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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Your body will become what it was before AL. You will just keep getting smarter and smarter. And nicer and more sweet.

    I LOVE this. What a wonderful quote from a wonderful man. It gives me such hope!


      Progress thread for ne

      Your body will become what it was before AL. You will just keep getting smarter and smarter. And nicer and more sweet.

      Now THAT gives me hope!!! I am she devil when I drink...especially to those that mean the most to me!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Progress thread for ne

        Good Evening,

        I like that quote, too....ah, now that is what I would body pre-AL.

        Taw, how are you feeling....any better?


          Progress thread for ne

          Much better thank you!!! Have hope, am grateful, more than I have had in a LONG time!!!
          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


            Progress thread for ne

            How one can tolerate SE ? what toleration means? If I am at work and at a meeting, and can't think clearly , do I tolerate by still staying at the meeting? Is tolerance to SE means to experience all bad symptoms like hungover or worse , but continue with BAC anyway? Is there an enlightening moment , when the "switch" occurs, then SE are not a problem anymore?
            I am just starting on BAC (5mg a day) but if my SE will get worse , may be it not a right way? Will I be able to continue to work ?
            So many questions. I am just panicking now...Sorry

            Arbat--if you don't try to titrate up too fast, the SE's should be totally manageable. If you can get through a day hungover, surely you can get through a day on Bac.

            I do find myself being tired and forgetful at times. Sometimes I have to really think out what I'm saying, because I forget where I'm going. I have a tendency to go to a certain area at work and then completely blank out as to why I'm there. But who am I kidding, I did that when hungover as well! Most of my SE's have been mild, and some of them have been quite pleasant. I do have VERY vivid dreams, which are usually pleasant if a tad weird. (I did have a dream last night that was so vivid that I mistaked it for real life. I panicked when I woke up: "Did I really do that? OMG!" until I found out that I had been dreaming all along. No biggie.


              Progress thread for ne

              I am excited just to remember a dream!!!
              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                Progress thread for ne

                Sorry, don't want to hijack your thread NE....are you here tonight??????
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Been thinking hard about the drama, so much in my poller coaster life atm but had to make room for this.
                  Loop's role is perfect - with a twist. He's actually only taken the job as pool boy to get away from the fervour that his new book has created: "Intelligent guide to physique and love making".

                  I considered several roles for myself, the powerful and wealthy owner of the pool was one but I think greater depth can be wrought by playing the friendly neighborhood pimp. Think Huggy Bear from Starsky and Hutch.

                  Now who's up for the heroine role or roles.

                  Taw, hope she's sleeping.
                  Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Morning, all. No, taw I took the night off, sort of. There is no hijacking here unless it's spiteful. ya' know? And frankly, I'm still tired of me. But I'm not committing to that line of thought! ha.
                    Alot of what I wrote the other night was disingenuous and makes me a little nauseous, frankly.

                    To that point, Arbat, and Charlie, (if you're around these parts) the SEs come and go. You can have as many as you'd like. It helps me to compare them to how I felt drunk or hungover. No lack of SEs there, from insomnia to ED (okay, whatever the female version of that is) to increased or diminished appetite. They're all there for the taking, on or off bac, if you want. I certainly did! :H

                    Is, :h that's just funny. Next time I want fuel for the drama, I'll know where to look! If I start that shit, (again) though, would someone please step in? Ig would likely share the burden. (thanks, Ig.) Oh wait, you did. so thanks.

                    I'm starring in my own drama, don't need to star in anyone else's. Though I'd make a great trouble-fomenting foil, I suppose.
                    And lo0p, I don't think you could dumb down enough, but you're really hot, so we'll take it. I suppose there's always room for a new cliche, the thinking woman's pool boy, if you will.
                    I think I'm going to write down what the good doctor said and replace all the bull shit aphorisms I have attached to my mirror with that simple message.
                    Good day/night friends. I'm off for coffee with my unaddicted girlfriends. :h


                      Progress thread for ne

                      neva eva;1036400 wrote: I suppose there's always room for a new cliche, the thinking woman's pool boy, if you will.
                      I like this idea!:goodjob:
                      Better Living Through Chemistry

                      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        ignominous;1036222 wrote: Loop's role is perfect - with a twist. He's actually only taken the job as pool boy to get away from the fervour that his new book has created: "Intelligent guide to physique and love making".

                        That's right.

                        Intelligent guide to physique and love making

                        How to touch her soul and make her come using only your eyes

                        My services are highly sought after and currently I'm only accepting new clients that are "friends of friends". You might think I'd tire of it after a while but actually the opposite is true. It is a release for me. There's nothing more cathartic than this moment:

                        You are poised, towering over you lover. All they want is for you to show them that you are physically stronger than them but then you let your soul completely envelop them. And that weight is heavier than your body ever could be. You see that twinge of hopelessness in their eyes but you ravage them anyway because everything is in it's right place and that is what they want.

                        I need it just as much as my clients do. But it is only a slight respite from my life as a now famous author because all the wives know who I really am. Lo0p is my pen name. Evan the Pool Boy is what all the husbands in the neighborhood know me by. All the wives give copies of my book to their husbands as gifts.
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Where are the heroines?
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Not quite sure how to follow Lo0p.....

                            I can be the token single mom alcoholic....with the loser ex husband!
                            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Yes, you're all correct... A hungover is worse than SE...may be. I am going to increase BAC dose as per Dr.L. over next few weeks...
                              The real test will be when the great anxiety starts which causing me to start uncontrolled AL intake.
                              Usually it happens when I am free , on vacations or weekends . how stupid is it ? I have screwed my last two vacations in December by AL. Almost completely ruined. My 2nd half told me that there is no more vacations for me.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Yowza. you do digress well. Or rather run with an underlying theme, or something. I'm a little tongue tied, at the moment.

                                I think this may indicate the little death of this thread.

                                I've longed for a daily bac thread, something like they have on the other forums. It would be nice, in my humble opinion, to have a place to visit and catch up and direct new people should they happen to find it. (Assuming of course, that it doesn't wind up on page 10 in a day or two, with all of the wonderful activity going on here right now.)

                                I've been wracking my brain for something clever to start it out, and I've got nothing that isn't a distraction. So to the Daily Baclofen Thread?

