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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Ah yes, one of the beauties (literally) of not drinking is that we feel and LOOK so much better. Funny what washing your face and brushing your teeth every night can do... LOL!

    Seriously the puffy look is gone, skin looks better, eyes look better..... I'll take it

    Have a great day Ne.

    ps- two comments on the sweats... it doesn't clear the body of toxins, only the kidneys/liver can do that... and early 40's is definitely not too early for peri-meno. Blood tests are of little help during that time because the hormones are constantly fluctuating. IF that is the cause, the good news is it mostly passes after peri.


      Progress thread for ne



        Progress thread for ne

        lol... if hormonal the sweats will likely come and go for awhile. Something that helped me... I bought a box fan for like $25 and put it on low next to my bed. It really helped with the sweats, and I think it helped dry me off too. Also I usually sleep sans clothes, but during sweat times I took to wearing some kind of cotton shirt. My husbands plain white t-shirts were good for this... and I would just take it off and toss it aside if I got soaked and sometimes put on another one.

        It's still bizarre to me that I could sweat to the point of being soaked.... eewwwww. But it happens to all women. Tough being a woman, ya know?!


          Progress thread for ne

          Hi Ne! I love your ENERGY!!!!

          Night sweats. Hormones I would guess. Uggghhh. Yes to the fan. That is all.

          OMG the dentist. I did not bother with dentistry AT ALL for over 20 years. Not a teeth cleaning - nothing. I was too busy drinking in all my off work time to be bothered with THAT. How embarrassing and how stupid!! I finally went last year to a teeth cleaning appointment. The hygenist (sp) said I had the second worst dirty teeth she had ever seen. (I shudder to think who got the #1 prize, and have wondered if it was another alkie like me who couldn't be bothered with that crap!!) Anyway....about 6 appointments later....

          Aren't you glad I shared that gross out story in your salon???? :H

          You sound like you are approaching all that is going on in your life in a very level headed manner. You GO girl!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Progress thread for ne

            Ne/Neva Eva;1092535 wrote:

            I'm having night sweats. As in my sheets and pillow are soaking wet. The bed is big, but not so big that I could find a dry spot after moving a couple of times! It's happened before, for sure, but not this consistently. All things remain the same, bac level, diet, etc... Except that I had a mirena IUD, ahem, installed last week. (is it possibly hormonal? dunno.)
            I've had crazy night sweat before, during, and after baclofen. I believe I experienced some bed soakers for a week within a few weeks after reaching my switch. All gone now, although from time to time I do get a flush of side effects that I attribute to something I ate (redbull/energy drinks), or medication (like ibuprofen), or exertion, or a cold or something. A prn dose will also screw me up temporarily. I forgot to take 60mg of my 240 the day before yesterday, I was a little less sleepy last night, but otherwise am fine today. I've mentioned before that my side effects took quite a while to normalize post switch (weeks and weeks). At 240mg/day I am 99% completely normal (for me). Hope that helps. -tk
            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              Progress thread for ne

              Ne: night sweats - (caution: TMI)

              I had a hysterectomy at age 42-43. They tidied up my ovaries and put back 1.5 of them so as to hopefully keep me out of surgical menopause. I thought it hadn't worked, because soon after I got the kind of night sweats you are talking about. Puddles on the bed kind. It must have been coincidental, because they stopped after a while and popped back up periodically at a lower decibel throughout the years. I'm 50 now, and the last time I started mid-level night sweats, I entirely coincidentally went out and bought really really nice sheets. The ones I had before were *okay*, but maybe had some polyester in them...??? Anyway, these ones are all lovely, slightly rough cotton with a beautiful sheen on them. And night sweats are gone. I still get the hot flashes, but no sweating. Perhaps it's because I love them so much I don't want to sweat on them, perhaps it's the natural fibres, perhaps it's another coincidence. I'd recommend waiting till good sheet are 50% off and trying it out.

              ...they really are beautiful...


                Progress thread for ne

                I get night sweats sometimes.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Lo0p;1093501 wrote: I get night sweats sometimes.

                  Actually, this could be hormonal in men too. Remembering back to night sweats (which for me preceded daytime ot flashes), I'll take the flashes thank you very much.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Agreed, night sweats aren't nice. The only time I have had them has been during periods of heavy boozing, or heavy stopping. Baclofen hasn't caused any, so far.

                    I couldn't imagine anything worse than a fan with proper night sweats - you'll freeze to death. As it is, that's what wakes me up if I have a sweating episode - the cold. Haven't had one for some time now, so something is working.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      OMG!!! I'm having night sweats too. Only since starting baclofen. I doubt it has anything to do with hormones, cause I'm shouldn't be in perimenopause yet. The night sweats are horrible, everything is soaked.
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Progress thread for ne

                        bleep;1093547 wrote: Agreed, night sweats aren't nice. The only time I have had them has been during periods of heavy boozing, or heavy stopping. Baclofen hasn't caused any, so far.
                        Ahhh, I completely forgot about the booze sweats. It's strange how I seem to be forgetting the old me, but I too used to get night sweats when I was a pisshead. Particularly on my head for some reason. I used to wake up with a soaking wet pillow. Totally gross.

                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          Progress thread for ne



                            Progress thread for ne

                            NE, what's the url of that baclofen forum. I've been visiting about half a dozen and I get confused.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Progress thread for ne



                                Progress thread for ne

                                Murph, while we are on URL's, do you have the new French one? I can't find the original post that gives it, and can't find my way back there. Sorry for slight derail NE.

