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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Ne/Neva Eva;1140118 wrote: dude. You are not a thread killer.
    Yeah I wouldn't worry about that.

    You want a thread to die? Ask me. I can kill threads in no time flat!


      Progress thread for ne

      btw, that particular beast, much like the mythical one that lives in my brain, is most likely a she. They're the ones that travel in order to lay their eggs that time of year.

      Nah. EPB, but you're a lot less titillating now that you're not taking new customers... Pools all over the country are now actually getting clean and the husbands can rest easy. Maybe.


        Progress thread for ne

        The tortose is back!!!

        Funny, most of my demons are "he"...when I had such a hard pregnancy I knew it had to be a boy because no girl could ever cause me that much trouble!
        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


          Progress thread for ne

          funny, i was just thinking about how glad i am to have a boy. and, somehow, my pregnancy was EASY (don't hate me). we do crazy (tom) boy things together; we fit like gloves.

          demons for me too, though, have always been male.

          nev, there are crazy snappers (turtles) around here! and i must admit, i'm never sad to see them dead on the side of the road.

          i'll always remember the story told by my former neighbor. his wife is some kinda supermodel, sweet texan woman. one day while swimming in her pond, the fabled snapper -as big as your front stoop- came after her. he (not she) swam as if in pursuit. i dunno how or why, but her hubby had his shotgun at the ready and he done slayed that beast! i can still picture, though i didn't see it, the blood as it pooled upward and the body sank down; hubby had a good shot. in the spring, his shell was found, split in half, on a flooded bank. hubby must've made a sculpture from it. i would've paid for that peice of art.


            Progress thread for ne

            If I was truly gracious I would have taken that discussion off line. If you're still around, Missy, I apologize. (I suspect you are, and am glad for it.) I hope we can be friends again. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Then or now.

            I have made so many mistakes along the way, almost all of which were politely ignored or met with a stern word off the forum. Many times that was useful. Sometimes it really, really wasn't. Words hurt.

            My biggest mistake, to date, though, is erasing the first half of this thread. In so many ways it's the only half that mattered, because it was less about ME than it was about BAC and me. Then again, bac was a lousy ride for me because I did it all wrong! I took it erratically. I stayed at one dose level for too long at times, and rushed it at others. I took it at different times of the day and in different amounts. In short, I followed the advice of every well meaning post-er or thought bubble that popped into my head.

            What I KNOW now, without a doubt, is that this is medication, not magic. It's useful to think and talk about it as such. Taken regularly, with reasonable intervals between bumps up in doses, many of the Side Effects that we deal with would be mitigated or eliminated.

            It is not individual. It's medicine, so it works the same way in all of us. It takes more baclofen for some people than it does for others. And some of us will have more or fewer SEs. The rest? The ones who can vary the doses greatly or take great gobs of it? That's actually explainable and perfectly reasonable. I won't digress too much. Suffice it to say, if you're new to bac, and doing it without a doctor or close-by mentor, treat it as medicine and know that you are not one of the ones that bac doesn't work for, if there is such a thing.

            One final word about side effects: If your side effects are awful quit drinking. Drinking doesn't just contribute to SEs, it causes them.

            In my humble opinion, continuing to drink also prolongs the process. That last sentence is the only one that is my opinion that is not based on information gleaned from here and in the research that has been done on bac. But I stand by it. If you don't want to take bac like candy, don't drink. The people who maintain abstinence find relief almost immediately, and they find it for much longer periods of time, on Low-Er Dose Bac. The rest of us oughta be prepared to go the distance!

            I think it's time to let this old girl go, as much as I'll miss the self-indulgence of it. I'll return to it if, against all odds, I return to the bottle. Until then, my annoyingly long didactic and pedantic posts will have to find outlet elsewhere! (Like on YOUR threads. )

            Peace, my friends, fellow bac-ers and mwo-ers! Much love.


              Progress thread for ne

              aww, man, karen. what's with the thread death? sorry to read that.

              also sorry i got in on the tortoise/rude theme. i deleted my not-nice part in it. i don't need to be stirring up muck. please forgive.


                Progress thread for ne

                you know what, karen, skip the question in the previous post. i don't need an explanation, and you might not want to give one anyway. i frequently, especially these days, want to just let my own girl go, too. do what you gotta do, and i'll see you around the boards anyhow.

                xo rudy


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Reggie;1140982 wrote: Ok very last post in the meds ( trouble thread:H )
                  Stop Thinking ya Doodyhead ..get happy at being sober are are classic you crack me up

                  last song for ever

        [/video]]YouTube - ‪The Aliens | The Happy Song (Official Video)‬‏
                  That is exactly what I'm trying to do.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Here's what I should've posted in response.
                    I am trying, for ffs, to think less. It's not like booze. I can't just completely abstain from thought.

                    To that end, I am visiting other places. The ones where people just, you know, have fun. Apparently not everyone that speaks English, speaks english and I'm having to google and guess just what the fusk you people from the other hemi are writing about. Which takes a lot of thought, ffs. And I really want to post a picture from a website on that thread. But I'm not thinking. so maybe tomorrow. Ditto your questions, Ruby, dear. Anon!
                    My mind hurts.
                    xxoo and tons of group hugs.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! This thread can't die! I won't let it.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Progress thread for ne



                        The unexamined life is not worth living


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Come back, Ne! I need you!
                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1140879 wrote: ...
                            What I KNOW now, without a doubt, is that this is medication, not magic. It's useful to think and talk about it as such.
                            While I agree, mostly, at times I can only look at my life now, compared to a year ago. There is magic in this.

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1140879 wrote:
                            One final word about side effects: If your side effects are awful quit drinking. Drinking doesn't just contribute to SEs, it causes them.

                            Hmmm. It doesn't help, certainly. But causes them? Perhaps a bit strong?

                            Ne/Neva Eva;1140994 wrote:
                            Here's what I should've posted in response.
                            I am trying, for ffs, to think less.
                            It's not like booze. I can't just completely abstain from thought.

                            Hallelujah! I've been saying this for ages! Here's where your greatest peace will come from! It gets easier with practice. Best of luck with it.

                            And what's this nonsense about letting your thread die? Pfffft.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              ne, i have a new drink idea for you. homemade ginger ale. here's how it's done:

                              pour boiling water over cut-up fresh ginger. let it steep long time. pour some in glass, add stevia or whatever preferred sweetner, add seltzer, and voila! a delightful, refreshing, healing bevvie.

                              watch out, though, it may interfere w your smoking. i find that spicy things make me want to smoke less. burn plus burn equals owie. and it's best not to boil the ginger, as that kills some of its healing properties. lemme know if you try it.

                              i had lunch w a friend and she mentioned using broccoli leaves in the same way that you can use kale for kale crisps. yum, huh murph?


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Love the recipe, Ruby. Thanks so much! And so many ways to play with it too! I've finally decided to get a thing that makes bubbles in beverages. Don't even know what they're called, but I drink enough seltzer out of plastic bottles to inundate the neighborhood with the litter, and recycling is a pain in my back-woods little hamlet of a city. Anyway, won't that be fun? Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

                                Missy, I have tried, repeatedly, to send you a private message. And the last time too, after your suicidal message to me, implying that I was to blame. I will not brawl on the forum. I will not be accused of being indifferent to your need, either, when the opposite is true.

                                As to the thread-death? Who knows? whateva.

                                As to the drinking? I thought to tie one on yesterday. I bought beer (spent endless minutes in the freezing cold beer cooler trying to decide which! I have no idea what to drink anymore! yay!) Got a six pack. the first one was okay. I picked a bad choice. the second one was hard to drink. I got on with my day. No harm, no fowl. (My chickens are not squawking their alarms this morning, and they are noisy, resolute and easily frightened.)

                                As to the thinking? Ha and lol and :H. Not going to happen. I think therefore I am.
                                Or maybe a better simile/metaphor/analogy-thingy would be that it is as moot as, "To be or not to be." That's no question. We simply are.

                                On with the act of simply being!

                                PS What's with the stars? My thread is not one-star-worthy, and I'm not being self-effacing. It's entertaining, maybe, but even now is irrelevant to the newbies. If you love me, or even like me, you'll give it a one-star rating until that other rating is gone. (I know, I know. I love you too.) But stars are a heavy burden, you know? I'd have to say or do something to earn 'em. Something other than, you know, find a solution to my chronic, devastating, soul-sucking, life-depriving disease. And we are ALL DOING THAT! (meaning every single person on MWO. Not just in meds.) :l

