Nah, there wasn't any need Murph - baclofen did remove the craving part. What got me was the missing smoking bit. I effortlessly made it to 6 weeks, then decided I missed it. I thought if I still felt like this in 3 days, I would start, and I did, so I did. Now I'm on 20 a day, and in a week will be back on 40, I'm sure.
The shit part about the whole thing was the hell I went through to get nicotine out of my body. I slept maybe an hour a night for a week, ringing in my ears, felt like shit, BUT NO CRAVING. Now I'll have to do it all over.
I'm going to give it a couple of weeks to get my head back in the right place, then do it again.
Baclofen. without doubt, made it a very easy thing to do.