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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hiya fellas.
    This might not be exactly the right time to tune in to this melodrama, but each to his/her own. I gotta say it's a lot easier to write on this thing when I'm pretty sure that noone is reading it, despite evidence to the contrary. (Specific questions are welcome of course, if they come up...)
    So welcome, thanks for the shout out. It means more than you know.
    Mario, I dogged your thoughts for a good long while. I can't tell you how insightful and thoughtful I find much of what you share despite the fact that our paths out are so different. Power on, my friend. And thank you.
    Guitarista, I havent' followed you around the boards the way I have Mario and some of the others in General, but I appreciate your input, too. And LOVE your signature.

    The 30 days? That's kind of funny actually. I don't know how to explain this to people who don't take bac or are on their way up the ladder... I went down far enough that booze started to sound good, I guess. A beer or a glass of wine was all I wanted, and I didn't and don't think it was a 'threat.' Rather it was a treat. But now that I'm back up to a proper level, I have no urge or interest again. It is amazing to me, truly, that I have not had a beer or a thought of one in the last couple of days. Circumstances would certainly dictate that I 'need' one.

    The circumstances are these:
    We had a meeting yesterday related to Ed's job. It was ridiculous. I'm so glad I had on my reasonableness because if I hadn't I would have been completely outraged. I'm even more grateful that I am not a shame-filled drunk, because then I might have been cowed by the arrogance and effrontery with which we were met.
    I have no idea how we're going to come out of this mess, no idea whether or not it will result in continued crisis and putting out fires. But actually, I do know. It won't. Even though it's 'unfair' and we have no real recourse to address the unfairness of it, it's soon to be over.

    Because Ed, and Ne, and We are all that matters and Ed is suffering mightily at the hand of those bastards. They had the nerve... oy. whatever.

    When in bed this morning, waiting for the clock to say 4am so I could get up (guard your sleep bac-ers!) I started to bemoan baclofen. Woe is me! Us! I can't believe what I invited into our lives! :H That's just flat out fucking funny. Faced with this kind of stress, given the way we used to find relief, Ed could very well be in jail. (again) The financial/professional repercussions would've been devastating beyond belief, the legal woes just beginning. And if it didn't result in jail it could have resulted in something much, much worse. I'm free of that. Ed is well on his way. This is far from rock bottom. This is called life, and we'll meet it on our terms. I am so unbelievably grateful that I can't begin to describe it in words. I'm also a little scared and overwhelmed. Apparently it's not an SE of bac to make everything A-OK. It just makes it easy to find A-OK if my eyes are on the goal. And they are. One of the looming goals is to own a new MacBookPro. With all of the accoutrements. I'm not kidding. I start school in 17 days and I want to start it with the tools that I've chosen. I'd ask you to cross your fingers and say a prayer, but I think I got this. It means, in the immediate future, that we can't face financial insolvency. I've got too much to do to deal with that!

    Ed is recuperating. There were signs of life yesterday (he laughed a couple of times, slept and ate.) We're going to level out the bac and find a comfortable place for him. Remove the anxiety and all will be well again.

    I have much more to be grateful for. Namely this forum, these threads and the people in them. I received incredible support and information yesterday. Thank you all. This place does indeed have a soul and a character and a future. I am so grateful to be here.

    On a tangent, I googled Pristiq (an AD) last night in an effort to further understand SEs of that drug because it's the one we'll be employing as subterfuge. I suggest you read them, if you're on the bac journey. They sound remarkably, EXACTLY like what we go through. It was a bit shocking, actually. One of the things worth noting is that some of the SEs are related to low sodium levels. I happen to know that I developed low sodium, because of my preponderance of blood tests in the last year! I didn't make the correlation to bac, but something Bruunhilde said on a holistic thread about the fact that she also had low sodium piqued my interest. So I added salt back into my diet.
    If Pristiq lowers sodium levels which leads to all kinds of SEs, and some really awful ones, the same ones we experience on high-dose-bac I wonder if there's a correlation. (hallucinations, delirium, irregular heart beat and many, many more...)
    Things to ponder. In the meantime Ed is going to be eating a lot more salt in the next few days.
    To take the tangent even further astray, I was heartbroken to read some posts on meds forums from people who take Pristiq. They are looking for a way out of their hell and are mostly met with silence.
    It reinforced the beauty of what we have all created here. A safe place, open to all and sundry who can google, to find support, camaraderie and non-medical advice. :H
    Cheers, mates!
    :ls and real :h


      Progress thread for ne

      lol. I just stopped by the underoos thread.

      Wow, Reg. I can't imagine what you see as comparable, but I'm flattered in all kinds of ways. The way that girl can make all of that out of one little piece of wood with strings. Holy cow. and without apparent effort! Who is she?

      Hope it's a good night.
      l, Ne


        Progress thread for ne

        Hey Ne. Just wanted to send some positive vibes your way, especially for Ed! (you can share :H)

        As you know I'm like Mario just trying to wrap my brain around the similarities and differences in our journies - with bac / without bac. You've got your hands full it sounds, with bigger more immediate issues. So this is just a "nitty" observation FWIW. (and it's probably not worth much LOL!)

        You mentioned that when you lowered your dose, you got to a point where AL sounded good as a "treat." I think that most / all of us thought of (or still think of) AL as a treat / reward as a way of justifying the start of the drinking. I know I sure did. (had other views of it too of course, to justify the start of the game!)

        You mentioned that when you increase your dose of bac you no longer think of AL as a treat.

        I too have had to cross that bridge to stop thinking of AL as a treat. (in addition to many other things) I guess it would seem odd to me to be dependent on a pill to make that happen. Will there ever come a time when you don't think of AL as a treat on your own? If so, will that come as a result of the bac somehow? Or other mental work?

        Once again - this is a more philisophical point I guess at a time when you have more immediate issues to deal with. I'm curious about your thoughts if you have time one day.

        I'm saying a prayer about your iPad.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Progress thread for ne

          I really don't know about that post DG........and trust me, I think we all admire and love you here (well I do, anyhow) you seem to have reached sobriety in your own way. And with a lot of hard work on your part. Can't speak for Ne, of course,

          Just had a knee jerk reaction about you mentioning pills etc etc. It really just sounded a bit evangelical, especially when Ne is just going through a really rough know, when churches establish themselves in the poorest areas to recruit followers.
          I went to AA for quite some time, loved the fellowship, was scared by the dogma, and worried for people who didn;t quite make the grade. There just didn't seem to be any inbetween somehow. Just more guilt and self flagellation. DG, I remember every face in those rooms, I even remember every single thought and feeling I had. I left feeling a total failure.

          Ne, I can't tell you how much I am feeling for you right now. You know I have been through similar dramas but honestly, Ed can manage his own life, and needs to. You, as you say, need to keep your own focus.


            Progress thread for ne

            Doggygirl;1111401 wrote: Hey Ne. Just wanted to send some positive vibes your way, especially for Ed! (you can share :H)

            As you know I'm like Mario just trying to wrap my brain around the similarities and differences in our journies - with bac / without bac. You've got your hands full it sounds, with bigger more immediate issues. So this is just a "nitty" observation FWIW. (and it's probably not worth much LOL!)

            You mentioned that when you lowered your dose, you got to a point where AL sounded good as a "treat." I think that most / all of us thought of (or still think of) AL as a treat / reward as a way of justifying the start of the drinking. I know I sure did. (had other views of it too of course, to justify the start of the game!)

            You mentioned that when you increase your dose of bac you no longer think of AL as a treat.

            I too have had to cross that bridge to stop thinking of AL as a treat. (in addition to many other things) I guess it would seem odd to me to be dependent on a pill to make that happen. Will there ever come a time when you don't think of AL as a treat on your own? If so, will that come as a result of the bac somehow? Or other mental work?

            Once again - this is a more philisophical point I guess at a time when you have more immediate issues to deal with. I'm curious about your thoughts if you have time one day.

            I'm saying a prayer about your iPad.

            Thanks, DG.
            Yes, I understand it's hard to understand. And yes, I'm time pressed, but what's new and so are you!
            I said that I didn't think about alcohol. Not that I didn't think of it as a treat. It's still a treat. It's yummy, sometimes. But I just forget to think about it. sort of. It's the hardest thing to explain. It just doesn't take up any space anymore.
            Yes. I'll just take a pill and correct the chemical imbalance in my brain. I think there is some debate, as we all have noticed, as to how much and for how long. I am clear that in my case I did not stay at my post-indifference-comfortable-place for long enough. Too many doubts running around in my brain. I lost the focus.
            I take medication to quell my alcoholism. With it, alcohol takes up no space in my mind. The rest of the stuff that takes up space (good and bad) is mine to deal with! Or not. I'd rather deal with it, but there are some pressing things going on in conjunction. Mindful breathing is centering. Nutrition, exercise and supplements are some of the other tools I'm re-employing to deal with the stress, atm. They worked before, to a certain extent. The rest'll still be there, as we all know!
            How's your dad and how are you and where's your thread?


              Progress thread for ne

              Thanks, Missy and Reg. I think we're all just trying to understand and get along. And I was a shit last week. For which I'm sorry, but I stand by the meaning, if not the delivery.
              Love us all.
              We keep me/Ne going.


                Progress thread for ne

                oh. And OH YEAH. I'm focused. booyah and rock on and all that.
                Focused. Watch out Otto (he's the bossman) you're on my list.

                I'm out for real for real.

                I'm channeling eminem and Not Afraid.
                But also Ennio Morricone, On Earth As it is in Heaven.

                But I woke up with this in my head:

                YouTube - SONNY & CHER - I Got You Babe (rare clip)
                Seriously. and I do.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  I forgot the most important thing.

                  It's not an iPad. It's a MacBookPro. with accessories. And my name on it.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    And so your name should be on it Ne. Go for it!

                    Missy xx


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ne, thank you for taking time to try to explain it.

                      missyabby1;1111421 wrote: I really don't know about that post DG........and trust me, I think we all admire and love you here (well I do, anyhow) you seem to have reached sobriety in your own way. And with a lot of hard work on your part. Can't speak for Ne, of course,

                      Just had a knee jerk reaction about you mentioning pills etc etc. It really just sounded a bit evangelical, especially when Ne is just going through a really rough know, when churches establish themselves in the poorest areas to recruit followers.
                      I went to AA for quite some time, loved the fellowship, was scared by the dogma, and worried for people who didn;t quite make the grade. There just didn't seem to be any inbetween somehow. Just more guilt and self flagellation. DG, I remember every face in those rooms, I even remember every single thought and feeling I had. I left feeling a total failure.

                      Ne, I can't tell you how much I am feeling for you right now. You know I have been through similar dramas but honestly, Ed can manage his own life, and needs to. You, as you say, need to keep your own focus.
                      I was asking a question about the *thinking* part of this. How bac affects brain v. how a change in thinking affects brain. I didn't mention AA and wasn't thinking of AA. I was truly just asking a question. Geez. Don't get your undies in a wad.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Ne, my Dad is still in ICU. He was hoping he would be moved to a regular room by now. Not sure what all that means as me nor my Mom were there the last time the main doctor turned up. I'm going to see him today. This is really hard to watch. Thank you so much for asking! I havent' updated my thread in several days now. Need to change some habits!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Karen, I'm sending out positive energy into the universe (and this morning I am absolutely OVERFLOWING with it) for your MacBookPro. It's yours already, you just haven't gotten it yet. And when you get it (for you will), you are REQUIRED to post pictures so that I can drool over it! I would LOOOOOVE to get one. I am in the market for a new laptop myself, currently using my work laptop as my home computer, which is a big no-no. But until the house I'm not living in but still paying a mortgage on is put on the market and sells, it'll have to wait! That will give me plenty of time to shop and compare and look for deals though, whee!!

                          By the way, also jealous about you going back to school! That is SO exciting! I actually miss school, back when I was studying things that I was actually interested in. It was only when I changed my major to Business Management (UGH, it even SOUNDS boring!!) that I started to dislike school. Prior to that, I LOVED studying. In fact, I always say that if I won the lottery, I would just become a professional student, taking classes in anything and everything that interests me, which is a lot of stuff!!

                          Yes, I'm fully convinced that what bac does cannot be understood by someone who hasn't experienced it. It's... just... well, it's amazing, really. Which is why we here in the meds forum tend to sing its praises and get defensive about it. It's not the only way for everyone, we all agree, but it was the way for me, and for a lot of others. Ed'll get there too Karen, and when that lightbulb goes off for him, you'll just be able to turn to him and say, "See?" Sounds like he's starting to understand part of it already though. Very cool that you guys can go through it together. I know a bit about that. :h
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Thanks Is for adding your explanation. That helps. I truly am just trying to understand. We are all bound here by a common problem and there is more than one way to solve it. The person I hope to become is one who passes NO judgement on method - only holds sincere hope that each alcoholic have a shot at recovery.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Doggygirl;1111493 wrote: Thanks Is for adding your explanation. That helps. I truly am just trying to understand. We are all bound here by a common problem and there is more than one way to solve it. The person I hope to become is one who passes NO judgement on method - only holds sincere hope that each alcoholic have a shot at recovery.

                              Me to

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Doggygirl;1111493 wrote: Thanks Is for adding your explanation. That helps. I truly am just trying to understand. We are all bound here by a common problem and there is more than one way to solve it. The person I hope to become is one who passes NO judgement on method - only holds sincere hope that each alcoholic have a shot at recovery.

                                Better Living Through Chemistry

                                Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                                Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

