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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I looked into it. Kindling is basically the phenomena that with each successive withdrawal from alcohol that one goes through, they get worse, because the brain becomes super sensitised, or something like that. Doesn't really seem to apply.

    Here's the Wikipedia version if you are interested...


      Progress thread for ne

      The explaination I got was that you never reverse the addicted process, all the neurons are still there so when you drink again you go right back to where you started from and it gets worse. I do have to say my withdrawls haven't gotten any worse over the years, however I do get to the same pattern of behaviours and personal lows much quicker if I drink after a period of time off.

      So is there not risk of becoming addicted again as long as you keep taking enough Baclofen?


        Progress thread for ne

        Interesting, bleep. thanks for the input. Not ingesting much at the moment, so I'll have to return to the question, I suppose.
        I'm not sure if he's going to be put out with me since I completely went against his recommendation to taper off a bit, and instead went up! And will do so again this weekend if I'm at all worried (and I'm a worrier!)
        xo peeps. I'm off for a nap.


          Progress thread for ne

          I can't see him being too put out, it is, after all, the reason you were taking baclofen in the first place!

          UK, I'm not too sure on that point. I do know that despite being a hardcore moderator, I find AF days just sort of happening now. I have to go out my way to have a glass of wine, and am finding it not worth the bother more often than not, so perhaps it's a moot point, in this case. Indifference, as neva will now tell you, is truly that!


            Progress thread for ne

            "I reached indifference last Friday."

            Holy poop! I was beginning to wonder if you were immune to the wonders of baclofen... Incredible that you had to eat most of the North American annual supply to get results. Congratulations, it's brilliant news!

            "bruun, I find I look soooo much more pretty on bac. Especially without my glasses on. When squinting. From about 3 feet from the mirror. Try it! Makes the eyeliner a challenge, but beauty comes with a price"

            You fool! Last time I took my glasses off it took me 6 weeks to find the bastards. (I did look quite a lot like Brad Pitt most of those 6 weeks, however.)


              Progress thread for ne

              bleep;1056251 wrote: I can't see him being too put out, it is, after all, the reason you were taking baclofen in the first place!

              UK, I'm not too sure on that point. I do know that despite being a hardcore moderator, I find AF days just sort of happening now. I have to go out my way to have a glass of wine, and am finding it not worth the bother more often than not, so perhaps it's a moot point, in this case. Indifference, as neva will now tell you, is truly that!
              After reading your post on your thread this morning about getting drunk, this is baffling me so I've taken it over there.


                Progress thread for ne

                CONGRATS NE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                I knew if anyone could do it you could! You are truely an inspiration!
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Woo to the MFing HOOO, Karen!!! :goodjob:

                  I've been waiting for this post and SO looking forward to it! :ls, :ls and more :ls!!!!!

                  There you go, yet more proof that pre-menopausal women CAN hit the switch.
                  The indifference really does just kinda sneak up on you, doesn't it?

                  I'm sure Dr. L won't mind that you didn't take his advice, considering that it led you to the switch.
                  Looking forward now to what you decide to do with your dosage. So you're going to stay at 300 for now, and maybe go up if you sense the indifference wavering at all, right? Any idea how long you might want to try and stay up this high?

                  bleep;1056251 wrote:
                  I do know that despite being a hardcore moderator, I find AF days just sort of happening now. I have to go out my way to have a glass of wine, and am finding it not worth the bother more often than not, so perhaps it's a moot point, in this case. Indifference, as neva will now tell you, is truly that!
                  Bleep, that's me to a T with the moderating post-switch. I may still have a drink on occasion, but MUCH more often than not, the thought either just never occurs to me, or I just can't be bothered with it. It's wonderful!

                  See, your posts are hilarious, I hope you never stop! :H
                  Better Living Through Chemistry

                  Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                  Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Yeah, meds thread moving fast . . . hard to keep up but so great to have so many in the "gang" encouraging forward.

                    Tiny helpful hint regarding nausea and vomiting (big helpful hint would be one bottle of wine or 1/2 or . . . ) Scratch the peel of a lemon and sniff it regularly when feeling nauseous. Learned that in India when doing a cleanse intended to make me throw up. But it really helped. All the best. Keep on. It is so worth it!!!
                    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                      Progress thread for ne

                      neva eva;1056023 wrote: Ha. bruun, I find I look soooo much more pretty on bac. Especially without my glasses on. When squinting. From about 3 feet from the mirror. Try it! Makes the eyeliner a challenge, but beauty comes with a price!
                      Ah, but you're younger than me, and thinner. It's hard to squint enough to produce Hollywood at 48!


                        Progress thread for ne

                        you deserve the " most inspirational" trophy, for sure. you are truly an inspiration for everyone on these boards. probably the "most improved" and the " MVP " awards also. I too have been waiting and watching the ne thread for awhile now and it warms my heart this morning to read this. yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw!:goodjob::goodjob::goodj ob:


                          Progress thread for ne

                          No more Neva Eva. Now it's just plain Eva.

                          And do you eva deserve it!

                          And, I'm not going to rub it in, but ftr, was I right about the premenopausal thing? Well, I was, and that's rockin' good news for me. No more whining here.

                          yay Eva!

                          For Eva!
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Progress thread for ne

                            So much to respond to! But I have an agenda this morning, so let me just say I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thank you.

                            I left my trusty notebook (not so trusty, ftr) with my dosing schedule in it, where my boss could see it yesterday. The hours and mgs listed (5am/60m) throughout the day, with a space for a check mark next to each time/dose to indicate whether or not I've taken it. My boss (a physician!) saw it and asked me what it was. Flummoxed I said, "it's a workout protocol." Fortunately I employ some what she considers to be 'weird' exercise/diet stuff. (She still thinks that the reason I've lost weight and she hasn't is that I have some sort of magic propensity for dropping weight. Not because I eat with thought and she doesn't 'like' vegetables. whatever.)
                            Whew. Crisis averted for the moment. But I had serious angst about it last night, as you might imagine. I realized that I've become complacent about covering my tracks. And rest assured, she would be MUCH more supportive of me as an active alcoholic! She would NOT be supportive of taking a drug off-label in order to find a cure. I'd be fired on the spot. And I'm fairly indispensable.
                            I also realized that it doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things. I have lost more jobs covering for my disease, and actively suffering because of my disease. Losing one in pursuit of the cure is small potatoes. I am a different woman today than I was even a month ago and it hasn't gone unnoticed. (rock on, Ne! you go grrrrl!)
                            Two things cause me considerable ongoing and reasonable angst. The first is the disservice I've done by spreading misinformation on this thread. I can only not despair about this because there is SO much MISinformation on the board right now and I know I've done my very best to be accurate and fair.
                            The second part of that is that it is not up to me to choose this course for other people. Period. It's not easy. The alternative, for me, is SO MUCH WORSE. I was and am willing to go to any lengths. But it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS HARD! I hope people will choose LIFE. Because it's time to 'get busy living, or get busy dying."

                            Last thought of the morning:
                            I called Dr. L last night. I told him. His reaction? He laughed in pure delight. It made me cry. Again. The man has an uncanny ability to bring me to tears. He said that he hoped I would thank OA before I went to sleep. And then said good-bye. That was it! After all this time!
                            I said, "Wait. I still can't sleep! Will you prescribe xanax?" He sighed and agreed. Told me to have the pharmacy call him, etc... :H

                            I have called and emailed this man at all hours of the day/days of the week for the better part of a year. He laughed in delight, wished me well, offered me yet more solace to ease my suffering, and told me to call him any time.

                            Ok, one more thought. Having jumped on the bandwagon by using both benadryl AND ibuprofen in the last week (I know. whatever, people. There is a reason.) I decided to take an Advil PM (ibuprofen/sleep aid) last night. I slept the night through, which is a gift at this point. But I am decidedly groggy and feel, well druggy (:H) this morning. Very different than the clarity I normally wake up with. And I don't like it one bit!
                            and a to those that think bac is addictive and/or fun.
                            I don't like being stoned or out of it at all. I'm not anymore. Ever.
                            And I don't ever have to be again.
                            Cue the chorus of angels someone!
                            Shit. I forgot the other bit of angst. It's my family. If they figure out who I am they will be devastated, and it's not a stretch, since you have my name and my email address and lots of other pertinent information. I'm going to have to erase all personal information very soon.

                            I was an active alcoholic for 25 years.
                            I love you. I say that with sincerity and hope that you can hear it in the manner in which it was intended. profound LOVE.
                            This is for Ig:
                            Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and suicidal behavior — QJM


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Your family should be proud of you.

                              Another really nice post.

                              And it's not your fault it's misinformation. I'm not even sure what you are referring to. If the medical world would get off it's arse, and turn all this guesswork into solid information, we wouldn't have to wade through all this in this fashion.

                              The un-stoned feeling hit me as well, since I started to reduce dosage. It feels amazing, to be normal. How long are you going to stay at your current dose before beginning to reduce?

                              Again, well done neva.


                                Progress thread for ne


                                I hope you know how proud I am of you for sticking with it and reaching that goal! I just want you to know (in response to Bleep), After being on Baclofen and hitting the switch for about 9months, I slowly started removing Bac and have been off bac completely for about 3 months - 1 Year AF yesterday! Having been off bac for about 3 months - I just want you to know that cravings have not returned at all and my feelings toward alcohol have not changed. I know I can never "try" to drink again because I do not want to ever go through that again and I am very happy to never touch it again. I guess my point is I dont feel that one needs to be on bac for the rest of their lives but even if they do - it is a hell of a lot better life than one with alcohol!

