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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Fuck. For the second time in 2 weeks, abusive ex was on MY train platform. Normally I would take this time to focus on abdominal breathing, quieting my shaking hands, and not shitting my pants, but I only have the duration of this train ride to post. So I if show up to work trembling and with shit dribbling down my leg, MWO will be to blame.
    Deep breaths.
    Ok. What you were saying about your new house really resonated with me, Ne. I've been going through a slow motion breakdown of my own (as opposed to the crash and burn breakdown I'd have if drinking) that came to a head the other day when our landlord called to ask would we be moving in August and can she start showing the place. Later that night, I stuck my head out our backdooor as an el train was passing on the nearby tracks. It seemed close enough to touch, and I thought, Look at all that HUMANITY! All those people so close! On my way home from the gym yesterday (which is half a block away) I passed the Armenian jeweler who fixes my watch for free and always tries to get me to take shots of vodka with him. I passed the Korean tailor who helped me reline the coat I gave my sister. The Mexicans that own the liquor store who congratulated me on my sobriety and gave me my V8 for free. I feel surrounded by people here. I feel like I could reach out and scoop them up.
    By contrast, my family's house where I intend to move is surrounded by 20 acres of land. Their driveway is a half mile long. The nearest store is a 10 minute drive away and is full of chubby white people who all look related. I'm scared at night by myself in that house. Much more scared than I would be on the streets on Chicago. It's just so...quiet. You feel so alone. It's also the "scene of the crime" as far as my mental illness and substance abuse goes. This was the house where I was first swallowed by darkness, where reality started not to feel real. And where I first learned to grab a bottle, a pill, a razor, anything to push the edges of the darkness back.
    Ok, now I'm getting silly, but what I meant to say was I get it. I understand what it's like to be afraid of being isolated. I understand what it's like to be haunted by a former incarnation of yourself.
    I'm glad it sounds like you're warming up to the idea of your new place. I'm sure it'll be awesome, if something of an adjustment. A new way to further push yourself and grow, right? Hopefully, I'll experience a simillar change in attitude soon, though there's other issues at play for me, like what's going to happen with my current relationship (damn, I love him. And damn, does he love vodka.)
    Got more to say, but I'm outside work. Pants feeling shit-free, I might add.
    As far as Trotter should move on Grant Achatz. Good looking young chef who overcame tongue cancer at the height of his career to open the best (read: expensive) restaurants in the city right now.
    And while feeling jealous last night of a young, hip couple drinking copius amounts of booze, I imagined them talking at an AA meeting years from now. It was very theraputic.
    Thinking of you! Hugs!
    "Yet someday this will have an end
    All choices made or choice resigned,
    And in your face the literal eye
    Trace little of your history,
    Nor ever piece the tale entire
    Of villages that had to burn
    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
    Before you could be safe from time
    And gather in your brow and air
    The stillness of antiquity."

    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


      Progress thread for ne

      Ne/Neva Eva;1339427 wrote:


      I Plus, this house has room enough for having overnight company comfortably and two full bathrooms--very hard to come by in older homes. So consider yourselves invited!

      OK then I will have to check the air fares tho:H and Im not sure how my sons will react when I tell them that I want to go off to visit you, then take another flight to decorate for COS,for free board and lodgings in Colorado:H

      Im so glad your coming round to the new house Ne, Im sure it will be wonderful after all it will be your home with Ed:h and you will get used to having to travel a bit to see people.

      Oh Windy Im sad for you to be so troubled right now, the move has been on the cards for a while now but since its becoming reality are you not so sure about it. Or your bf. Do you have to move into your parents house, what about work? Im sorry I cant remember why you are moving there. From your description of where you live now and your neigburs I am envious, although I am sourounded by people I dont really know anyone to talk to and just say Hi to the ones who live next door, mind you thats me, I think I would be like that no matter where I lived. I have always dreamed of living in the middle of nowhere surrounded by countryside.


        Progress thread for ne

        Hey space, if you take the cat back with you, you will be handsomely awarded although I might need some time to convince my wife on that.


          Progress thread for ne

          I dont think I could smuggle a cat through customs, it would start meowing in my hand luggage and give the game away.


            Progress thread for ne

            Send rain please. Wildfire about 15 miles from my house. I can't walk so if it comes through they will serving me up on a bed of rice.


              Progress thread for ne

              COS, I keep looking for a place and an opportunity to talk 'bout the fact that you don't drink against your will anymore.

              Congratulations, my friend! I am so happy for you. I figure the first couple of months are sort of a no-wo/man's-land...What's going on with that for you? (I still wasn't sleeping. But I started to like only "needing" four hours of sleep. Of course that's not how it works over the long run, but it was fun for a good while!)

              It sounds like it'll be particularly good to have your wits about you if flames start licking at the yard...I'm thinking of you and doing what passes for prayer (which I suppose is actually prayer!) about the whole situation. Stay safe!
              You're seeing the doc on Tues about the gout? There have been a couple of people that have reported edema--dramatic edema--so I'm really glad you're going to figure out what's going on. I've read about cranberry juice? Is that a lame suggestion?

              WCL, I could write a 6 page letter about your post. First of all, it's beautiful. I am moved by your descriptions of the people in the city. Humanity! yep.
              Sorry about the asshole ex. You are so much stronger, so much more intensely powerful than he ever was when he was trying to control you...I hope he's not getting even an ounce of your power anymore. But if he is, exorcise that demon. 'cause it ain't him. It's what he stands for. You know?
              Finally. Moving home, moving on, moving period. egad. I don't know if I could move into the same dynamic I grew up with. And I love my parents, they're my friends, and confidantes and the love is not just unconditional in a parent/kid kind of way. I really like and respect them. But there is no one and nothing that can take me to a place of...Not Where I Want To Be faster than being with my dad. Even though he's the first person I call/look to/think of under many circumstances. How's that going to work with/for you?

              Space--anytime, under any circumstances. Bring the boys. (But maybe not the fiance, soon to be husband. Sounds like I might bonk him with a frying pan...)

              COS, you'll have to keep the cat. The Goose has a taste for them. I am really enjoying the saga, though. Please continue.

              Pics in the next post.


                Progress thread for ne

                [IMG/]Murray in June 2012.jpg[IMG]


                  Progress thread for ne



                    Progress thread for ne

                    Happy owners of a mid-century brick ranch...


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Here's the kicker...This beach is a mile from our new house. Talk about seeing the dark side of things, I didn't even explore the area before I decided I was going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do!


                        Progress thread for ne


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Mind you, I'm not a fan of the beach, and being a freckle-y sort of chick, the sun is anathema. But I CAN see getting all blissed out watching the sun rise, or set (it's a north facing beach, so you can see both!!!) from a really beautiful vantage. And it will be a bonus for the peeps who come to visit, I suppose.

                          The best thing about it is that it's not a touristy beach. It's on the bay. There aren't any portapotties, no vendors, no big hotels. Just locals who worship the sun/sand/water. And apparently it's a great place to catch flounder! (A sustainable, healthy, and yummy fish.)
                          What's more, my entire family (aunts, uncles, grandma) came to the house with us and they were all thrilled, full of suggestions (not annoying ones) and inspiration and offers of help. My dad cried. (Just a little, but I saw it. :l) THAT is the difference a year and a half can make.

                          It's also the difference a little less fear and a little more glass-half-full can make.

                          Love you all. I've got to go. Be strong today. Know you've got what it takes. Remind me the next time I get mired in all the yuck, will you?

                          BTW, the star of the first photo is Goose, who actually stood still sort of facing the camera. That's my girl.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Just in case you didn't get enough of her:


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Looks like a nice spot. Love the beach. Feeling fine except I can't walk from gout.
                              Just trying to get a hold of friends camping near our wildfires. Evacuating a lot of areas here. Raining ash.
                              Have not had sleep in a while. Could use a drink, amazing I am not reaching for one. Glad to hear everything is going well!
                              Just get a hat and some sunscreen. I love the beach but hate the sun.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Oh Ne, WOW, wow, wow, wow, WOW.

                                It looks soooo perfect. I am so happy for you I feel a bit emotional here

                                Where did you get the idea I have a fiance, soon to be husband??!!! I am probably the most long time single peep you know. Im just way to lazy for all that effort I think I would love the close loving relationship thing, but really cant be arsed with the dating and getting to know someone thing

