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My Bac Adventure

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    My Bac Adventure

    Grommet;1041998 wrote: This post is not a "hurray, yeah-me!" post. I just want to provide that extra motivation for you fence sitters.

    Hurray! Yeah for you!!!
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      My Bac Adventure

      Lo0p;1042049 wrote: Hurray! Yeah for you!!!
      Cool beans Grommet, really good to hear another success story...

      Pleased to see it wasn't the cat or the lights!
      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


        My Bac Adventure

        Congrats, Grommet! Awesome. What dose are you at, I missed it, sorry!~


          My Bac Adventure

          Ok, a shameless bump of my own thread , but I want to put a question out there without a hijacking another thread.

          Has anyone had success with getting to a reasonably high dose (say 175 mg to 200 mg) and waiting for the switch to come to them rather than "reaching" for the switch? I am thinking maybe Terryk, but I am not sure.

          Bruun - sorry for the late response to your question - I am currently on 150 mg (was on 135 mg last week and just went up 15 mg Monday - SE's still under control).
          Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


            My Bac Adventure

            Happy birthday Grommet!

            Bit of a guess...
            Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


              My Bac Adventure

              " Has anyone had success with getting to a reasonably high dose (say 175 mg to 200 mg) and waiting for the switch to come to them rather than "reaching" for the switch?"

              Waiting for Godot, Grommet?

              Remember the words of Ig's mom: "if it doesn't hurt and isn't difficult then it's an evil thing to have or even want"

              No, just making fun. I never read a story like that. But of course, it could be a way. Just letting the Bac settle in your brain. Why not?


                My Bac Adventure

                Thanks Grommet,

                Does the 150mg help with the nose picking?


                  My Bac Adventure

                  Lowcountryman;1045993 wrote:
                  Waiting for Godot, Grummet?
                  Ahh yes, I claim the Switch as an acquaintance yet I hardly know him - wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him!

                  I have decided not to try that strategy. Last night was the first night I really had the cravings in over a week. I've decided to go find Godot :H.

                  Bruun - I'll just say I'm not biting my fingernails anymore

                  Bleep - thanks for the B-day wishes (it was Wed, and I am not a year younger...)
                  Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                    My Bac Adventure

                    I've been on Bac for 9 1/2 weeks now and am currently on 180 mg.

                    Bac has done a tremendous job at reducing the cravings for me. I am getting 4 or 5 AF days a week which would have been unheard of in the past.

                    However, once I start drinking Bac does absolutely nothing for me. I'm starting to realize moderation may not be a long term option. That would have been a scary thought when I first started, but I am (slowly) coming to terms with the idea.

                    Also, Bac does seem to make it harder to get a "buzz" from drinking. Maybe this is related to the nullification of the "reward" system in the brain (?).

                    Lastly, drinking absolutely enhances the SE's. When I am AF during the week the SE's are a non-issue. But even if I have what I used to consider a moderate amount of AL, the next day I am floored by the SE's/hangover.

                    I was AF Friday - that's 2 Fridays in a row (I did have to get up at 5:15 Sat and I drank Thur, but I'll take an AF Fri anytime). I drank 9 units Sat and 8 units Sun, which is still less than pre-Bac but enough to get a killer hangover and terrible SE's.

                    Up to 200 mg Thurs as the adventure continues...
                    Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                      My Bac Adventure

                      Grommet;1048264 wrote: ...
                      However, once I start drinking Bac does absolutely nothing for me. I'm starting to realize moderation may not be a long term option. That would have been a scary thought when I first started, but I am (slowly) coming to terms with the idea.


                      Lastly, drinking absolutely enhances the SE's. When I am AF during the week the SE's are a non-issue. But even if I have what I used to consider a moderate amount of AL, the next day I am floored by the SE's/hangover.

                      I'm exactly the same with drinking - if I get drunk on bac, the next morning is mind blowing, I can barely stand up with the buzzing in my head, confusion, etc.

                      Also the same regarding abstinence as an option. An intolerable thought only a couple of weeks ago is now seriously an option.

                      I think you are close Grommet, good luck with your adventure / life.
                      Having hit the switch, I now post under the username "bleep". Look forward to seeing you on the other side...


                        My Bac Adventure

                        Temprorary setback in the Grommet household. My wife broke her leg yesterday. As she told the Doc today, she wishes it was something exciting like skydiving ot motorbiking. But it was helping our son in the shower before school and she slipped.

                        There's a lot riding on Daddy'O now. My mood is still grateful. Thank goodness I started Bac when I did or things would be a mess.

                        Surgery Monday and no weight bearing or driving for at least 4 weeks. I am chief cook and bottle washer now. Spent the day cleaining the house, doing laundry and shuttling the kids.

                        Also, it was our 20 year anniversary yesterday. Strange irony in all this. She spent 20 years taking care of me and now I'm lifting her up/down onto the toilet and into the bath (she did get a big laugh out of the look on my face when she told me this afternoon that her monthly visitor had arrived :H.)

                        A little introspection now. Its funny how things work out. I made a commitment to make a major change in my life. A commitment I had made many times before but failed. This time it is working out in spades. I'm carrying 100% of the burden of 3 wonderful people directly on my shoulders. For the next few weeks I've lost my safety net. But thanks to Bac I feel prepared. Actually I'm loving it.

                        I'm scared too.
                        Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                          My Bac Adventure

                          yea grommet:goodjob:


                            My Bac Adventure

                            Real bummer and awesome stuff, I'm sure you can work out which applies to which! It's going to make you realise how much there is to do in a house! It did me, when Mrs bleep went away a while back!

                            Congratualtions on the anniversary, 20 years is no mean feat.

                            I'm sure you'll be fine, good luck regardless.


                              My Bac Adventure

                              Great concise post, Grom!! It really has come full circle, hasn't it?? You might not have your safety net, but you've got all the tools you need, plus the extra motivation of needing to be the main caretaker of your wife and kids! I'm sure you'll do great. :l In an odd way, this is a really great anniversary present for your wife (sorry she had to break her leg for it, poor thing!).

                              Happy Anniversary! 20 years, wow, you guys must be doing something right!
                              Better Living Through Chemistry

                              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                                My Bac Adventure

                                Grommet;1050799 wrote: She spent 20 years taking care of me ... I made a commitment to make a major change in my life ... I'm carrying 100% of the burden of 3 wonderful people directly on my shoulders.
                                Thanks for this post mate. I know exactly what you mean; I've been married 20 years. 20 years drunk. For 20 years I've been letting her down. Any normal person would have left me. Clearly she's not normal, she's superhuman. But I'm going to get sorted, like you have done, and then I'll be able to pull my weight and look after her for a change.

                                Well done Grommet. You're a hero!

                                The unexamined life is not worth living

