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What to do?

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    What to do?

    I posted this in Just Starting....I thought maybe if I posted here as well, I might get some helpful input from others here..........

    "I have a question, how do you just live the rest of your life without AL? I have been trying to tame the beast, so to speak, and well, I just keep fighting this battle. I have tried Topa, The Sinclair Method, and Bac. I seemed to have the best experience with Bac, but with some side effects.

    I have been doing so well, the last litte while, and well, my drinking seems to be on the downslide again. My husband even said something to me tonight. That I was starting to drink every night again.

    The problem is this, I'm not ready to give it up completely! I'm not sure if I am just being stubborn.

    I also have some very close friends, and well, when we get together, we drink. I really don't want to disassociate with them......"
    AF July 6 2014

    What to do?

    Christy, my advice would be to just keep on doing whatever you are doing whilst very slowly titrating up (taking care to not let the SEs get so bad that you get discouraged).

    You can always try to use willpower, but don't let the fact that you are only improving slowly discourage you.

    As I understand it, in the big picture you are making real progress, but with periods of setbacks. As dab says, just KOKO, and don't let the setbacks put you off your goal.

    Eventually, you will be able to have fun without drinking... if you can't yet, then don't whip yourself for that. It will eventually come with the baclofen and your own slow progression towards indifference. It might be a very gradual process, and it IS a process, but it will come naturally with time and experience.

    I know that I can have fun now with my drinking friends and family by drinking far less than I used to with them. I still like to drink with them, but a little bit goes a long way, if I just think about it before hand, and try to keep the drinking in check (but not eliminate it).

    I can only do this because of the baclofen. So, instead of feeling down and disappointed in yourself, just try this simple advice, and look at small reductions in alcohol with pride and let it make you feel better, as you inch your way towards feeling comfortable not drinking with your drinking friends. Let it happen slowly without whipping yourself along the way. This is just my personal advice.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      What to do?

      Hi Christyacc,
      I know we had both tried BAC before and both decided to give it a second try about the same time. I said I'd keep an eye out for you.
      I am sorry to hear the SE's became too much for you.
      I am with Beatle. I think give BAC another try and just go slow with the titration. I believe you were starting to see some results on the second try, but the SE's became too much. I went pretty slow tritrating up.
      Your question about life without Al and your dilemma about drinking with your friends. Well I think about life without Al, but try not to think about it too much. When I am drinking I pine for a life without Al. When I am not drinking, I try make the most of life without Al. I worry about some occasions - like a Christmas Party this week, or a reunion coming up next year - and think how am I going to do it? But most times I feel better for not having the Al. Some days are tougher than others, but most days I am glad I made it though minus the Al.
      I hope you find your answers. It is not nice when your partner starts to comment about your drinking.
      I hope you work out which is the right path for you.
      Full English
      1st started BAC 17/4/10 - got to 60MG. Stopped 28th May due to SE's.
      2nd try of BAC started 6/9/10. Reached my switch at 210MG on 8/12/10. I weigh 68KG.
      Have been Al Free since 19th November 2010. Extremely thankful and grateful.


        What to do?

        I have been working through this exact scenario myself. Hanging out with friends while they drink is difficult at first, and I am still trying to adjust. I feel very self conscious, and I'm always having to think about what I say, or figure out how to keep the conversation going.

        It really reveals how much I leaned on alcohol as a crutch in social situations. Slowly, though, I'm learning to live my life without alcohol.

        It's not an overnight process, but I've been very happy with the results so far.


          What to do?

          Do what you want with your life. Once you are AF that is a possibility. How long are you abstinent?

