I stopped smoking as a teen, I only smoked cloves but they got me high, and I loved them. I kept burning holes in my clothes because I had to have the car windows down when I smoked (I used the ash tray for coins not ash), so the car & clothes didn't get stinky. They just got burn holes instead. It was hard to quit and I got back on them time after time after time. I should have learned by that experience, because I recall thinking, "I've got an addictive personaltiy/chemistry" whatever, it didn't stop me from becoming a full blown alkie.
I suggest trying to get something to replace the smoking with, to keep your hands busy and maybe inhale some poisonous fumes instead.
I replaced my smoking with nail polish and fake nails. I ruined tons of clothes with nail polish drips and nail glue. Yes, I drove while drinking coffee and polishing nails and remember having to decide once, when I was driving my VW beetle, and I had hot coffee in one hand, open nail polish in the other, and the nail polish hand got stuck in the fly window (I was trying to adjust the wing mirror) while driving down the freeway at 70mpg steering with my knees. The freeway curved, and I had to make the decision to spill the coffee or the nail polish in order to free a hand to turn the car with the freeway curving, I choose the hot coffee and ruined my preppy little pink oxford dress on its inaugaral wear. Also burned my crotch and thighs. Spent the day with a great big brown stain in the front from the coffee. Very appealing. I was 18.
I'm sure this will be a very helpful post for you all.
