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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hey Ne! I spend so much time reading your updates I run out of time to post!

    I have very excited for you on your new adventure! You deserve all the good things coming to you!

    I will keep up more often on our thread so I don't have so much catching up to do!!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Progress thread for ne

      ne, as you know i really dig your posts. please don't shorten them, unless they're interfering with your schoolwork, of course. how 'bout that photosynthesis!

      i am currently that person you were 3 1/2 months ago, or so i suspect. i can't wait to not remember her, too. from whence i came i hope will not haunt me too terribly in jig time. i mean to say, i hope this bac kicks in soon, and that i can make it through this day without a drink. it has been bad. i am not feeling very well today, mostly in my head. but, strangely, i don't have huge anxiety. i drank much yesterday. argh.

      i loved your share about wanting approval, and about wanting to write just so. that's one of my big challenges: caring too much about the good opinion of others. it's a real drain, but i'm working on it. getting rid of the al beast will help, i know it.

      anyway, thanks for all the good reading. i'm off to plant in the garden, which will be healing i suppose.


        Progress thread for ne

        Ne/Neva Eva;1115031 wrote:
        As an example, I was convinced, for months that beatle didn't like me. That she was pointing out my many foibles and hypocrisies. And that is really LOL funny. The woman barely knew I existed, and wasn't even around much! Now I call her friend and can laugh at myself. But then? oy. Ask Ig, I told him all about it. I coveted her approval like no other.
        lol... You are too funny, Ne, and smack on. I really did barely know you existed and was not hanging around MWO much at that time. Together, you, Ig, and bleep drew me back in. I do call you friend now, too, although it took a little while to get over the worship phase. :H
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Progress thread for ne

          Ne/Neva Eva;1111353 wrote:

          On a tangent, I googled Pristiq (an AD) last night in an effort to further understand SEs of that drug because it's the one we'll be employing as subterfuge. I suggest you read them, if you're on the bac journey. They sound remarkably, EXACTLY like what we go through. It was a bit shocking, actually. One of the things worth noting is that some of the SEs are related to low sodium levels. I happen to know that I developed low sodium, because of my preponderance of blood tests in the last year! I didn't make the correlation to bac, but something Bruunhilde said on a holistic thread about the fact that she also had low sodium piqued my interest. So I added salt back into my diet. Ne
          Interesting updates Ne, glad things are going well and good luck with the school work, I'm sure you'll dedicate yourself to it as you do to MWO and bac, and fly to the finish line!

          About the sodium, I would recommend buying celtic salt, it has all the adjoining minerals that unrefined salt has plus some. And you're celtic in ancestry, right? Goes to figure, in my thinking, that if you're low in something they actually measure in blood tests, you're probably low in the naturally occuring substances that the salt, in this case, pair with. So go whole salt, not refined. Sea salt if you can't find something more colorful (yellowish, pinkish, colors are good in foods).

          Has adding salt reduced your SE's, or is it too subtle to know? or are your SEs mostly gone?


            Progress thread for ne

            Morning, folks!

            First off, thanks beatle and bleep for calling me out. Writing here is like breathing for me at this point, though. It's not going to be very long before it happens again, despite what I whine about!

            Taw, I saw in passing that you're AF? I can't wait to catch up on your thread! Thanks for stopping by...

            Rudy, I'm VERY excited about photosynthesis, as well as most of the rest of the bio book. I was such a presumptuous/pretentious knucklehead when I first got the text. It's really, really interesting.

            Bruun, I think my conclusions were rather tenuous, you know? I'm the queen of that... But I have stopped being concerned about my salt intake, and don't know whether or not that's helped my sodium levels. I'm due for yet another blood test soon and will find out. I've been taking bac since 1876, it seems, (okay Oct 2010) so I don't really have SEs that are bothersome. I had some weird dreams recently. I blamed bac. I also blamed bac for my ultra-sweatiness when sleeping, but I recently put our 4-inch-thick-down-comforter back on our bed and guess what? I sweated through the pillows again.

            The continuing EdNe saga will have to wait until tomorrow! The sun is up and life is calling. Suffice it to say I am fraught, but thrilled, too. So MUCH! How come noone else has this much crap going on on a regular basis?

            Could it be because there just aren't that many people taking a medication off-label from an out-state-doc while facing job insecurity/financial hardship/exciting new directions/a thrilling perspective and enough mind babble to entertain herself for hours on end with noone else in the room?
            (I'm reading a book about writing and finding as much comfort about these idiosyncracies in her words as I do about bac on MWO. Apparently other people do have inner dialogues and find stories to share when they're walking down the street and see a birdy in a tree and a guy on a porch and suddenly there is a whole story blooming about the fact that the guy finds solace in the birdy because his wife used to play the piano on spring days just like this one and he's stuck in a happy, though melancholy, place remembering her and their times together before alzheimers took her mind and made her............... And yes, I swear to you this is EXACTLY what goes on in my head. So there. ) (I really can't wait to share about starting work in a restaurant and how almost EVERYONE, from the dishwasher to the chef came in on Sunday morning bragging in a way about how badly they felt and how late they stayed out and how much they drank. Talk about finding my people! I want a tattoo on my forehead that says, please ask me about baclofen! But that'll have to wait because I'm late. It's all bleep's fault.)

            Hope it's a content-filled day full of contentment! I've got a boatload to do. Including getting rid of the damn rug which after agonizing about not putting it on the floor for an entire day I decided I hated and needs to go to charity or a flea market or something... :H



              Progress thread for ne

              Might I suggest a rather small font, unless you have an abnormally large forehead. And plan the tattoo out carefully, there is nothing worse than


              It shows a lack of forethought, and will not earn you the trust you will need to convince people to take baclofen.


                Progress thread for ne

                The font would be very pretty, of course. It would be more lovely than Teddy's tree.

                Actually, I am not a fan of tattoos. However, I may get one. The one with the bac molecule. Seriously. I think that would be funny. I think it should be on the bac of my hand. And done with ballpoint ink. Or whatever the sterile and expensive version of the prison tat is. A badge, if you will.

                :H sort of.

                I actually may get one of those molecules on my body somewhere. Ed is not supportive of this scheme, however. And he actually has a vote. Plus I'd have to get it someplace that I can show you people, but noone else can see it, lest someone mistake me for the kind of middle-aged woman with tattoos. Like Serenity. She, as we all know, is off her rocker. (I'm kidding folks that don't know her. She's about as sane as we come and has tattoos, with meaning, and I'm sure are lovely. xo sister, if you're still perusing.)

                Who knows, though, I could just become an amateur bodybuilder and take a near pornographic piccie of myself and use it as my av. Or something. (oh, yes. i said it. Good thing you're much more like a brother to me than a lover. It's kind of creepy to see your brother that nekkid and kinda sexy. just sayin)

                Love you all. MUST STOP READING. Signing out. I promise myself.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  So glad about that text book. phew.
                  Are you reading anne lamott still? She's awesome, huh?
                  I do that too, that storytelling thing you describe, but usually about my own self. Fortunately I edit most of it before it leaves my mouth or fingers (usually... well, i'm better than i was...)
                  Are you really going to work in a restaurant? How brave, and potentially fun! I think the tatoo is a good idea, maybe behind your ear. When people start moaning about their hangovers, you can twiddle your earlobe and look sidelong at them, see if you can prod the conversation in that bac direction...
                  xo rb


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ne/Neva Eva;1115524 wrote: How come noone else has this much crap going on on a regular basis?

                    Could it be because there just aren't that many people taking a medication off-label from an out-state-doc while facing job insecurity/financial hardship/exciting new directions/a thrilling perspective and enough mind babble to entertain herself for hours on end with noone else in the room?
                    Ohhhh Ne. You aren't the only one, believe me. I have enough crap for a few life times.

                    I love, love, love, the idea of a baclofen molecule tatoo. I'm not a tatoo person either, but I would get one, if I found the right one. Something very individual and creative. Like what you're thinking of. It sounds perfect. Places you could put it? Shoulder, ankle, nape of the neck, right below your navel. Those are all places you could show us.

                    Okay, I've got to jet. I've been on here entirely too much today. I like to pretend I'm a busy American too.
                    This Princess Saved Herself


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Okay, I'm bac. Only for a second. It wouldn't be a bac molecule, it would be a molecular formula. Do you know if that formula is pretty? Maybe it's super long, and would take up your whole leg or something. That's it. See what happens, when I'm alone with my thoughts?
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Hey, Ne: Haven't had time to read all the way bac, but seems as if your last week resembles mine. I spent 24/7 with a xanax-addicted friend who was in full blown panic-attack mode from Sunday until Saturday, when I finally got him off to what I think is the country's best in-patient treatment center. That was AFTER we had been to or talked to all of his physicians, psychiatrists, neurologists and the head of a huge medical institution where he had had eye surgery a decade ago. All those medical people said, literally . . . I heard them, "I don't know what to tell you." We almost had a successful go of using baclofen to come off xanax, but that got de-railed and is another story.

                        As he was leaving I had to teach a yoga class then had 1 1/2 days to finish coordinating a big fund-raiser for an amazing music project that I'm supporting. I thought Saturday was the most demanding day of my life, but I was wrong :H. It was Sunday, when all the electronic equipment refused to work until 5:29:45 CDT. The event started at 5:30. It was beautiful and successful.

                        I am certain that baclofen has added new capacity to my nervous system.

                        Now, back a bit regarding your class and your remark about "photosynthesis." It reminded of an interview I heard on NPR. I'll see if I can find a link for you. It was ? McKenna (the brother of Terence McKenna, who was the world's leading expert on mind-altering plants). When the interviewer asked him to describe one of his experiences with shamans in South America, he went into a lengthy description of being a molecule of water drawn into the roots of a tree, all the way through the process of photosynthesis. When asked what he learned from that, he laughed and said, "I guess all I can say is that all the things we think are so important really aren't such a big deal. Photosynthesis rules!" :wd:

                        Thanks for giving me a place to check in, Ne. I'll have time to read back in a bit, but certainly hope that Ed is coming through and :goodjob: for keeping on showing up for all of life's craziness. What's the option? :H:l
                        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Oh btw, I'd be up for a molecular tattoo. I do have a diamond nose-pin, but no other piercings or tattoos. And the nose-pin wasn't my idea. When I was traveling in India with a friend who does those piercings regularly he just whipped out his gear and said, "You need a diamond nose-pin!" When I asked him if he needed to sterilize his equipment and the diamond thing, he started chanting a mantra. Whatever . . . it worked. And a small bac-molecule thing could work nicely!
                          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Bleep, I know you *might* be asleep, but I'm pretty sure you'll be up soon! Where's the bac-tat idea? What thread, do you remember? Sere's thread?


                              Progress thread for ne

                              bleep;1052742 wrote: [img][/IMG]

                              Ed wants to make sure I don't lose it before I get it permanently tattooed on my body. hmmm. I would never be willing to tattoo him on me. just sayin :H


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Ne/Neva Eva;1115756 wrote:
                                Ed wants to make sure I don't lose it before I get it permanently tattooed on my body. hmmm. I would never be willing to tattoo him on me. just sayin :H
                                That would be one tattoo guaranteed to swell up and turn a very odd colour on me!

