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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    no wait, ne! don't drink the bitters! it's a tincture made with alcohol! you can't have a drop of that stuff!

    ...aren't you glad we don't have to think like that?!


      Progress thread for ne

      I was excited to tell you that Angostura Bitters has more booze in it than 100 proof vodka. I think it's 180 proof, but can't be bothered to google, 'cause then I'd have to google proof and read the wiki article associated and I'm sure there would be something fascinating there I'd have to follow. I'm procrastinating, very effectively.

      Bitters is every bartenders go to. Hungover, or need a drink? No one blinks an eye at some soda and bitters. So the glass is bright pink? I always put it in coffee mugs. But I did that with all my booze. I drank more coffee than anyone.
      I am not drinking anymore, looking forward to the next milestone with that. Actually, I can't wait to get rid of all of the beer in the house! Ed, not realizing how little he was drinking, kept buying more of it. It's taking up valuable space in our lovely, organized, pantry. (somehow I forgot to leave 'space' for the booze.)
      adios! enuf procrastination


        Progress thread for ne

        But yes. I am very, very glad we don't have to think like that. Ever again.


          Progress thread for ne

          yep. Fixes you right up, doesn't it?

          and glad you stopped by!


            Progress thread for ne

            I know the feeling. Sort of like being at a party where you sort of know everyone, you all belong to the same club, but you're not sure if they know you, or like you.
            Lawd only knows what they've heard, whether they were there when you were drunk with the lampshade on your head, and if they're going to be nice anyway.
            Yep. I know that feeling.
            Oh, wait, you were talking about you?
            Glad you had a schleppy day! Me too, though it's almost always pajama day in Ne's house these days!


              Progress thread for ne

              Best thing about the comfy-go-to pjs? Knowing the strength that lies underneath. Rock on sister!

              I really am going to go write some shitty poetry now.


                Progress thread for ne

                OH MY GAWD

                That was friggin hysterical. Thank you. omg.omg.omg.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  I am officially audi. Poetry midterm. Must play with words. Have a great night.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    It IS shitty. It's mortifying. But it's almost done and I don't care so long as I get an A. Yep. I am THAT kind of student. It will NEVER see the light of day.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      NO POETRY PMs!!!! We all want to help, it could be fabulous (and hilarious).

                      Don't worry, I know you can't stand the sunlight, Ne. I don't mind if you don't share! That's how it is with vampire girls.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Neva eva and that's grrls, tyvm!
                        I've written two more lines!
                        Back to it, then!


                          Progress thread for ne

                          just ftr, the alcohol content in bitters may be high, but you only use a couple of teaspoons, so you're safe. and maybe an alkie, but the bitters doesn't prove it.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            A couple of teaspoons if it's not a really bad hangover...
                            ftr, more than a couple of teaspoons is not yummy


                              Progress thread for ne

                              wow, i had never heard it used for a hangover. guess i've never had a really bad one. ha ha ha!


                                Progress thread for ne

                                It does settle the tummy. Glad we can still use it for that medicinal purpose. A teaspoon or so at a time! :H

