LOL @ the Mt. Dew comment! I think that was Phoenix Rising, whom I haven't seen around in awhile! I actually succumbed to Diet Mt. Dew yesterday afternoon at work. I was getting jaw splitting yawns and just couldn't stomach the idea of more coffee. The Mt. Dew made my teeth feel yucky and didn't really help. I was going out after work and didn't want to be dead tired, so I stopped off at Starbucks and got a triple espresso before heading out!
The sleepiness is really hard to deal with. And the dose that I'm at now keeps me from sleeping really deeply. Higher than where I'm at now and I have KILLER insomnia. A little bit lower and I sleep great, but I get some cravings creeping back in. I can deal with the tossing and turning for now and will sometimes take half a xanax before bed if I really need to sleep. Better than drinking!