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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    ah haA! never thought this would be the place to find a dude!


      Progress thread for ne

      RudyB;1106321 wrote: ah haA! never thought this would be the place to find a dude!
      That makes two of us! :H
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        Progress thread for ne

        Morning Ne! Just popping in to say hi. Hope you are off to a good start on the day. (assuming you are early birding as usual)

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Progress thread for ne

          Good Morning Friends,

          I haven't been here in a while so I thought I would pop in! I'm trying to work and watch the Royal Wedding at the same time. I get a kick out of the women wearing those big hats. I have not seen anyone wearing a basket of fruits or vegetables on their heads yet, but I'll keep looking.:H

          A couples thread? Ok, then I vote that Neva be the official matchmaking coordinator.


            Progress thread for ne

            Morning, DG. Thanks for the sunshine to start the day.

            HIYA RUSTY! It's been fooorrever. Thanks for dropping in!

            Today is my last day of work at a job I've been at for 3 years. Both loved and hated it, but I am very excited about the change.

            I've gone up to 160mg/day, from 140mg. I'll stay at 160mg for a while. Not sure why exactly, just trying to suss out what works best for me. I've recently gone down to 100mg from what I thought was a maintenance dose of 240mg... I'm just going to keep exploring. No craving. No drinks last night, though I poured one. I found it VERY wanting. I'm on the search for something other than water and tea to drink... Seltzer, but hmmm. boring. Any suggestions?

            Ed (husband) update:
            He's been taking it three weeks, I think? He's at 160mg/day, gone up about 20mg every 3 or so days. Not much in the way of SEs. He says he's a little stoned sometimes. He had a day when he had headaches. I suggested he take it in smaller doses and more frequently. This seems to have done the trick.
            (I'm talking to a newbie not on MWO and she had headaches until she started taking it at 3-4 hours instead of 6-8 hours.)
            His sleep is still good, better than ever actually. No more teeth gnashing, tossing and turning etc...
            Here's the kicker:
            He's drinking about 1/2 of what he used to. Or less.
            Even more of a surprise is that he's not smoking pot anymore. Something he's done daily for years and years.
            Five days, no pot. No withdrawal. He just stopped cold turkey when he ran out.

            Two months ago I called a lawyer and got some advice about how to start the process for separation/divorce. At that point it didn't seem as though he was going to try to make any changes, or find any solutions, to the problems that we faced. In terms of his addictions and in terms of our marriage.
            It was heart-rending, but I was at a loss. I was free from the beast, and still living with the damned evil thing every day.
            (sorry, babe, if you read this.)

            It is very, very different in the Ne household today.

            Anyone that wonders why I'm a cheerleader simply doesn't get it.
            No icons. No words. There is nothing that can describe the change in my life, our lives. It's still fraught and still annoying and whatever. It's simply amazing and awesome, though, what bac has allowed us to achieve. In such a short amount of time.

            I was going to pop in Handel's Messiah here but the song I'll be listening to on my run this morning is this:

  [/video]]YouTube - Beethoven Symphony No.9

            Handel's Messiah
            works, too, though.

            Representing! :H
            :l and :h and, with a nod to Isolde, wooooofeckinhooooooooooo!
            Egad. He just got up and asked me to show him how to find his way around here.
            Sorry again, babe. don't read my thread. :blush:


              Progress thread for ne

              oops. love No. 9, but I meant to put in no.5. It's got more drama!

    [/video]]YouTube - Beethoven's 5th Symphony


                Progress thread for ne

                Ne/Neva Eva;1106619 wrote:
                Anyone that wonders why I'm a cheerleader simply doesn't get it.
                No icons. No words. There is nothing that can describe the change in my life, our lives. It's still fraught and still annoying and whatever. It's simply amazing and awesome, though, what bac has allowed us to achieve. In such a short amount of time.
                Wooooofeckinhooooooooooo, indeed!!! Couldn't be happier for you! :l The above gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies. :h

                Hope you had a great run!

                My new thing is sprints on the treadmill and then laps in the pool. A-MAZ-ing.

                Happy Friday, and hope your last day at your job is a good one, glad that you are excited about the change. I'm going to be doing some transitioning at my job soon as well, moving into a different position. Not sure if I made the right decision yet, but considering how long I've been feeling unhappy/stuck, I guess any change will be positive! Heck, I've been going through so many big changes in my life this past year, and they've all turned out to be very positive, so what's one more? I got this.
                Better Living Through Chemistry

                Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Ne, your posts are an important part of this forum, keep it up. There should actually be a separate forum for you, not just a thread.

                  It's really good to hear Ed's titration is going so well. Clearly he is predisposed to baclofen, but I'm sure a lot of it has to do with having someone who knows what's going on right next to him. There's an important lesson there, and one of the reasons that this forum is so valuable.

                  I'm a cheerleader too, but I look silly with pompoms, which may explain my shitty results. I think anyone who has reached indifference has to be. The simple and fundamental shift in your life when you get there is so profound, it can't be brushed aside.

                  Unless you are a very different person in real life to what you are here, I wouldn't be afraid of Ed reading your thread. It's all good.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ne, Thanks for your post, it was inspiriring as usual.



                      Progress thread for ne

                      All due respect, I take exception to this:

                      Zenstyle;1106692 wrote: The meds forum is a shambles! Its all about arguments/debates and the support has gone out the window.

                      I take great exception and am completely indignant about this:

                      fluff;1106738 wrote:

                      Seriously good people of England. They're called dentists. And the ladies at the AME church down the street? THEY do hats. (and suits and bags and stockings and EVERYTHING just right.) just sayin


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Morning, folks. Welcome to the first day of the rest of my life!

                        I'm officially unemployed. (sort of) Free to use my time, sober time, to get on with the business of doing the things that I would've, could've done if I hadn't been so damn sick for so damn long. I'm very excited about it, as you might imagine.

                        (I am still so amazed by all the seeming professional success around here. How the hell do you go to grad school if you're a drunk like me? Hold a job where you can't take a midday nap??? Well...I'm soon to find out what it's like to do those things. Finally.)

                        Ed (my husband) is such an inspiration for me atm. He's decided to stay at 160mg/day, or even go down a bit, so that he's comfortable dealing with the huge transitions he's facing at work. With a nod to Chi and her experience related to drinking cessation for over a year, I think that's a great idea. Especially since he's not using anything else to cope! (Which is so unbelievably remarkable that I am having a hard time believing it. I was even tempted to hide the xanax I've got that I'm not using! As if that would make a difference, right?) I wish I could describe the difference in him.

                        What really fascinates me about his journey/progress is that it's definitely the bac. It all started before any cessation in drinking. He's still drinking alcoholically (6 or so beers a night) but he doesn't seem to be really suffering from it... As I said, it's inspiring.

                        bleep;1106775 wrote: There should actually be a separate forum for you, not just a thread.

                        Yep. I long ago crossed the line between thread and blog. I'm going to have to rectify that. As well as finding a way/place to put the stuff I deleted. THAT stuff is what my real contribution is here, and I deleted it out of fear... I'm trying not to live in that (fearful) place anymore!

                        Zenstyle and others, I rescind my taking exception to the fact that the meds threads are a mess. It's a trainwreck down here. I rue my part in it. I'm trying to rectify that. At the same time, it feels like a matter of great importance to me to be able to talk/write openly about what it means to be sober on high-dose-bac without having to defend the fact that we are taking it. Or suggesting that it is a PROFOUND and UNIQUE solution for some people trying to find their way out.
                        It's exhausting fending off the cry of alarm from any and all walks, you know? It'll take me a long time to be zen enough not to get really angry when I read posts about the dangers (which are blown way out of proportion) and the fact that we are "harming innocent people" or some such bullshit. It's not just irritating. It's often so overwhelming that it threatens open discourse. Which is crazy on the order of the disease itself.

                        Suggestions/advice are welcome. When I empty my pm box, some of the regulars on the other threads can expect a message asking for help from me. In the meantime, my email is krileyd at gmail.

                        I'm off to start the rest of my life with a walk, breakfast, the gym, an AA meeting... Things normal alkies do when they're trying to stay sober. :H I think.

                        I hope it's a content-filled day, full of contentment for you all!
                        :H and :ls


                          Progress thread for ne

                          I don't see why you feel you need to change your thread/blog. It is what it is, and it's great. Just go with it.

                          As regards, the negativity, and the current strangeness - just ignore it, for the most part. Even if your rebuttal is correct and righteous, in most cases, it is best to just let the thread slide further into obscurity than to breathe new life into it, and give the original poster more ammunition to work with. Obviously some things need to be addressed, but try avoid getting sucked into debates.

                          You actually do this very well any way. We all need to start doing it, and I think quite soon we could return to normal.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            bleep;1107097 wrote: I don't see why you feel you need to change your thread/blog. It is what it is, and it's great. Just go with it.

                            As regards, the negativity, and the current strangeness - just ignore it, for the most part. Even if your rebuttal is correct and righteous, in most cases, it is best to just let the thread slide further into obscurity than to breathe new life into it, and give the original poster more ammunition to work with. Obviously some things need to be addressed, but try avoid getting sucked into debates.

                            You actually do this very well any way. We all need to start doing it, and I think quite soon we could return to normal.
                            Ditto all of that!!!!!

                            Hi Ne! I had to smile at your list of activities - just the mundane in the life of a person trying to stay sober. My list which is well underway for today? Breakfast, watch figure skating on-line, run errands, Could to 5K run, AA meeting, volunteer work tonight. (at the theatre - it's Organ Extravaganza Night which I'm told is really something!) All in a day that would never have happened 3 years ago.

                            Have a great day!!! And hi to all Ne friends popping in too.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Hey Ne, when you go to your AA meetings, do you stop them all at the door and tell them they are wasting their time going inside? In the meetings, if they get past you, do you say over and over again, that baclofen will cure them, as you do on this forum? Do you do this face to face with these people? In fact, do you tell them, as you tell new people on this forum, that baclofen will fix them, no doubt, jkttdm pills. If you are so damn sure why is it that you can sit in an AA room and not shout it from the rafters? I gather you have not done that yet?

                              I think I saw you write that it is not your job to do that in an AA meeting. But it seems to be your job here?? Is it that hard to do it face to face? You have obviously been one of the success stories of baclofen, then imho you should pass it on to these rooms, where honesty abides. imho, until you can do that, then going to AA meetings and not speaking your truth is something of a travesty, for you and them.



                                Progress thread for ne

                                missyabby1;1107233 wrote: Hey Ne, when you go to your AA meetings, do you stop them all at the door and tell them they are wasting their time going inside? In the meetings, if they get past you, do you say over and over again, that baclofen will cure them, as you do on this forum? Do you do this face to face with these people? In fact, do you tell them, as you tell new people on this forum, that baclofen will fix them, no doubt, jkttdm pills. If you are so damn sure why is it that you can sit in an AA room and not shout it from the rafters? I gather you have not done that yet?

                                I think I saw you write that it is not your job to do that in an AA meeting. But it seems to be your job here?? Is it that hard to do it face to face? You have obviously been one of the success stories of baclofen, then imho you should pass it on to these rooms, where honesty abides. imho, until you can do that, then going to AA meetings and not speaking your truth is something of a travesty, for you and them.

                                Do you really need to write stuff like this? All the negativity is getting old.

