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Progress thread for ne

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    For pete's sake ( to use the spastics own words) moderators can you delete his VPN number or some other permanent action ... and prevent this stinky turd from popping up under a new user name .
    Its starting to smell like a uncleaned toilet .
    this guy sucks crack FFS
    permanent flush is required
    thanks in advance


      Behan you're back! Sweet!


        Like you said bfn you can paint the stripes over a zebra, but it's still a zebra.

        You can change the names of a troll several times and he is still a troll.
        Saw your thread reaching out and nobody responded

        Enlightened by MWO


          Behan -How awesome for you to become involved in the forum now; 7 year member -20 posts. Sounds like you and Otter should join teams. It really is good to see you back -regardless.


            Originally posted by SKendall View Post
            Like you said bfn you can paint the stripes over a zebra, but it's still a zebra.

            You can change the names of a troll several times and he is still a troll.
            Saw your thread reaching out and nobody responded

            SK-regardless of all else and your silly accusations, are you ever going to offer any helpful information regarding medications for alcoholism? Stop posting posts to get attention and pats on the back and start making posts relative to medications for alcoholism; otherwise, please stop posting. If people go back and read your story, they will learn who and what you are. I pray that you someday receive real peace-you deserve it.

            SK, you have a new home now on NE and Baclofen's site. Why do you even post on the med section without ever posting any thing relative to medications for alcoholism? Are you working well with your husband to generate positive ideas for others? What does your husband think about the forum -overall?


              Originally posted by befreenow View Post
              Edit: NE, don't you find it discomforting knowing that your website is partially run by a person who reveals "names" and identities of people on other sites?
              Originally posted by befreenow View Post
              NE, if people realized and knew that the person who controls your website reveals personal information about those he disagrees with, how many people would sign on? He is too young to even understand or care about the harm that he does to others. Why do you allow this?
              This information is false. It is absolutely against the rules, and would never be tolerated, for anyone to reveal personal, identifying information on Forums - The End of my Addiction.

              Originally posted by _serenity_
              Note to any newcomers to this forum:

              This forum was driven into the ground by a single drunk troll who went by "Spiritwolf/Spiritfree" (until he was finally banned for his drunken, abusive, self-righteous and shaming posts). He came back as "befreenow."

              Fortunately, there is now an addiction medication forum that is moderated and troll-free: Forums - The End of my Addiction. If you have questions, need advice, or just want like-minded people to talk to, please stop over and say hello.
              Exactly. Thanks Serenity and others for clarifying. Perhaps it's time to make a concerted effort to have the username BeFreeNow banned, and for the administrators of this forum to take more responsibility about what is posted (and what is not allowed) on this forum. The report button is at the top right of every post. Please consider using it to point out to the administrators that Spiritfree/Spiritwolf333 and BeFreeNow are the same person--one who has been banned from this forum and from the new forum.


                Actually, I don't see where to report a post. Someone help?


                  Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
                  Actually, I don't see where to report a post. Someone help?
                  Bottom left of each post, old girl


                  I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                  Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                    Originally posted by befreenow View Post
                    SK-regardless of all else and your silly accusations, are you ever going to offer any helpful information regarding medications for alcoholism? Stop posting posts to get attention and pats on the back and start making posts relative to medications for alcoholism; otherwise, please stop posting. If people go back and read your story, they will learn who and what you are. I pray that you someday receive real peace-you deserve it.
                    Befreenow - I dont see too much " helpful information regarding medications for alcoholism" in your posts either - Maybe you can show me where I am wrong, please


                    I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                    Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                      Originally posted by Baclofenman View Post
                      Bottom left of each post, old girl


                      Ahha! It used to be top right. They switched it up on me. Thanks!


                        Hi NE -and thank you for your opinions. So, help us all to better understand your position; you want everyone to join together in an effort to ban someone because his/her opinion differs than your opinion? Has said person you want to ban made any offensive comments towards you or anyone else?

                        NE, why in the world are they not banning you? You are promoting your own forum using this forum, you have said things on this forum to particular individuals that are truly horrific and alarming, and you chase away people from the forum because they just simply do not want to have to deal with someone like you who may attack them because their opinion differs from your opinion.

                        Do you remember the post you made (then erased) that said "FU -full name of person"? Also NE, again, if you can remember, you wrote on your own forum that you wanted to your thread alive because it was the top ranking thread on MWO medications? Well, it appears that we all are helping you to keep your top ranking. Can you at least thank some of us for helping you?

                        Your forum will always struggle to survive because of the attitude you and your followers display on this site; "if we don't agree with you then we ban you". Simple.


                          Never Ever -one other thought/opinion:

                          The one and only reason that you have not stopped drinking is the fact that you have not suffered enough pain or consequences as a result of your drinking -period.

                          You can blame baclofen or not enough baclofen -whatever you choose, but the bottom line is this: you have not suffered enough pain from alcoholism to quit. You do not have any single person (including children) to be accountable to, so therefore, taking another drink causes no harm to anyone but yourself -and there is just not much harm. Just my thought and my opinion.


                            A very accurate description!
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              What kind of people actually are trolls. Insecure and attention seeking enjoy being hated, etc.
                              Enlightened by MWO


                                Originally posted by befreenow View Post
                                Hi NE -and thank you for your opinions. So, help us all to better understand your position; you want everyone to join together in an effort to ban someone because his/her opinion differs than your opinion?
                                Personally, I think you should be banned because you are a banned user - FACT

                                Originally posted by befreenow View Post

                                NE, why in the world are they not banning you? You are promoting your own forum using this forum
                                You really do not get it do you? - There is no them and us - The "other" forum was set up as a result of YOU ruining the meds section here - Without your input here there would be no need for - Our goals, be it here, there, Otter, the Germans, the French, Neo - Whoever, are the same
                                The simple fact that you fucked this sites med section up is a FACT
                                The people who suffer due to the present state of this forums meds section is down to you - FACT

                                Originally posted by befreenow View Post
                                Well, it appears that we all are helping you to keep your top ranking. Can you at least thank some of us for helping you?
                                Thank you? - Ask your self a question - Why would Ne think about dumping this thread? - Consider for a minute what a joke this thread has turned into from such a great honest beginning - Bikering and fighting - Dogs,... fucking dogs - General discord and trolling - She must be heartbroken by how this has turned out

                                Originally posted by befreenow View Post

                                Your forum will always struggle to survive because of the attitude you and your followers display on this site; "if we don't agree with you then we ban you". Simple.
                                You have really lost the plot now - How do you think a forum survives? - Its a forum, therefore debate is its lifeblood - No debate No Forum - Get it? - What should not be stood for is trolling and general posting of missinformation as fact - Both of which you are guilty of - FACT

                                So, there you have it - You Befreenow/Spiritfree/Spiritwolf333/Bacfen et al (i am sure tk can fill in the rest) are the scurge of the meds section - FACT

                                Now, go and do one
                                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.

