Ne, if I may, it's possible you caught the wrong end of Murph's post there. When I was reading what you quoted (I haven't seen the original yet, still catching up), I found myself nodding, thinking "good post," then I got to the end and saw you were fuming.
Forums, by their nature, give focus to certain aspects, one of them is SE's in this case. And they should be a focus, because people need to be informed about them and know what to expect. The problem arises when, if we take my case for example - I had 50 posts about SE's, and one post about indifference. For me, the overriding and massively powerful part of this journey was indifference, but it's a tiny proportion of what my posts say. Anyone reading would likely think baclofen was about SE's and not indifference.
Baclofen works. That needs to be stressed more than the side effects.
As to your dilemma, and Terry's - I don't think it's so odd. I just think that's the level you need to sit at for a time. Over time, I'm hoping this level reduces. I have been thinking quite a bit about this. I think it was Dr L who mentioned that the brain rewires itself, and then someone (Chi) who followed up on that, so I'm hoping the rewiring will allow a gradual reduction. Might be horseshit though, who knows?
I kinda like knowing that it's that sensitive.