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My Bac Adventure

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    My Bac Adventure


    I have been lurking here for many months. I feel so fortunate to have found this forum that I figured it was time to start contributing. So here goes!

    As a reference point, I am a 45 yo male who has struggled with AL for the past 25+ years. There have been periods where I was able to keep things under control, and other periods not so much... The past year and half my drinking has been more consistent than ever. Before starting BAC I was drinking 1 to 1.5 bottles of wine every weeknight, with more (occasionally much more) on the weekends. OK, enough of that.

    After reading the threads on this forum ad nauseum and researching BAC , I made the decision to give it a try. Like so many here, I did not want to go to my primary care with this, but I still wanted the input from an MD. I have a good college buddy that is a successful internal medicine doc in the midwest. It was a very tough call to make, but to my relief he was familiar with Bac as a treatment for alchoholism and was very supportive. The only thing he made me promise was to keep enough Bac hidden away for an 8 day titration down in case of emergency. He even told me to put it in a safe deposit box!

    I purchased my Bac from 4RX. It is Fexobac made by Genpharma and seems to be good quality. My first order took 16 days to arrive (I live on the East Coast US), my second order 14 days.

    One of my greatest worries before starting Bac was my size - I am 6' 6" and 260 pounds (118 kg for our metric friends). I was not thrilled with the prospect of having to go above 300 mg to hit my switch. I had read that slow titration may result in hitting the switch at a lower dose, so I decided this is the route I would take.

    I started taking Bac on 11/19 at 30 mg/day. I have titrated up 10 mg/week and am currently on 80 mg/day. I plan on continuing at +10mg/week until I get to wherever I get - I am not going to worry about it now.

    I have really noticied a difference the past 2 weeks. The desire to drink, while still there, has greatly subsided. Over the past year and a half it was very
    rare that I would go more than 48 hours AF. Well last week I went 4 days AF, had some wine Fri and Sat, and right now I am on day 5 AF. If this is as good as it gets its fine with me!

    Quick rundown on the SE's:

    Bad: Somnolence daily; headaches occassionally; a little forgetfulness from time to time (I think..actually I just forgot); flatulence (sorry!) the first couple of weeks; and snoring (my wife used to say I only snored when I drank too much. Ha! Proved her wrong! ).

    Good: A great feeling of calm and reduced anxiety; sleeping like a baby; really cool, vivid dreams (no nightmares yet); more energy at the gym (believe it or not); and lastly libido ('nuff said on this one).

    I'm sure you are all asleep by now reading this long post! Things are good for me right now, and that is good enough. It is Friday and I am even thinking about not having a drink tonight and hitting the hay early. But if not, no big deal. I have had 25 years of guilt / self-loathing over my drinking and I am done with that crap.

    Thank you all for this great forum!
    Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.

    My Bac Adventure

    I am so happy to hear so much success with Bac...I just ordered mine today from goldpharma...I have tried several other meds and methods and approaches and nothing has worked...

    Good Luck on your journey...hope it keeps getting better and better for you!!
    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


      My Bac Adventure

      Hi Grommet, & congratulations, fella!

      It's possible you don't need to go to insane levels of baclofen to get your drinking under control. I too was expecting a hard slog and side effects from hell, instead what I got was sober within two weeks of kick-off and pretty much the same mild side effects you describe. Including the snoring and the extra nookie, which is a what you get when you aren't passed out on the sofa...
      Curiously, I also felt like I'd been napalmed in the face whenever I was slicing onions, far more than the usual "weeping" though I have never heard anyone else report this.

      I'm not convinced about the body-mass to baclofen-tipping-point relationship. The amounts people need vary so wildly it could just as much be related to degree of baldness or star sign...

      Anyway, it's great to hear you're doing so well on the baclofen. It's fun to see those AF days roll in, isn't it? Without really trying! I think we've stumbled on something that's better than winning the jackpot.

      How far do you want to titrate (and who the hell thought of that word?! I'm one of those juvenile morons who can't help snigger at words that start with "tit".) If you're no longer drinking every day and not destroying yourself on the occasions when you do, isn't that more or less mission accomplished?

      Thanks for posting your story and keep us informed. There are dozens of people on other parts of this forum who simply don't realise - (or don't want to realise) how much baclofen might help them. I hope some of them drop in and read your post cos it tells it like it is...



        My Bac Adventure

        Grommet--Welcome! I just started Bac two days ago. Don't apologize for the long post! Most people who are interested in Bac want to know exactly what to expect. The more information that's out there, the better!

        I'm already feeling better (more later in my own thread). So glad to hear it's helping you and that you're getting some quality AF time. What a gift! Best of luck to you for your continued success.


          My Bac Adventure

          Titrate and taper are the correct scientific names but cant help but agree with you pony. Though I don't giggle at the word tit anymore. Watching a lactating one get shoved in and out of 3 babies hungry mouths will probably do that to you.

          However the 'mission accomplished' I must take issue with. The fact that you can drink moderately now is heartening and a dream for many but I don't think that is the aim of many or the intended purpose that OA proposed. Your success is great and I'm pleased for you though I fear that you may be jeopardizing the long term effectiveness of Baclofen. Only time will tell.

          For me 'mission accomplished' was when I was truly not an alcohol addicted individual any more. On past attempts at AF I always relapsed by having that one harmless cup of beer or sip of wine. I no longer crave alcohol in that sense and for the moment don't want to test Bac's hold on my addiction. It takes no effort, OK a little (like getting up in the night to take a piss), to continue to be AF. After allowing myself to get accustomed to not being an alcoholic I'm sure that I shall occasionally take a drink when circumstances are suitable but for me that time looks to be some way off.

          Grommet, glad to see you here and look forward to reading your future posts. I think your titration schedule is sensible although maybe slow. The main thing is to keep with the course until you reach the switch IMO. What are your intentions? Moderation or abstinence?. Again welcome to MYO, it has and continues to be a godsend for me,
          Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 3.125mg/Kg


            My Bac Adventure

            Taw, thanks so much for your well wishes. I understand your anticipation! I had to go to the Post Office to sign for my first "delivery". I was so excited I took my first 10 mg in the post office parking lot!

            I am a Bac "newbie" and am still learning as I go. I have always been overly analytical, always looking for why I should NOT try something. This time I made a pledge to just let this adventure play out.

            My goal right now is to get to a point where AL is not the all encompassing factor in my life. Does this mean I will never drink again? Maybe, maybe not. I just think that worrying about that now will be counterproductive..

            As Pony said, it is really cool when those AF days start linking together. Bac has been a great thing for me so far. I am better now than before and that is all that matters.

            Take care everyone!

            Taw, Pony, Ig - thanks!
            Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


              My Bac Adventure

              Congrats, Grommet! Great to see another bac success in progress. Keep us posted!

              Seethepony;1024356 wrote: Curiously, I also felt like I'd been napalmed in the face whenever I was slicing onions, far more than the usual "weeping" though I have never heard anyone else report this.
              Pony!! This happened to me tonight! It was the weirdest thing. I noticed it a few times before, but never thought to attribute it to bac. I was chopping shallots, which normally don't have any effect on me at all. How strange!



                My Bac Adventure

                I attribute the tearing of the eyes to the effects Bac, have on the liver. My eye site has altered since I am taking Bac. Sometimes I have had annoying itching and tears in my eyes as well. Not always related
                to cutting unions though.


                  My Bac Adventure

                  OK, this was really unexpected. On Monday I started the day in a very deep funk that progressed to full on depression by noon. This sorry state continued on until about noon Tuesday, then by Tuesday evenning I was feeling about normal. Now today I have been downright giddy.

                  I did titrate up to 100 mg on Monday (from 80 mg), but I was taking my regular dose all day until my 6:30 pm dose where I added the extra 20 mg.

                  I wouldn't even be mentioning this, but I was really depressed on Monday. And for the life of me I cannot figure out why (except for the Bac). I had a really good weekend - except for 3 (large) glasses of wine Sat night I was AF. No booze Sun and it has been years since I have done that. Also, I have never been one to get depressed around the Holidays in the past, and really have no reason this time around.

                  So I figure it can only be one of 3 things:

                  1) The winter solstice - coupled with the lunar eclipse - coupled with the fact that I'm a Capricorn - coupled with the 18 section Xmas light string I ran up a very tall tree in our front yard with one string in the middle going dead Sunday night (ok, I guess this "one thing" is really 4, but I think there may be a connection).

                  2) We just adopted a shelter cat that is very affectionate and loves everyone in the family except ME!!! But at least I am still the dog's favorite, particulalry now that both he and I have to share the house with this ungrateful little rodent (easy now cat lovers, I'm just kidding!)

                  3) Some crazy BAC re-wiring that is going on in my noggin.

                  In sum, I'm hoping one of you will just say "yeah its the Bac". Otherwise I am going to have to book appointments with a New Age Psychic, an animal psychologist, and a regular ole shrink right away!
                  Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                    My Bac Adventure

                    I've sent you a PM
                    TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


                      My Bac Adventure

                      omg grommet--you are titrating up very fast, am i right? you are SO much higher than me right now. i've been advised by the good doc to take it slowly. easier said than done, but i'm only up to 60, and even THAT amount is making me a little crazy. don't try to hit the switch immediately! take care.


                        My Bac Adventure


                        I'm not sure if it is the BAC, the possible rewiring of your brain due to reduced amounts of AL, but it passed. It's just part of the journey to a healthier lifestyle. It is good to see that you have a very good sense of humor though! Glad to hear the BAC is working for you.

                        Everything I need is within me!


                          My Bac Adventure

                          Grommet, not sure what could've caused the depression, sounds like you had a whole bunch of little things going on though! The light string going out would've set me off! :H Probably a mix of everything though. For me sometimes it hits for no reason whatsoever. But I bet it was the titrating up that nixed it. I've found that to be the case for me. If I was having a rough time with the SEs or in a crappy mood, bumping up the dose seemed to make things better for awhile again.
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            My Bac Adventure

                            Ok, the light string is fixed. I am feeling much better now. The cat still hates me though!

                            I am chalking this up to the BAC.

                            Isolde - I love your "bumping up the dose" theory. After re-reading my post, it actually was soon after I increased the dose that my mood improved! Maybe it was some little Elf in my brain saying "get on with it you big wussy!"

                            Serenity - I started at 30 mg on 11/19 and have titrated up 10 mg a week since then. I weigh 260 pounds (actually, I think 264 now that the Christmas cookies and candies are rolling in...). I jumped 20 mg this week to 100 mg because I was feeling good at 80 mg last week. I am still on 100 mg now and think I will just hold here until the New Year. The 24th through the 1st have traditionally been party time for me - not this year! I am looking forward to assembling the Christmas gifts tomorrow night without having to keep one eye shut!
                            Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                              My Bac Adventure

                              Went up to 120 mg yesterday. The SE's have really calmed down over the past two weeks. My biggest complaint right now is snoring. I have done some research on this and it looks like it is the Bac relaxing my throat muscles - not an uncommon side effect apparently. Its just something I am going to have to live with and do my best to control. My wife definitley prefers the Bac-snoring over the drunk-snoring, however :H

                              I just placed a re-order with GoldPharma for Liorsel. I have been purchasing through 4RX (Fexobac). I plan on gradually swapping out the two and will post if there is any difference in the two.

                              My AL cravings are denfinitley down. I would guess my AL intake is down 50% to 60% since starting. I plan on continuing to take it slow - titrating up 10 mg to 20 mg once a week.

                              Thanks all and Happy New Year!
                              Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.

