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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Television is only tolerable when pissed. I find it impossible, when sober, to watch it for more than 30 mins at a time.

    You're going the wrong way with your dose, you daft tart.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Progress thread for ne

      tart = turd.. LOL

      Probably not read enough to know better but I need to be here.

      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        Progress thread for ne

        Bruunhilde;1155104 wrote: What about Serenity and Loop and Isolde, they found indifference right? Are they still at full dose?

        So back to your dosage. You're going down in dose to try and wean off? I thought you were going to stay at full dose for a year or so?
        Yes, they've reached indifference, and no, Sere is not at full dose, she's under 100mg/day. Lo0p is, last I heard, and Isolde jumps around.
        Dunno what I'm going to do. I realized that in the last week I've decided to stay at a dose, go up, and instead went down dramatically. Not sure what the future holds, but all previous indicators are that it's not a good idea to go down so much. Still, I'm feeling okay. And I know what the solution is if the siren starts to sing.
        Glad you're doing so well, Bruun. I really admire your commitment. :l
        bleep;1155231 wrote: I'm not sure I understand your reasons for decreasing like this. What are you hoping to achieve? Others who have tried similar experiments have been roundly castigated for their attempts!

        And throw your TV out the window. They make a very satisfying noise when they hit the floor, and your life will be richer for it.Yep. I know. I hate it when people do this kind of thing. Not sure what got into me.
        Murphyx;1155283 wrote:
        Television is only tolerable when pissed. I find it impossible, when sober, to watch it for more than 30 mins at a time.

        You're going the wrong way with your dose, you daft tart.
        We're going to stick to movies, I think. Maybe.
        I love it when you call me a daft tart. I'm sure I'll be offended shortly. :H
        LadyLush;1155324 wrote:
        tart = turd.. LOL

        Probably not read enough to know better but I need to be here.

        Hiya, LL. Ok. Tart does not equal turd. Well, maybe in this case. I am being a bit of a turd. Or at least a knucklehead.
        I need to be here too. :l

        KOKO, and all that lovely jazz.


          Progress thread for ne

          So much for my commitment. I've been up since three with an upset stomach due to Friday night wine. Whine.


            Progress thread for ne

            Bruunhilde;1155513 wrote: So much for my commitment. I've been up since three with an upset stomach due to Friday night wine. Whine.
            lol to the whine. and ugh to the wine.

            Well, it's a new dawn. (literally for you, right about now, huh?) Onward!

            Hope you feel better.:h

            Ed and I had dinner with my grandma last night in the "hip" part of the retirement community. There was even a singer! With a guitar and a mic! All the cool people were there. The margaritas were flowing. Seriously. People were drinking ENTIRE margaritas. I was very thankful that their scooters have speed limits and hoped that those walking came with a buddy! :H:H:H
            Here's the thing: The margaritas? They looked good. Screw that. Methinks I'm going to suggest that Ed and I stay in for dinner rather than go to the new, fun, young Mexican place tonight. I really don't want to feel like crap tomorrow. And a single margarita may do just that. Ya' know? Thanks for the reminder...


              Progress thread for ne

              Thanks Neva, it is a new dawn and I'm remembering what I felt like daily for two decades. How the HELL did I manage? How did we all, how do we all? Its a day to be thankful for everyone here and all the support you all give me, we give each other. Without MWO, I wouldn't be hangover free most of the time. :l I'm going to see how baclofen works today as a detox for AL.


                Progress thread for ne

                Morning! (for me)

                It's been 6 months since indifference. It's very interesting how alcohol lurks in my thoughts even though I no longer care much about it and haven't been physically dependent on it since before February 4th. Different than I expected, but the result is the same.

                For the first time in my life I don't have to drink anymore.

                The result has been profound. My life has been transformed into something resembling what I envisioned it would be. For that I am profoundly grateful. For MWO, for you all, for bac and Dr. Ameisen's desperation. In that order! Dr. A's book was the beginning of the story, taking baclofen made it possible, but I can say with absolute certainty that I would not be here, would never have found indifference, without MWO and the support I've found here. I've made lifelong friends along the way, too. For them I am almost as grateful as I am for my sobriety.

                I don't know how long it's been since my last drink, a month for sure. I do know that I had two beers. I'm also sure that I won't drink again, and there is relief in that decision. I can stop thinking about it! Which, for me, was the whole point.

                Much love and with a debt of gratitude that I cannot repay to all of you on MWO,
                Happy 1/2 year bac at you Murphy! and :H

                (Hiya, lurkers. There is fellowship and freedom here, of that you can be sure. :l)


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Ne, congrats on this milestone. Even bigger congrats on your decision that you don't want to drink any more. Getting to that particular decision deep down in my core was a real turning point for me. And the decision did not coincide with my sobriety date. But for me, that decision is what really gave me full freedom. I hope it is that way for you too - an awesome thing.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    you can do it!!!!!
                    i'm 4 years clean!!!
                    so you can do it too!!!!!


                      Progress thread for ne


                      After receiving your PM earlier today, I decided to have a look at your thread when I saw it listed under "New Posts".

                      I'm very glad I did - congratulations!!! Not so much on the 6-month milestone, but your decision about the role of alcohol in your life. That is fundamental.

                      You can be hugely proud of your achievement! :l
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Doggygirl;1158000 wrote: Ne, congrats on this milestone. Even bigger congrats on your decision that you don't want to drink any more. Getting to that particular decision deep down in my core was a real turning point for me. And the decision did not coincide with my sobriety date. But for me, that decision is what really gave me full freedom. I hope it is that way for you too - an awesome thing.


                        YES, YES and YES again
                        - exactly what I also tried to convey in my post.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Congrats on your achievements!

                          Thanks for all the support you have given me and I hope to be where you are someday.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Way to go Ne!

                            And continuing to help others reach that is an amazing thing as well.

                            Congratulations all round!


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Congrats Ne. Truly amazing stuff, and good to hear how things have changed!
                              Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                              George Santayana


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Happy Freedom Anniversary! And congrats on having one month or more AF, I didn't know you did that!!!! Awesome. Truly.

