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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I hear menopause is a real blast as well! Chin, up, look at the alternative... oh, wait, that's even better, it's great being a man. Now if I could just get Murph out my head, I'd be sorted.

    That's great news about Ed. What dose is he on? So he didn't have to go as high as you, he liked the SE's and now he's indifferent? I hope this doesn't give you a complex or anything like that?


      Progress thread for ne


      So, let me just get this straight. As I recall, you deliberately avoided telling Ed about potential SEs. And he didn't get any SEs. Hmmmmmmmmmm, what can this mean...........?

      Just kiddin'

      Hormones, shmormones, pull yourself together woman!:H

      The unexamined life is not worth living


        Progress thread for ne

        Actually his journey validates two points that I harp on time and time again. Alas, I have no time to school you on the matter. You'll have to wait with, um, baited/bated breath. wtfever.

        Pulling it together as we speak, so bite me.

        He is taking 300mg. More elucidation to follow when I have the time to edumacate you fellas.

        Balling socks=folding socks. They are together in a pair, is the point. I can't go flitting around the threads, I have crap to pull together. Slippery fella, find a way to enjoy the momentary sunshine. (Ed lived in Seattle when we re-met. Loved the 3 days I spent there. Don't need to spend much more than that. ugh. the mist.) Take a lesson from GW and Ruby, all! I'm working on it dammit. Muscles! Happiness! woofuckinghoo.

        Meantime, my husband was sober. I can't believe my great good fortune and once again am thankful for whatever and whomever for this. And to my peeps who pulled me through, literally.
        Thank you.


          Progress thread for ne


            Progress thread for ne

            Honestly Ne, Is he really sober? Please tell me ?


              Progress thread for ne

              Congrats to Ed! :woot:

              Ne/Neva Eva;1143056 wrote: Actually his journey validates two points that I harp on time and time again. Alas, I have no time to school you on the matter. You'll have to wait with, um, baited/bated breath. wtfever.
              Sure it does... Through NE colored glasses it does.
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Progress thread for ne

                Wow, that's amazing Ne, simple gorgeous news. Was it December that had both of you in the cups, and now you're both free? That's amazing. This marriage was saved.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Lo0p, We're going to have to agree to disagree. I hope it doesn't ever come to a boil.

                  This marriage WAS saved. It is, really, nothing short of miraculous.

                  On a completely different note, Ed just got home. He lost his job today. :H

                  It is actually funny. And a relief in many ways. Many, many ways. But obviously it changes the plan.

                  Holy cow, people. I sometimes can't believe this is my life.

                  (oh, and ftr, neither of us is drinking. He's going to watch a movie. I'm going to finish my paper. Then we'll have dinner. sans alcohol. Didn't even have to discuss it. How 'bout that? :H:H:H)


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Oh Nev, I'm so sorry, good on your upbeat attitude, this too is just another lump in the road to get over. I know something will come up and change is good. :l


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1143264 wrote:
                      On a completely different note, Ed just got home. He lost his job today. :H

                      It is actually funny. And a relief in many ways. Many, many ways. But obviously it changes the plan.

                      Holy cow, people. I sometimes can't believe this is my life.

                      (oh, and ftr, neither of us is drinking. He's going to watch a movie. I'm going to finish my paper. Then we'll have dinner. sans alcohol. Didn't even have to discuss it. How 'bout that? :H:H:H)
                      holy cow is right!
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Progress thread for ne

                        hey ne, guess you'll have to plant that garden after all. you're gonna be needing some food!

                        congrats on ed! what a relief.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          It sounds like good things are going on in Ne land. Change sucks and is scary as hell, but it usually turns out better than before. One way or the other. I mean that philosophically.

                          :welcome::welcome: Ed!!! I know he isn't interested in being here, but you must make him read all the wonderful things we have to say.
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Progress thread for ne


                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Progress thread for ne

                              ne, i have a new drink for you: swedish bitters. have you had it before? it's full of good stuff, like a dozen herbs, including manna, angelica, zeolary, aloe, rhubarb, senna. you can get it in the health food store. and if the swedish drink it, it's gotta be good for you. it suits my craving for bitter that i no longer get from ale. you can drink it with water or seltzer of put it in anything, really. except maybe coffee.

                              how's the smoking going? i'm still doing it, a pack every 2 - 3 days, but tuesday provides much hope, like a lighthouse after a long sea-trip (the hypnotist). like i've said, just reading the website reduced my urges tremendously. and i'm paying much attention to those moments when i have the urge to smoke. any discomfort and i wanna grab something to quell it. when i don't, i'm just fine in a sec. and glad i haven't stopped all business to sit down and suck.

                              how's the creative writing class? i took one in college and it was awful! (at a school known for its excellent writing program.) all we did was share our writing and the teacher got to sit there and be cocky. seemed that was his main skill.

                              how's the job front looking for both of you?

                              i'm happy to think of your sober evening together. just when you are eating, i am probably putting my son to sleep without subjecting him to beer breath. soon, no smoke breath either.

                              good day, y'all!

                              ruby dee


                                Progress thread for ne

                                oh, and bitter greens are really, really good for your liver.

