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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    I'm here. But gotta go!

    My folks are on their way over to..."help" with the new house. It should be fun, but it will also be maddening.

    In the meantime, I'm just attempting to practice just a tiny portion of the suggestions I give out to other people! The things I KNOW work to make me feel fantastic, and they are so. damn. hard. to do.
    Be in this moment

    And in this moment I am very grateful and humbled to be a part of this really special group.



      Progress thread for ne

      Where there is love, there are always miracles.

      That gives me goosebumps, Lovelife. Thank you.


        Progress thread for ne

        Sleep. I forgot sleep. Single most important thing in my life to stay healthy.

        Thinking about you a lot, WCL. :l


          Progress thread for ne

          Likewise, sister.
          Now let's roll up our sleeves and attack some boxes!
          "Yet someday this will have an end
          All choices made or choice resigned,
          And in your face the literal eye
          Trace little of your history,
          Nor ever piece the tale entire
          Of villages that had to burn
          And playgrounds of the will destroyed
          Before you could be safe from time
          And gather in your brow and air
          The stillness of antiquity."

          From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


            Progress thread for ne

            Morning friends and family!

            Just checking in via group messaging of a sort. I've sworn off MWO, email, and all computer related things unrelated to school for the weekend. (See how well I'm doing?)

            My parents spent the day here yesterday. We have a new disposal! (You'd think this was not a big deal. You'd be wrong.) And the leaks are fixed! And the attic stairs no longer threaten anyone's life by falling rather randomly out of the ceiling. (At least I hope! Imagine that home insurance bill. I shudder to think. Not that it's not important to think about the person who gets knocked on the noggin--into the next life. But home insurance? That's a whole new ball game in Ne-world.)

            My mom helped me organize, and then completely restructure and reorganize the kitchen.

            We have an estimate from the gas-man for a gas line and it only made me a little nauseous. I didn't actually throw up or have to go to bed for the rest of the day.

            I think I've decided on a washing machine. (For those in need of one, I would highly recommend not doing any research and simply throwing a dart and buying the damn thing. This is NOT what I did. I wish I had.)

            I think I've missed an assignment in my psychology class, and am a week behind (yes, school just started a week ago) in reading for Anatomy and Ethics. Happily, I'm prepared for yoga on Wed--had to read a couple of chapters of a book that I started reading this summer on Redthread's recommendation! How cool is that?

            I'm completely aware of the kerfuffle I've created and will address that at some point. Soon. We need active administrators on this section of this wonderful forum. And if that can't happen, we need a solution to the problems that arise.
            I started to respond to each person on my mind and realized that I'll be here all morning if I do that. And not even begin to cover what I would like to write.

            So much mad love to you peeps. I'm finding you inspiring and motivating and breaking my heart in all the right ways.

            For the official record: Still sober. (19 months in two days.) Still not using other medications to cope with life (though I have, I do and I will when I need to. And never against my will.) And still just feckin' doing what I need to do. In no small part because that is who you guys have inspired me to be.

            Rock on.


              Progress thread for ne

              Good to hear you're getting your new gaff all shipshape.

              Ne/Neva Eva;1372553 wrote:
              I started to respond to each person on my mind and realized that I'll be here all morning if I do that. And not even begin to cover what I would like to write.
              Yep, this place can take over your life sometimes. You mustn't let it.

              Ne/Neva Eva;1372226 wrote: I'm just attempting to practice just a tiny portion of the suggestions I give out to other people! The things I KNOW work to make me feel fantastic, and they are so. damn. hard. to do.
              Be in this moment
              Well, I'm trying to follow your suggestions and example. I'm eating well (not MnMs), running every day, being in the moment much more than I used to. These 3 things are really starting to pay off for me. So, thanks:l I don't meditate though. I tried that last year and I found it annoying/burdensome/hellishly boring. (I can see RedT smiling and raising her eyebrows when she reads that. But not tutting or feeling the need to admonish me )Yeah I know, I wasn't doing it right if that was the effect it had on me.
              Ne/Neva Eva;1372247 wrote:
              Sleep. I forgot sleep. Single most important thing in my life to stay healthy.
              Yeah...I ain't doing much of that atm and I am most certainly suffering as a result.:upset:

              windycitylady;1372291 wrote:
              Likewise, sister.
              Now let's roll up our sleeves and attack some boxes!
              That reminds me of a lesbian porno movie I once saw. I'm sorry, it's the sleep deprivation...combined with the fact I'm actually a 14 year old boy in a 47 year old man's body.

              I wonder if I still have that video somewhere. Let me go see if I can find it.
              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                Progress thread for ne

                Good to see your thread back up and running NE!!!

                You are sounding so happy and healthy!!! And congrats on the 19+ months!! WOOHOO!!!!

                If you are reading this you should be doing homework....
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Thanks, Taw.
                  I should be studying right now. But when I read that last night, I actually closed the computer and started studying. So thanks for that too! Keep on keepin' on, sister.

                  You too, brother-mine. Just do what you're doing. I'll do what I'm doing. (Minus this. I must. have. more. discipline. when it comes to MWO.) We'll meet and gossip about what works. Hayzeus knows we all need all the help we can get--where we can find it. (Posting and reading here is still a big part of that for me, I guess.)



                    Progress thread for ne

                    Hey lady!
                    Glad to hear things are coming together at the new place. All the things you're doing and decisions you're making are so....grown up.
                    I'm a person who can spend 15 minutes trying to decide which tomato sauce to buy. Researching a washer would probably send me over the edge. You have my admiration.
                    This may sound stupid, but Anatomy and Ethics will be 2 separate classes, right? If not, that sounds more interesting.
                    I've got more to say, but one my goals is not to spend so much time chainsmoking and playing on my phone on the front porch. (I type as I cough violently)
                    Happy Labor Day! Don't labor too much.
                    "Yet someday this will have an end
                    All choices made or choice resigned,
                    And in your face the literal eye
                    Trace little of your history,
                    Nor ever piece the tale entire
                    Of villages that had to burn
                    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                    Before you could be safe from time
                    And gather in your brow and air
                    The stillness of antiquity."

                    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                      Progress thread for ne

                      If there isn't already, there definitely should be a whole bunch of very strict ethical concerns when dealing with specific parts of the anatomy! Now if only we could find a good model, 'cause what we've got isn't cutting it, not by a long shot.

                      Hiya Windy! Glad you too have found a place to sit and smoke. Right there with ya', sister. (OK, that sounds weird coming from me. If I knew you more personally, I'd say something like chick or chica or sweetie, all of which might sound even worse... Grrr.)

                      And yes, Labor Day. Let's celebrate labor movements everywhere by relaxing today. Except the National Hockey League Player's Association. Let's not celebrate them in their struggle at all, because if they keep this crap up they're gonna get locked out and delay the start of the damned season...


                        Progress thread for ne

                        Your sounding good Ne, and I agree, dont research stuff when trying to buy electricals, I nearly drove myself and everyone around me mad trying to get a cooker, making a decision grhhh. Its so cool your settling into yuor home and exciting, it sounds wonderful.

                        Congratulations on the 19 months YEH for you

                        Lots of hugs and love :l


                          Progress thread for ne

                          Happy 19 month anniversary Nekarenneva!

                          I know you're thinking I'm a day late celebrating our switch, but that's just because you're American and you don't understand about things like time zones, the international date line, good manners, not shouting when you talk, refinement, how to use both a knife and fork at the same time... Oh I'm sorry, I appear to have drifted.
                          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Love that song, Reggie. Love it. Thanks. I finally recognize a song you posted--not that I don't always love 'em. I do!

                            I'm well. Plugging along. Pretty darn content and still too busy! And still indifferent. I've been contemplating reducing my dose again. Ed said the other night that he didn't think we could ever go down that road again. (Meaning the rabbit hole of addiction.) But I've seen enough here to be nervous...

                            I'm also thinking about going up again. I'm going to quit smoking this month, and I'm worried it might kill me. Or I might kill someone! I never did see the results of the study that was done on nicotine and baclofen, but I might go up one last time just because I want to throw every tool I've got at the last damn chemical that runs my life. I am so damn tired of smoking. You know? We'll see...

                            And I'm three days early, LoveLife, but Happy Anniversary bacatcha...Number 20. Yow! :l

                            EDIT: Lovelife, I was with my parents over the weekend and discovered that my mother was diluting my coffee with decaf because apparently I shout when I talk. It's a little much for her at 5:00 in the morning. And I would never be so gauche as to use two utensils at the same time. I'll try not to stare when you come for dinner.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              Ne/Neva Eva;1385568 wrote:
                              EDIT: Lovelife, I was with my parents over the weekend and discovered that my mother was diluting my coffee with decaf because apparently I shout when I talk. It's a little much for her at 5:00 in the morning. And I would never be so gauche as to use two utensils at the same time. I'll try not to stare when you come for dinner.
                              It's weird to hear an American talking about diluting coffee when American coffee is so weak anyway. It's the homeopathic version of coffee: it's so diluted, it no longer actually has any coffee molecules left in it. It's liek someone who once saw a picture of a coffee bean took a piss in a lake and you get a cup of that lake water. The shit you people drink is NOT coffee. Just sayin'.

                              I shall be coming for dinner early next year. Set a place and await my arrival! :l
                              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Don't tease. There is always a place set for you.

