I think I'm free of the urge, the desire, the anything related to booze, Murph. I'm not totally sure, but something is a little different. Or more indifferent. Or something.
so, No. Getting a lash on, if that means getting drunk, not being lashed or lashing someone, is not really on my agenda. Time will tell, of course, but I think I'm done with booze. I'm for sure done predicting the future. (okay. well, sort of! :H) Time will tell.
ruby, pretty sure you have A LOT to look forward to! The least of which is counting days.

What's the song for me today Reg? beatle and I need a good one. Let the fact that she is taking VERY HDB and the fact that I'm so serene I think I might be floating gently an inch or so off the earth, guide you. xo, my reticent friend. You've got a very special place in Ne-land.
I'm off! without a zoom in sight! woop woop!
Take good care of yourselves, today, peeps.