresses me is all the chore shit I have waiting for me. How will I ever immerse myself in that amount of tedium? AGGG!! :upset:


                          Progress thread for ne

                          I agree. about the writing I mean. perhaps an e-book of your journey would be in order.
                          you have an entertaining writing style and seem to be balanced for an ex-alkie. we've been sorely lacking balance around here for some time now.I'm sure it would piss off a few people but what doesn't as of late? most importantly, I'm sure it would help some newbies that might be struggling.
                          be well. grat.
                          p.s. you could throw in a relationship chapter now, also.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Hi Ne! Good discussion here at Ne's house today.

                            I used to think I drank because I was bored. Now I know for sure that drinking turned me into a bored person. So many things about sobriety turn out to be the opposite of what I used to think!!

                            I had no idea what to do with myself at first. One thing was for sure though - having nothing in front of me but a list of chores wasn't going to work in the long haul!!! So in addition to writing down chore type stuff I wanted to do, I started writing down fun stuff I wanted to do too. Stuff I never got around to when drinking - visit the local museums and art galleries, volunteer work, stuff like that.

                            These days I'm almost too busy and loving it. It takes time to get the post-AL life all sorted out. Climbing out of hell beats the snot out of the road in though.

                            Hope you all are finishing up a grand weekend!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Just having to clean a pantry would likely drive me to drink!

                              I agree with others here - write a book. There are a couple of posters with a very pleasant posting style that would do well in book form, you are clearly one of them. You already have written the book, you just need to turn all these posts into it, somehow...


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Doggygirl;1090791 wrote: Hi Ne! Good discussion here at Ne's house today.

                                I used to think I drank because I was bored. Now I know for sure that drinking turned me into a bored person. So many things about sobriety turn out to be the opposite of what I used to think!!

                                I had no idea what to do with myself at first. One thing was for sure though - having nothing in front of me but a list of chores wasn't going to work in the long haul!!! So in addition to writing down chore type stuff I wanted to do, I started writing down fun stuff I wanted to do too. Stuff I never got around to when drinking - visit the local museums and art galleries, volunteer work, stuff like that.

                                These days I'm almost too busy and loving it. It takes time to get the post-AL life all sorted out. Climbing out of hell beats the snot out of the road in though.

                                Hope you all are finishing up a grand weekend!

                                Thank you DG.... what you are saying makes sense to me. It is exactly the kind of thing I need to reflect on, so again... thanks.

