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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Hi Ne, Ive got no clue what time it is there now but I hope you managed to get some sleep. Is joe coffee?

    Since my sons been off school my sleep has moved on in that were going to bed late 2am last night! and getting up late 11am today for me, hes still asleep, this always happens in school holidays and I have to start getting us both back to bed earlier ready for monday soon.

    I didnt bother getting on to the doctor either, no point really they wont listen to what Ive got to say so Id just be winding myself up about it.

    What you mentioned on my thread about low dose bac maybe should be talked about more on here I think, in fact any changes in dosage of bac whether we are on low or high. I am feeling prestty good and stable at the moment with what Im taking and doing.

    Do you get to have a break form school after the finals, good luck with them by the way but Im sure you will be fine, you are a hard working girl. That would be lovely to do your finals the get your house, perfect in fact. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    It is very quite on here isnt it?



      Progress thread for ne

      Yoo Hoo! Hey, Ne. I just got here to read you're brilliant posts re pharmacists and ants.

      I'm reminded of a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a good long while. I see her ex-husband frequently, though. He (and she, I guess, by association) is who introduced me to meditation, and continues to teach long courses, at the age of 80 something. Talk about a "soul-connection!"

      Anyway, I often use her mantra, as she was swatting flies to their death, "may you be re-born in a higher form."

      I dunno' . . . makes me feel more ease.

      I do recall sitting my first 30-day meditation course in India, decades ago, and watching the bird-size mosquitoes suck my blood. I never, ever, managed to cultivate compassion for the little pregnant, female flying b***ches.

      Thanks, Ne. You're awesome.
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        Progress thread for ne

        So are you!

        Gotta run, but if someone comes along and wants to bump the Levin threads, and/or put his number out there again, that would be really helpful. (But now I won't forget either way!)
        Happy day, peeps!


          Progress thread for ne

          I spent some time this morning catching up on some of the reading that people have sent me. There's an interesting article in French Slate I thought I'd pass along.

          Alcoolisme: le scandale du Baclofène | Slate

          The following is the google translation of an email sent from a psychiatrist, Granger, to Lechat, an official with the French Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS).

          I ask you always to organize a meeting of experts without conflicts of interest to update your news in June 2011 on Baclofen, he writes. While I remembered the urgency to facilitate the prescription of Baclofen for patients with a fatal illness, yet you speak of double-blind studies and additional controls.
          (...) All available studies converge to show a success rate of baclofen in alcohol at least twice higher than that usually obtained with placebo.The effectiveness is open at least 50%, probably more (...) If you were to evaluate a treatment that cures 20% of pancreatic cancers, dare you impose waiting years for patients in studies against placebo or treatment (inactive) reference?
          There is a moment where your procedures must give way to your physician ethics. Dozens of patients die every month because prescription Baclofen is discouraged by your services. You are aware that there are not in the penal code an article on the failure to assist persons in danger (Article 223-6).

          The response was this (bold is mine):
          Professor Lechat said that the marketing authorizations are awarded from scientific data demonstrative of the benefit / risk ratio of a drug in a given indication and submitted by a pharmaceutical company in a format well standardized. What is not yet the case with baclofen in the indication for treatment of alcohol dependence and that "even if the initial results are very promising."
          He also stressed that Afssaps can not decide "without a manufacturer who has the status of pharmaceutical establishment file a case file to be submitted for assessment, as it should. '"
          Faced with a problem as important in terms of health public of addiction to alcohol, it is obvious that such a file must be usable by other European health authorities for including patients in other countries than France could benefit from such a therapeutic advance, as it seems to be reasonably expected in this case after the first reported results of the first observational studies " he adds.

          Interesting, isn't it? And here I was, after all this time, relinquishing my former status as a conspiracist! (okay. I don't really think it's the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry to do this...But then why is that a requirement for public policy???)

          Cheers, peeps!


            Progress thread for ne


            Thanks reg. I'm working on a new avatar, just for you.

            The sober me is one very contented chick, that's for sure. Glad it makes me At least for you!

            (Oh, and I miss Ig, too. Much as I hate to admit it. He just posted and said he'd be back to give an update. sheesh...)

            Happy day, everybody!
            (I owe a couple of PMs, but will be back later.)


              Progress thread for ne

              I have a long lost cousin, the first child of my uncle that just passed away. He and my uncle had a falling out and he (and my uncle, really) weren't a part of our regular very close-knit family life. I knew that no one reached out to him when my uncle, his father, died. Which broke my heart. But it's not my place...( I hate that.) I also guessed that he (my cousin) has the disease. It is RAMPANT in my family. At least three generations of very productive, very prodigious drinkers. (With a bunch of holier-than-thou teetotalers and some people who died young or disappeared, too.)

              I had dinner with my grandmother tonight. Turns out my cousin is literally homeless. He doesn't have an ID to fly home. (Not his home. Ours...) This fact is so inconceivable it's hard to fathom. No home? How does that happen? In my family???

              People, I don't know why I bring this here. There isn't anywhere else, I guess. But it is very, very hard not to think about all of the suffering that people who have what I have go through. And the fact that I think there is this really incredible tool that is so incredibly hard to find/get/take.

              I am so very grateful. And sad.
              Peace out. :l


                Progress thread for ne

                And geez. What am I going to do about my cousin? really. It's not okay that he doesn't have a roof.


                  Progress thread for ne



                    Progress thread for ne



                      Progress thread for ne

                      We're a hard group of people to help. Outside insistance rarely works. Offers of real help rarely are accepted. I know that in recovery it's hard to take in an active drunk who has no interest in recovering. I tried it once. Didn't work out.

                      Best of luck. Just don't take on more than you can handle.
                      "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                        Progress thread for ne

                        I dont know what you can do about your cousin Ne, its about what you are prepared to do and can afford to do. I think that I am so fortunate to have the gift I have got and being where I am now that I have a duty to share it with other people, I know you do too, you show that by still being on here.

                        But what does your cousin want thats the thing, is anyone in contact with him? whats the situation like where he is with provision for homeless and getting a place to live, I think in the city I live in its not good for someone drinking, people dont want to know you if your drunk, your too much trouble and to unpredictable it can be hard for people to see through that to see a person who needs help, maybe not to stop drinking but that shouldnt exclude anyone from being offered help, I mean by society. sorry I went into a mini rant there, nothing to do with your situation

                        So its up to you, what can you do and what do you want to do, and most importantly to do it while looking after yourself


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Ne, that's a tough one. Would I be alive if my cousin hadn't invited me to stay in Chicago with her? Maybe not. I was broke, about to be homeless, and drinking (booze that I shoplifted) from the time I woke up until I passed out. But was it easy for her and husband? No. They discovered me drunk. They took away my I.D. So I drank their Listerine. They stopped buying Listerine. Then I drank their cooking extracts. Don't know if they ever figured that one out. One of their neighbors called the cops after seeing me smoking weed in their backyard. I also cost them a lot of money. I had nothing when I arrived in Illinois, and couldn't work right away because of a hand injury. (I'd drunkenly stabbed my hand with a serrated knife trying to open a can of soup my last night at home.) They bought me food, smokes, everything for weeks. I stayed sober with them for a while. Then I moved out, started drinking again, and began a terrible 5 year cocaine and alcohol soaked relationship with a Mexican busboy.
                          Yeah. I know how to party.
                          So rescue at your own risk. I'm glad my cousin put up with my shit. Are her and husband glad they did it? I honestly don't know.
                          "Yet someday this will have an end
                          All choices made or choice resigned,
                          And in your face the literal eye
                          Trace little of your history,
                          Nor ever piece the tale entire
                          Of villages that had to burn
                          And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                          Before you could be safe from time
                          And gather in your brow and air
                          The stillness of antiquity."

                          From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                            Progress thread for ne

                            hmmm. That's some serious food for thought, Windy.

                            Option A: Help out a Windy. For a couple of what, weeks? Months?
                            Option B: Don't.

                            We'll see how it plays out. I don't know a lot about the situation. But I know I don't sit on the fence about the whole idea. Especially if he's one of us. And I (we) have tools he's likely never heard of, ya' know? IF that's the case. We shall see...

                            My whole entire life right now is screaming at me: "Sit down. Be quiet. Wait. WAit. WAIT."
                            What a pain in my arse.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Poink;1313997 wrote: We're a hard group of people to help. Outside insistance rarely works. Offers of real help rarely are accepted. I know that in recovery it's hard to take in an active drunk who has no interest in recovering. I tried it once. Didn't work out.

                              Best of luck. Just don't take on more than you can handle.
                              I know that I had a hard time accepting help when it 1) seemed like it wasn't really going to help. Or 2) seemed like it was going to cost me WAY more than staying sick. But I get your point. When someone is ready, they're ready. And not before. Hopefully it's before it's too late.

                              spacebebe01;1314033 wrote:

                              So its up to you, what can you do and what do you want to do, and most importantly to do it while looking after yourself
                              everything else that you wrote is even more true than what I quoted, Space. I just didn't want to take up too much space. Yep. There's some sort of balance thing, for sure. Hell if I know much about balance, though. Meditation, shmeditation. Everything I do is STILL full tilt or half-arsed.
                              Most importantly, I really have no idea what the situation is. There's reason enough to suspect the obvious.
                              And all social service systems suck. They're just better than no social service systems. I've depended on one before...It is what it is. And it doesn't take the place of family. Obviously...

                              g'day peeps!


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Hi, Grat! you sunshine-y thing, you.

