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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I think I'm free of the urge, the desire, the anything related to booze, Murph. I'm not totally sure, but something is a little different. Or more indifferent. Or something.

    so, No. Getting a lash on, if that means getting drunk, not being lashed or lashing someone, is not really on my agenda. Time will tell, of course, but I think I'm done with booze. I'm for sure done predicting the future. (okay. well, sort of! :H) Time will tell.

    ruby, pretty sure you have A LOT to look forward to! The least of which is counting days.

    What's the song for me today Reg? beatle and I need a good one. Let the fact that she is taking VERY HDB and the fact that I'm so serene I think I might be floating gently an inch or so off the earth, guide you. xo, my reticent friend. You've got a very special place in Ne-land.

    I'm off! without a zoom in sight! woop woop!

    Take good care of yourselves, today, peeps.


      Progress thread for ne

      he ne, thanks as always for the encouraging words. i am not counting days, i can't seem to get past three. but when i learn to count, i'll be sure not to do it. i am waiting for this habit to just disappear. and finding things to look forward to to help with that (like my shag w daniel craig ~ sorry, couldn't resist; bac to decorum). is there any hope that the somnolence will disappear? i still have two more weeks of work, but at least i can sneak naps since it's regents (exams) week and i will have lots of down time without the kids.

      i'm thinking of two of my favoirte mwo'ers together in the same room. it's a lovely image, even without all the sexual references with which we've sullied the scene.


        Progress thread for ne

        It is lovely. sublime.

        I still get tired. I was tired all the time when I was a drunk. And I slept two or three times as much. Everyone gets tired after lunch. It's a thing, people write books about how to avoid it. I figure that if it's a thing, if entire cultures have a siesta, then it just is. I like coffee. Others like diet coke. Which is poison. But better poison than absinthe. or whatever.

        Plus coffee and tea are loaded with antioxidants. No harm, no foul.

        BUT the way you feel now? That's completely different. That sucks. It will end. Just keep taking the medicine. Then you get to taper down, slowly is a good idea, and you get to feel normal. Which is really strange, at least for a Ne!


          Progress thread for ne

          thanks, ne. i needed to hear that.


            Progress thread for ne

            We are tired in Ne-land. We find respite and rejuvenation in the threads of MWO. comfort, hope, lots of things.
            It's suddenly feeling all angsty and fraught here.
            just sayin. or pleading. or something.


              Progress thread for ne

              yeah, i know. i'm in knots over my garbage on tim's thread. but i'm knowing that i've learned about a boundary and i will respect it.

              on my own thread, however, i want to feel free to say whatever doo doo comes into my head. it's therapeutic for me, way more significantly than any couch has ever been. i have to trust that if people don't like my style or content, they'll know not to bother with my thread. i've spent so much of my life worrying about gaining approval and anguishing in remorse when i offend or hurt people. so thanks to all of you for helping me hash things out, for giving me a free space in which to do that. i feel my back bone getting straighter, my spirits lifting, and my life coming into full focus as a thing of great potential and beauty. so thanks for reading, and accepting, and forgiving missteps, and for being engaged with me throughout.


                Progress thread for ne

                You got it. same same. simpatico. It's hard for me, too, sometimes.

                Thanks. forgive the pm. :H


                  Progress thread for ne


                  I'm doing something important to me (writing) and I'm fraught and overwrought. No amount of smoking, or nail biting or eating is alleviating this. I have no interest in booze whatsoever, and the NA beer I opened in an attempt to mollify my nervousness is pooling water on the table and going flat. It couldn't really be a more useless beverage, though, so no harm done...

                  What I keep coming bac to is the fact that ALL of the great writers are drunks. ALL of them. Name me one that isn't. And the woman who wrote Drinking: A Love Story doesn't count, since she was drunk for most of her writing career and then she died from cancer shortly after she got sober. THAT is not a good analogy for me right now.

                  And the brilliant ones? ALL OF THEM. Dead from the disease, young-ish but immortal. not that I'm sayin anything about me. All I'm sayin is that it goes against the grain, a bit. Ya' know?

                  The boards are quiet as a city library and that makes me ... grrrr. Which is also a gift because I can't be spending all day here being amused.

                  And so. Not earth shattering, fellow bac-ers, but look what you have to look forward to!

                  The only good thing about doing this sober (or anything for that matter) is that I can actually DO IT.

                  So I'm audi.

                  gidday! or whatever.
                  sober and happy about it but it's a little much sometimes, Ne
                  (Murphy, can I just channel you for an hour or so and write something at least amusing???)


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Reggie;1130186 wrote: Sorry about the deleting thingo hit the nail on the head .. very shy.... even on a computer screen ....any way a song

          [/video]]YouTube - ‪dirty three - horse‬‏

                    thanks for youre attention appreciate it

                    Used to play with these guys in another band ..obviously they went on to bigger things
                    So did you, my friend!

                    Thanks Reg. As always, I really appreciate it. :l


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Shakespeare? Enid Blyton.

                      You always have the option of halving your dose, penning away in a drunken fugue, and seeing what it's like when you come round. Wouldn't recommend it though.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Ne/Neva Eva;1131391 wrote:
                          (Murphy, can I just channel you for an hour or so and write something at least amusing???)
                          Nah, it would be at most amusing. :upset:

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Ne, Dylan Thomas. A great writer, one of the best, and famous for his sobriety.
                            Or was it his pissheadedness? One or the other, I can't be sure which.

                            Love that song Reggie.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Progress thread for ne

                              bleep;1131438 wrote:
                              You always have the option of halving your dose, penning away in a drunken fugue, and seeing what it's like when you come round. Wouldn't recommend it though.
                              Don't think I didn't seriously consider it.

                              Apparently there are two things that I'm still irrationally scared of:
                              A baclofen induced hangover
                              Submitting something in writing for an actual human being to read, unlike when I write here and nobody really sees it. (right? You can't see me, here, right?)

                              HA! Hullllllooooooo world! Luv you! Come play!

                              So with that reminder, I wrote the damn thing. It's awaiting some insight from my mentor, and then I'll put it out there for all and sundry. (not you folks, you would be sorely disappointed. seriously.)
                              And yes, I guess I have been a little testy, haven't I? shucks, it happens, even to Ne's. Mostly just overwhelmed. Nothing to do with bac. or you peeps.

                              Thanks for the song and the shouts out. I have no idea who enid whoever is, but the name sounds British. And uptight. ugh. :h But if you've read it, I'm pretty sure it's right up there with Archie and friends... I'll look into it. When I'm not treading water and wasting time on MWO!

                              Dylan Thomas. I'd drink again, I think, if that were the promise. Wouldn't you? Nah. Rather be sober and average than immortal and still dead.
                              xxoo my fine friends.



                                Progress thread for ne

                                John Cheever
                                Raymond Carver
                                Steven King
                                Richard Yates
                                Jean Rhys

                                perhaps the better question is
                                are there any drunks who wrote after sobriety?
                                here are a few. I'm sure I can come up with more with a little research.
                                ah, the myth of the tortured artistic soul.
                                hard to write when you are dead.

