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My Bac Adventure

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    My Bac Adventure

    Grommet;1055168 wrote:
    She is actually progressive and very empathetic. Yes, my primary is a woman. I found it makes the prostate exam more tolerable. Another reason to reduce the Bac before my appt. Otherwise I can see our conversation going something like this:

    "So Doc, I'm glad I got the Bac thing off my chest. You said you know nothing about Bac SE's. Well, there is one good one. So before we start that part of the exam, I think we would both be more comfortable if we dimmed the lights and opened a bottle of wine."

    Murphyx;1055305 wrote:

    PMSL!!! :moon:
    :H and :H

    also... can't figure out what PMSL means!
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      My Bac Adventure

      I'm guessing it's "Pimp my sex life".

      Could be waaaay off though.


        My Bac Adventure

        waaaaay off!

        It means "Pissing myself laughing".

        Googling a reference for you, I realised it's actually a British expression and not widely used otherwise, so soz for that.

        I hate internet slang, don't you? Anyway MTFBWY!

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          My Bac Adventure


          Monday Tuesday Friday Bi-Weekly Yummy


            My Bac Adventure

            My Turn For Being a Wanker, Yay


              My Bac Adventure

              may the force be with you?


                My Bac Adventure

                I think you won gratitude.


                  My Bac Adventure

                  Bruun and Is, thanks again for the book recs. I have both now and am pouring through. Already made a run to GNC for supplements.

                  Down to 175 mg now and no drop in the BP - I think I should be happy? Talked to my Doc friend yesterday and their research did not come up with any meaningful concerns with bac and HBP. In fact, LBP seems to be a bigger issue. He said 80% of HBP cannot be diagnosed (sound familiar guys?). Still, he wants me off the Bac until my physical. By the way, its not until March 8th and I thought it was next Thursday. Wonder how that could have happened?

                  But I have another plan. I'm going to 125 mg and stay there. If my primary won't prescribe Bac then I'm calling Dr. L. Btw, no increase in cravings so far.

                  I want to gauge my Doc's reaction before I lay it all out there, so I'm going the Wally Cleaver route:

                  "Doc, suppose I told you I had a friend that was drinking 85 units of AL a week, then self-prescribed high dose Bac and within a few weeks the cravings went away and he dropped down to 20 units a week with very little effort. What would you think of my friend?"
                  Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                    My Bac Adventure

                    :H @ all of the internet slang and guesses to Murph's acronyms!! You all had me cracking up at work!!

                    Glad you decided to check out the books, Grom! Do let us know if any of the tips help!!

                    Loved the Wally Cleaver "hypothetical"!

                    Glad to hear that you haven't experienced any increase in cravings, that's excellent news!
                    Better Living Through Chemistry

                    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                      My Bac Adventure

                      I have been following, just not posting.
                      Careful about telling your doc. Mine was sceptical. Heather's bf had a very different experience!

                      As to the blood pressure thing...hmmm. At first I thought, well, another one bites the dust. (sometimes my mind is still stuck in an ugly place, despite the baclofun going on in my brain. sorry.)
                      I had my period for more than 5 weeks. Had follow up blood tests and saw the gyn. Her comment was, "hmmm. All these changes, the bac, the stress, the lack of sleep, etc... would mess everything up, wouldn't it?"
                      I ran out and checked mine at Walgreen's too. Both times it was very high, and my blood pressure is ridiculously low, sedentary-smoking-salt-loving-alkie though I am. Every time I've had it checked by a doc it was 100/70 or much better. (this is 4 visits in the last month.) I know you bought a monitor, just thought I'd throw my own experience out there.
                      Finally, I know this last thought is going to rankle, but I'm sure you can think of it in scientific terms if that's your bent...
                      I sort of see all this, all these SEs and the rest that we struggle with as the beast waging war in my body. fighting for it's last with all it's worth. She's got her evil tendrils wrapped around my very vessels, my very cells, not to mention my synapses and gaba-whatever.
                      (this is not a pretty meditation in the middle of the night, ftr. ha!)
                      Rushed gobbledy-gook, hippie-chick shit aside. Alcoholism is systemic. There's not an organ it doesn't affect, not a cell it doesn't infect. Keep up the good fight. I know you will.
                      If for no other reason than because I have laughed several times at the image of you rushing from nappy-changing duty, to helping the wife with the less-mentioned aspects of life, all the while trying to manage a little space to indulge in some of the more entertaining bac SEs.
                      And her groan of annoyance when she figures out why you've had a reaaaaaalllllly long shower. lol!


                        My Bac Adventure

                        bleep;1056096 wrote: My Turn For Being a Wanker, Yay
                        LOL, ROFLMAO. Good one Bleep.

                        Grommet, I took my bp last night about three hours after taking my meds, and it was much higher than normal. I've also been dealing with an extended hangover from Sunday night, so that may contribute. Although a hangover and booze raise my BP, I'm usually hungover when I get it taken and it's never been this high. What else could it be but the bac?

                        Didn't SunnyValenting have to stop the bac due to BP rise? (I wish there was a way to "tag" people in a post).


                          My Bac Adventure

                          Bruunhilde;1056350 wrote:
                          Grommet, I took my bp last night about three hours after taking my meds, and it was much higher than normal.

                          What else could it be but the bac?
                          Oh boy, I hope I didn't start group "white coat" syndrome with my HBP drama :H. Still, not good to hear that your BP is up given your struggles. :upset:

                          I am new to the HBP thing, but from my conversation yesterday its highly unlikely its a direct result of the Bac. His point was that if your primary doesn't know then get off the Bac until you get this figured out.

                          neva eva;1056342 wrote:

                          1) Careful about telling your doc.

                          2) As to the blood pressure thing...hmmm. At first I thought, well, another one bites the dust.

                          3) I sort of see all this, all these SEs and the rest that we struggle with as the beast waging war in my body. fighting for it's last with all it's worth. She's got her evil tendrils wrapped around my very vessels, my very cells, not to mention my synapses and gaba-whatever.

                          4) And her groan of annoyance when she figures out why you've had a reaaaaaalllllly long shower. lol!
                          1) I know, which is why I've been struggling with this. And that's why I'm going with the "plausible deniability" Wally Cleaver strategy.

                          2) No way Neva, not gonna happen. Just a new turn in my adventure.

                          3) I've been thinking the exact same thing. But I'm less convinced of the Bac cause/effect now than a few days ago. There's no telling what is going on. How long has my BP been high (it was a year since my last reading), was it high before Bac, did it shoot up after my wife was injured, was it the result of going to 225 mg, is it our new cat? The fact is I've been 120/80 forever, and it was 160/80 to 190/80. Its now settled in at 150/80 but still strange given my history (isolated systolic hypertension is apparently the name for it)

                          4) :H How did you know!

                          I do appreciate both of you chiming in. I'll certainly let you know how things play out.
                          Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                            My Bac Adventure

                            Grommet...I am going with the cat raising your BP!!!

                            But then again I am a dog person!
                            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              My Bac Adventure

                              taw;1056385 wrote: Grommet...I am going with the cat raising your BP!!!

                              But then again I am a dog person!
                              70% of Americans say they are dog people.

                              Dog people are more extroverted and agreeable than cat people.

                              Cat people are more neurotic than dog people.

                              It goes without saying that I am a cat person.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                My Bac Adventure

                                p.s. Cat people are more open to new experiences than dog people.

                                but I have no idea what this means :H
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

