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Baclofen Journal

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    Baclofen Journal

    Well, I got my Baclofen in the mail yesterday, but since yesterday was my last day of finals, I decided that today would be my first day on the medication. Had to squeeze that last excuse for 1 more day in, and I'm sure many of you know what that's about. I'm hoping that this will be day 1 of sobriety, but as of right now, all I can say is that it's day 1 of Baclofen. it would be nice to put in a week of sobriety before I see my family at Christmas though. my face would be less red and bloated. I hate that shit. so yeah, hopefully I put an end to this massive 15 year binder that I've been on. we shall see. oh, and I forgot to mention my dosage.

    10mg 3x per day

    that's what I am starting at. I have no clue what to expect, or how I will know when I "switch." getting a challenge on day 1 though, as it's snowing hard here. nothing I enjoyed more than being snowed in and boozing it up. oh well, I haven't gone out for anything yet, so I am maintaining.

    Baclofen Journal

    way to go . keep posting and I for one am pulling for you and watching your progress.


      Baclofen Journal

      Good luck! Enjoy the booze. And the hangovers, when the baclofen kicks in, heh heh!


        Baclofen Journal

        honestly, I think it's having a positive impact already. I know that if I hadn't taken it this morning, I'd have already gone out for beer. I turn into a drunken nut when there is rain or snow. I can't say that there is no urge, it just seems a bit dulled. not sure if it's all in my head, but whatever it is, it's better than placebo.


          Baclofen Journal

          Good luck Gogaters!

          The timing is right, so before christmas Everybody has different experiences with Baclofen, BUT it works. I was 'afraid' for my first 30 mg/d, now I take 100 when I wake up, 100 at noon, 100 at dinner and 100 nighttime easily. I'm a zombie, partially 'cos i sleep 3 hours for the last 4 weeks now. All the SE's eventually subside, but not the insomnia for me.
          I titrated pretty quickly to 100-120 mg/d, en there the Bac started to work. I felt better, had good sleep, and drank much less already. At 400 mg/d I could't care less for a drink, even at social events. No hallejah-feeling for me though. It came gradually, succes is for me now not wanting to drink beer, tea is fine with me. No cravings etc. So, I guess that's the switch for me.

          So, the message is: it works. Listen to your body while titrating up. If it feels good, throw your schedule in the bin, titrate up and make a new schedule. Same when it doesn't feel good. Don't keep to your schedule but stay there for a while, the Se's will decrease, and then move up, and make a new schedule You can also try different dosing through the day, maybe more smaller dosages. Whatever makes you feel better.

          Try to read as much as possible on the way Baclofen works in your brains. Even in rat-brains. You've been like this for 15 years because your rat-brains got the upperhand over that tiny part of your brains that distinguishes you from rat and snakes. The Bac can adjust that again. So, try to read.
          Read also the WMO, where members share their SE's. You can see what applies to you and for me that was reassuring. Maybe for you too.

          So, Gogaters, Go! Hang in there! You can drink, don't feel disappointed by yourself. You will find in time that your drinking will drasticly decrease to the point that you don't feel like it anymore.

          So, go on, have a nice glass of wine at Christmas. Enjoy the company, don't feel an outsider because you feel like your not drunk enough. My experience is that people really appreciate it more when you are quiet, a little less trying to 'set the conversation' or try to 'fit in' with the level of the conversation or the level of the other people that are making the conversation. At least they told me that afterwards. They really liked me more. It has never crossed my mind that people would like me more, while not drinking so much. Try it, you'll see the proof. And that you can take to the next social event.

          chrs, Low


            Baclofen Journal

            thank you for the support everyone. got snow here, and I managed to stay in the house until like 7pm. that would never have had happened without meds. I went out and bought a 12 pack. so you know, I normally drink 25-30 drinks a day. the first beer I opened brought with it familiar feelings. it reminded me of the first beer I drank on naltrexone. I ended up dumping out 1/4 of it. the beers are going down a bit easier now though. however, even if I do finish what I bought, I am impressed. today was almost normal. my anxiety reaches a fever pitch at night though, and that might be something to address. if nothing else, the bac made me drink less today. that's a good thing. not a cure, but a hope looking forward. not sure how many of you out there have taken both naltrexone and baclofen. to me, they are different. naltexone did a good job blocking my cravings, but it didn't really do anything for my anxiety. baclofen seemed to help with that. both good meds I suppose.

            so here's my semi drunken review of my first day on baclofen. not too shabby. much better than placebo, and I liked it better than naltrexone. I lowered my consumption, and that's a great thing. no cure, but keep in mind, this is after 30mg of the drug. I am a guy with lots of issues, and this is just the first one I am addressing.


              Baclofen Journal

              Welcome, gogators! We've started on our Bac journeys at pretty much the same time. While I used to drink as much as you do, I'm still stuck at the 8 drinks a day stage. But we will soon be drinking less-to-none in no time. I am sure of it!


                Baclofen Journal

                seeking_serenity;1023924 wrote: Welcome, gogators! We've started on our Bac journeys at pretty much the same time. While I used to drink as much as you do, I'm still stuck at the 8 drinks a day stage. But we will soon be drinking less-to-none in no time. I am sure of it!
                hell yeah. I feel the need to booze going away.


                  Baclofen Journal

                  How's it going gator?

