Taw, my first dog came into my life when I was 6. I'm on number 9 and he is curled up right beside me as I type. Needless to say, I am a dog person.
Beatle, cats confound me. But we adopted a shelter cat right around the time I started Bac. He's starting to like me now...(there are so many reasons why)
I have gone from 225 mg to 150 mg in one week. No problems. 150 mg was my "happy spot" on the way up, and its the same on the way down. So for now I'm going to hang out at 150.
I think I was really close to the switch. Not going to get hung up on that now. The great news is at 150 I'm in the same level of control. I did not reach indifference but I know I have beat that b**h back for good.
I'm going to hang out at 150 until my March 8th physical. Then I'm going back up to ring the bell for good.
For the first time I went back and read my earliest posts. I said then that I didn't know where this was going, but I was better off than before Bac and that's all that mattered.
Well, I'm coming up on my 3 month Bac birthday. Although I have not hit the switch, Bac has had a profound, positive effect on my life. Given what's happened the past few weeks, I can't imagine how things would be if I did not start Bac when I did
While indifference is the ultimate goal, I am living proof that even before the switch Bac will change your life.