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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hey NE

    Sorry to read this and to have to say this.


    Only a few weeks ago you were saying what a great man your husband is. At the time I thought to myself that nearly all active alcoholics are incredibly difficult to live with, their relationship with alcohol is so great it cannot not impact on how they treat others. You mentioned his job, responsibilites etc and that gave me the impression of materialistic covering up. I was shaking my head thinking how can this be. Obviously his continuance in alcoholism has been affecting you, and well done on bringing this to the fore.

    Regards your relatives knowing you are NE they are probably only concerned for you, and not being judgemental nor attacking. Sometimes people are just interested in us, as people and that's ok too. Infact if they weren't then I'd be asking why!


      Progress thread for ne

      Hey neva,

      Sorry to hear that you are down, and with good reason. It sucks. That's all I'll say.

      UK, few weeks ago neva eva had not hit the switch. It tends to change your viewpoint considerably.

      Was just getting used to that whirlwind avatar, this new one is nice, but looks a bit forlorn. That's not how I see you, despite recent events.

      I'll try and beef up this response a little, very busy at the moment...


        Progress thread for ne

        Man oh man oh man.

        I need a new avatar. I'm finding she-ra again, maybe. Will think on it. :H :H[/video]]YouTube - Eminem - Not Afraid :applaud:

        I'm not afraid
        To take a stand
        Come take my hand
        We'll walk this road together
        Through the storm
        Whatever weather
        Thank you eminem! ha!

        beatle, no offense, sister, but you can't cuss. I'll pick better words. It's beneath you. Quit fucking editing your posts. The first one was excellent.
        Seethepony, I don't give a shit. Please, please, please visit me soon.
        Low, you rock AND you're hot. really. and you play the guitar! yowza
        Newbies and lurkers: I see you (not literally. don't worry. :H)
        REGGIE! How the hell did you erase the thread you started about what to do once you're sober. Quit erasing! Seriously! I have a post saved for that thread, have been working on it for two days, and now *poof* it's gone.
        Ig, great stuff. Seriously nice to have you bac.

        I carried negativity and hurt feelings with me on my run this morning. It sucked. I'm not doing that anymore. I'm done with it. Done feeling badly, done apologizing for sure. Done done done
        Remind me of that, will you, my friends?

        It means SO much to me to hear from you people. To read your thoughts. Thank you.

        EDIT Fuck. I hate it when I've used too many smilies and have to remove some. Don't you??? hahahaha


          Progress thread for ne


          So you love an angry poet, hopeful, very talented, with raging despair and full of energy Well, at least you love yourself then.

          I hope you'll leave all the negatives behind you while having a drink against your will. Tomorrow is another day. Don't forget the pills though



            Progress thread for ne

            How is it that I missed the 'fuck' day?

            You guys know I'm sooo damn good at it. I would've eaten it up!!

            Anyway, eminem is a fucking poet. :bow
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Progress thread for ne

              No Low, you misread it, I did too, the first time...

              Read it as "never ever going to drink against my will..."

              Lo0p, you're right - the man is a poet.


                Progress thread for ne

                I think, I may be wrong. It's ambiguous, for sure!


                  Progress thread for ne


                  Either way, tomorrow is another day

                  We could gossip a little about what she doing right now. I'd love that but that'd show we don't have a life of our own. And it's way too early for me to admit that So Ne!, enlighten us please?

                  At least we're sure about Eminem being a fucking poet. We made a statement. We've achieved something today!! :goodjob:



                    Progress thread for ne

                    Sometimes...most of the time...all of the time, I am so wrapped up in my own problems that I fail to see that anyone else here is suffering.

                    Ne, you have been so supportive and I had no idea what you were going through. I started taking Baclofen, not because I drank, I did, but it was a long time ago. Bac has helped me with a lot of things and has helped me hugely in getting through the problems of the past year and particularly now.

                    You look at your partner and wonder whether it is worth the effort! I am on partner/wife number...can't remember. I just don't want to be single, we have a lovely little boy. Life is very hard. It is a journey and I think I will stick it out this time. I am getting on and loneliness is lousy. You can imagine it being better some place else but it usually isn't. You just trade one lot of idiosyncrasies for another.

                    Baclofen is good for all sorts of things so tell your husband you know someone who takes it just for anxiety, doctors take it for that. It just makes life easier so why not try it... and, hey, if it slows down the drinking, so much the better.

                    I think anyone who is a partner of an alcoholic should also take Baclofen to stop the recriminations and stress so you stop bouncing off each other in a negative way. Tell him that it helped me cope with my wife. Maybe it will make him look at it differently, as something which would help him help you. (I got that from Jerry McGuire!) Now my wife hands me my pills. Talk about role reversal.



                    PS. And if that does not work, tell him that I take it and I don't drink. I have a massively stressful job and I have had people say they are amazed how I can cope with what I am going through. One person asked if I felt any stress at all. For a non-alcoholic, it has a profound effect and makes you appear to colleagues, friends, as having a near superhuman ability to cope with almost anything life throws at you.



                    Olivier Ameisen

                    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                      Progress thread for ne

                      "Lettin' you know that
                      You're not alone
                      if you feel like you've been down the same road"

                      Thanks for the holla back, fellas.
                      No need to gossip, though it might be fun! I took a nap. I'm going to go for another run, I think, this time with my eyes on the goal.
                      Apparently one of the reasons my computer is acting up is because I have too much music on it! (who knew?) so I'm going to clean that up and download skype again. Then several phone calls while I make paper flowers for tomorrow night's events. Then, if the world continues to smile on me, my GBF will come over and entertain me, or take me to dinner or something. I need a date/distraction!
                      It took me 5 months to get rid of 25 year old affliction. I figure it'll take me a couple of months to figure out a decade long relationship...
                      Certainly not giving up, that wouldn't be like Ne, would it???
                      xx and oo.

                      PS how come no-one is loving the new av? Or are you all too young/busy to remember Sarah Connor in the Terminator?


                        Progress thread for ne

                        That's a great story Otter, it's good to learn more about your road. I like your point about trading one set of idiosyncrasies for another. I'm single after a couple decades of being part of various couples. There was only one I thought I could live with but he was kind of mean, and he lied, so no dice. I'm lonely. Without being hungover, I have too much time on my hands and too many regrets. I need to make new memories NOW. It's time for me to begin my second half of life and take CHARGE.

                        Have a good day everyone, NE, check in, will ya? Getting worried....


                          Progress thread for ne

                          She emerges! We must have cross-posted Ne.


                            Progress thread for ne



                              Progress thread for ne

                              Neva, I was going to give it a couple of posts to see if Sarah Conner stuck around long enough, or was zapped into the past like the other avatars before commenting! That film has always stuck in my head because of Bill Hicks, and his comments on the stunts!

                              I'd like to know how you think up all these avatars?

                              I can't decide whether it fits or not yet.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                I know, I know, I was going to take a day off, but SHIT (I feel comfortable with that one), so much happened and there is so much I feel compelled to respond to. (I rationalize that this is an essential part of my recovery, and I sincerely believe it is.)

                                As an aside, I am lamenting letting my own thread languish on page 2 (or is it 3 now?), but how can I get there with all the other posters here hogging the attention with their mind-blowing, illuminating, provoking, funny, amazing, and heart-wrenching posts?

                                Ok, responses coming soon... like it or not.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

