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Progress thread for ne

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    Progress thread for ne

    Glad the mods finally did something about that asshat. Thanks for alerting them, Ne- that fool was getting tiresome.

    I agree with Spiritwolf- bac is doing quite well for me- I'm on day 6 of AF (including a sober July 4th) and it's actually been relatively easy and craving free... I'm happy about that.


      Progress thread for ne

      spiritwolf333;1529773 wrote: Almost all non-back takers (AA types-first statement: u are just replacing one addictive drug with another).
      Wao there nelly. My sponsor was so blown away by my progress with Baclofen. He is totally sold on it. In fact he was telling another old timer about my progress and that guy was like... we should start a group for all styles of recovery (kinda like MWO I think). I am a good testament to the AAers I know because hey knew I was fucked. My sponsor in fact said he felt bad because there was nothing he could do for me and he knew I wasn't gong to get it. The healthy people in AA are open minded. It states in their text that one day medical science will come up with a solution. The people in there that are truly recovered understand that. I think AA people are a ton more open minded than we are in here. I see half the bickering in the rooms than I do in here. The rooms have assholes in them too and u cant kick them out of AA either.

      I'm an eternal AA defender I had a few good years of my life because of AA.... probably why Im alive today too.
      When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


        Progress thread for ne

        Of course AA and meth are the same thing. I found it on some website.
        When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


          Progress thread for ne

          JDizzle;1529809 wrote:

          I'm an eternal AA defender I had a few good years of my life because of AA.... probably why Im alive today too.
          Yep, me too. But this article ( points out that the healthy people who are in AA and believe the truth of the fact that medical science will one day solve the disease of alcoholism are in the silent minority. Or maybe even in the majority, but still silent. (And perhaps it has as much or more to do with Hazelden, rather than individuals in AA...Hazelden=big pharma in several ways. just sayin')

          Also, it's worth it to note that the AA meeting I was attending (my fave in this area) had some old timers who are absolutely dead set against medications and share that as a part of their stories. Not exactly conducive to a Ne...But I still really enjoyed the people and the fact that God (or god or whatever) is in the house.

          I'm not trying to argue, btw. I agree with you and have stated categorically that your sponsor sounds amazing and I heart him (and you). What you've shared has given me hope, actually, that I might return to the rooms.

          Oh. And what bickering? I didn't know there was any bickering in MWO. And, um, I have definitely been in groups that didn't put up with half the shit we have to put up with here. just sayin' again.

          JDizzle;1529811 wrote:
          Of course AA and meth are the same thing. I found it on some website.
          oh right. I forgot.


            Progress thread for ne

            JDizzle;1529811 wrote: Of course AA and meth are the same thing. I found it on some website.
            So, that would make AA addictive, right?
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


              Progress thread for ne

              bleep, it was exactly the same as last time so you really didn't miss anything. Well, I'm sure you missed me. And everyone else of course. But other than that? Nah. Nothing new under the sun.

              Spirit, thanks, but it's a group effort. :l


                Progress thread for ne

                Xadrian;1529819 wrote: So, that would make AA addictive, right?
                I have definitely had that thought about MWO.


                  Progress thread for ne

                  Yep xadrian, AA causes physical dependence.

                  I'm sure people r diff regionally. I know I went to some meetings in OR that I thought were stupid. Around here, meds r definitely a touchy topic, but that is them sticking to their style of recovery for the purpose of the meeting. Maybe I just gravitate to like minded people. I surely know some angry old timers that its their way or the highway, but who wants what they have anyways. But I have to be understanding of them....there wasn't a pill for everything when they were young. U didnt pop a Prozac, u just got a second job to fill ur time. Anyways, my experience is the polar opposite of urs. I have never seen anyone asked to leave a meeting. I've seen a dude pass out and piss himself and I've seen a fist fight... No one left and really never brought it up in the meeting. In here, I see all kinds of posts back and forth.... U saying there is no bickering.... I think I missed ur joke. Ok touch? Neva that's funny. I bet people would get kicked out a ton easier if we had that power. Ok off to coffee with my rad sponsor to brag about the beer I get to have in 13 days. He's in a noon right now....loser.
                  When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                    Progress thread for ne

                    Ironically, or sadly, Bill W himself was all for a chemical solution to the problem, it memory serves. I would almost to go so far as he thought that that was the way out of it, chiefly. I will try and dig up some references to this.


                      Progress thread for ne

                      Ur right. He took LSD when he was "sober" seeking another solution.
                      When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                        Progress thread for ne

                        bleep;1529831 wrote: Ironically, or sadly, Bill W himself was all for a chemical solution to the problem, it memory serves. I would almost to go so far as he thought that that was the way out of it, chiefly. I will try and dig up some references to this.
                        Yeah, BillW was a proponent of Niacin as a treatment.


                          Progress thread for ne

                          AA offers some hope --initially and then some requirements. I never found too many old timers that would really accept the only requirement for membership: An honest desire to stop drinking.


                            Progress thread for ne

                            Where u at Neva? No more progress?
                            When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                              Progress thread for ne

                              JDizzle;1530379 wrote: Where u at Neva? No more progress?
                              Ne/Neva Eva;1529183 wrote:

                              I also logged on to post about the fact that I'm going on a little sabbatical from the internet. It has to do with time, and focus. It doesn't have anything at all to do with trolls and haters. Or really, anything to do with MWO at all. It's easy enough to log on here and post when I'm sitting on my duff and get bored with studying, but I don't have to do that for the next month. (Thank all that matters my summer class is over in FOUR days. woot!)
                              Final exam today, Jdizz. But still very little time. Progress? Isn't every day progress? Just so long as I don't have to be perfect! And holy cow! 7 hours of uninterrupted, unmedicated sleep last night! (Dammit. I really wanted to get up at 4am for some extra time to study...)

                              In all seriousness, every day is about the same as the day before. Which is pretty mundane until I remember what every day used to be like and then I realize that I'm living a miracle that I (honestly!) couldn't have dreamed about 3 years ago. So I start to think about what 3 years from now might look like, and I give up because I have NO idea how those promises are going to play out.

                              Rock on peeps.


                                Progress thread for ne

                                Just a general update-type-thingy:

                                All well. Still not a drunk. Still taking the pills. (120mg) Also taking Chantix. (woot! Addiction free here I come!!!)

                                Thoroughly enjoying computer-sabbatical. (Which for me means that I am spending less than 89.9% of my time in front of this laptop.) I meditated this morning for an entire hour (!!!) and I think I got about 30 seconds of mind-quiet out of it. Not bad for starting from scratch--again! I can also do 1/4 of a pull up now. (don't be jealous) I started out unable to bend my elbows, so I'm psyched. And I ran a whole block. That sucked. We must have verrrry long blocks in my typical suburban neighborhood. (I know you probably don't care. I do. In a way that's the point of a home thread!)

                                I'm reading a book about ADD (Gabor Mate) that is hysterical because he so gets it. This (please note bleep) is not a book about addiction!

                                And I really thought I was going to leave the house today, but since it's 11am and I haven't started preparing to go out yet, I doubt I will. Which sucks. I am one of those people who can entertain myself endlessly without the participation of other people and that leads to all that isolation-type stuff that isn't good for me. The fact that I am on vaca with nothing planned for daily excursions does not bode well for staying engaged with other human beings. I really don't want to turn into the crazy-cat-lady (or worse, crazy-dog-lady) so I'm working on finding groups and individuals and things outside of my comfort zone. It's hard. Plus, I have to do my hair if I leave and that takes flippin' forever. ugh. (Other women with long curly hair will get it. Everyone else will think I'm nuts.)

                                Peace out for another while!

