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Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

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    Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

    Ha :H Nice one Reggie. Thanks to you and Tawny Frog for that!

    Yes, woop woo I've gone past 6 months sober but can't say I'm in the pink yet. Realising that things would be so much worse if I was still drinking is about as good as it gets. Still long to get out of my face sometimes or at least have the option to but there you go. It's not as bad as it was and some people have said you need to wait up to a year to feel the full benefits!

    Now its the 2nd day of not smoking. Yesterday, apart from the morning coffee time craving and a few major triggers I had very little craving for cigs. I guess bupropien works. The cravings were not so intense and only came when I would expect them to. Am I going to have to go through cravings all over again when I come off bupropien, I now wonder.

    Ne, you never told me you were god squad before. Would have been great being wooed into belief, just saying , lucky converts!.

    The dog's great. Wife not too keen on it peeing in the house and she's still a bit bitey (dog, not wife) and has drawn a spot of blood or two from my kids. Teethe are just so sharp that the merest brush with them will do that. But the next time she starts chewing on my teak staircase, she'd better look out!
    Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


      Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

      Morning, (for you) Ig!


      Sorry I missed that point this (my) morning!

      And so, too, congrats on the cigs. (!) That's pretty amazing, actually. Gives me hope. Thanks for that.

      (I tried on the God thing for awhile a couple of times, looking for a way out. Didn't work... As I said, I did it the opposite way... Had all of those things going on before, and, well, you know. I'm pretty darn happy with life and bac!)

      Very, very cool about the pup. I bet that's a bit of shock around the neighborhood! (maybe?) Anyway. She'll cut her teeth soon enough and her bark will actually be worse than her bite. The peeing thing? I don't suppose you guys crate animals in the way of training them, over there? It works wonders. (Not that crating/caging works for anything else, except as a training tool, imho. don't wanna get in trouble with my fellow animal lovers around here!) What's her name?

      Hope it's a good day for you Ig. :l


        Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

        Nicely done Ig. Day one is always the hardest for me, because there is so little invested in the effort thus far, and nothing is really lost (or so I tell myself) by starting.

        I'm not certain, but I think that baclofen also helps the cravings. Mine haven't been terrible, and it's the only thing I'm taking.


          Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

          Excellent news on day 2, Iggy - it gives me real hope.
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

            Good stuff Iggy pop. You are a determined fella arent you. I like that.

            Have you got some bones (hide or raw) for your dogger? Might keep her away from your staircase.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

              ignominious;1121928 wrote: The dog's great. Wife not too keen on it peeing in the house and she's still a bit bitey (dog, not wife) and has drawn a spot of blood or two from my kids. Teethe are just so sharp that the merest brush with them will do that. But the next time she starts chewing on my teak staircase, she'd better look out!
              Dude, puppies and their teeth! One of mine was a biter. He constantly chewed on my hands whenever I got near him. Now, 6 months later, I'm left with scares all over my hands and wrists. It looks like I've been self-harming!

              WTG on the fags. Why do you have to stop the Wellbutrin after a month?

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                Tip, great news. The bac/bupropion combination means that the cravings I get are greatly reduced and I can think about what I want to do about them! I think the first hour of yesterday was the most difficult, just because I thought it would be!

                Didn't have a crate but after reading how simple it made training think that's a pretty good way to go in future. Felt it was a little rough to put her in a crate after she had been free for a week. She's tied up to the cloths line atm, poor mutt, because it's my daughter's 10th birthday and whilst I can accept a few lacerations on my kids hands and legs, I don't think other parents would take the same view!

                WTG??? Murph. However you can be sure I've sworn off fags even if I get propositioned by the hottest ladyboy in Patpong!

                Starts, I'm following in your footsteps but I'm getting a lot of chemical help! Ftr I get her chews and bones but when they're down to swallowing size they're gone. Trouble is she swallows things about the size of tennis balls!

                Bleep, its amazing the little tricks that our addictions play on us. Sure baclofen must be helping. Just don't be caught off guard. Allow yourself to think do you need that one puff enough to trade for a life of freedom from nicotine.
                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                  Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                  what are AD's? maybe this has been answered. pardon me if so.


                    Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                    oh, anti-depressants, i think. durr.


                      Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                      ignominious;1122139 wrote: WTG??? Murph. However you can be sure I've sworn off fags even if I get propositioned by the hottest ladyboy in Patpong!
                      "WTG" = Way To Go. An expression of encouragement or congratulations. Rather dated by now, no doubt, but hey I'm really not down with the yoof.

                      Talking about ladyboy's, that's why you live in S.E. Asia isn't it eh? Easy access to the chicks with dicks. Eh? eh?

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                        Thanks Murph. 3rd day's drawing to a finish and still holding firm though the cravings were a little bit more intense today. I only bought 60 tablets when I went to Thailand and they don't sell bupropion here. I've got about 30 pills left which I'm taking aty the rate of 2 a day. Bupropion doesn't seem to have done anything for my mood as far as I can tell but I am a bit worried that I'm going to have to face real withdrawal symptoms when I come of it. Frankly it seems to have been too easy. Not out of the woods yet but I haven't been this long without a cigarette for decades!

                        Your insight into my motives for living in Asia is .... words escape me .... its ... distinctly yours Murph, you can be proud of having an unfettered imagination. Thought you might be projecting for a sec, anyway sleep well tonight, maybe you can fit in a 5 knuckle shuffle while your missus isn't looking!
                        Seriously sorry you're having a bad day but as STP says you cant just go around bleeding your heart willy nilly across serious forums, we might get the idea you're American.
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                          Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                          Hi Rudy :welcome:
                          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                            Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                            ignominious;1122851 wrote: Seriously sorry you're having a bad day but as STP says you cant just go around bleeding your heart willy nilly across serious forums, we might get the idea you're American.
                            Don't worry, I won't make that mistake again.

                            RE the Wellbutrin: most ADs take several weeks before they kick in. If you want a longer run at it why not order from the net? Have you tried Prozac? It gets a bad press, but it really does work for a lot of people.

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                              Yo Murph, I understand the change of pace that showing emotions can cause: we're just not used to it. Let it all hang out!

                              I don't think I've been getting any positive AD effects from Wellbutrin, I shall probably notice more when I come of them. Also the more I think about it, anyone would be depressed if they were in the same situation as me. Jobless, very few savings, no prospects in the foreseeable future and everything I have financially and emotionally invested in this part of the world. If I move back to civilisation so that the gov. will pay for my children's education and provide food and board for my family then what I have done with the last 25 years of my life will look quite pathetic. Sort of like 'tail between my legs'.

                              As for ordering online, the drugs would never get through, the postal workers would figure it was worth nicking and it would be gone. Similar to Zimbabwe!

                              Still hoping something's going to turn up. In the meantime this is the 5th day not smoking, yesterday was maybe the hardest because I had expected to have it beat after day 3! This morning I didn't think about lighting a cig when I woke up, which is a first and great news.
                              Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                                Sobriety. From one who knows. A sober point of view.

                                ignominious;1123779 wrote: Also the more I think about it, anyone would be depressed if they were in the same situation as me. Jobless, very few savings, no prospects in the foreseeable future ... what I have done with the last 25 years of my life will look quite pathetic.
                                You just described me, except I don't have any savings, just debts. It's easy to deal with, what I normally do is get right royally pissed. Oh, wait a minute....

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

