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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!


    I did not have any of those.
    Try the Herbal Slimming Tea from your local Big Lots (if you have them) or order it from Amazon. Doesn't cramp and the best on the market (issue #1)
    I had an ablation a few years ago and don't have that issue anymore. BEST thing to do if you are done having kids. Not the answer, so I don't know about issues.
    I have noticed my skin has color and dry. Nothing really weird.

    I hope others come along. Best of luck on the Bac!

    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


      I am a trainwreck!

      I got unbelievably constipated. I tried herbal laxatives, and they did nothing at all, so I'd recommend going for something with more kick. Like all SE's, this one is level dependent and will pass, but it feels very unpleasant.


        I am a trainwreck!

        i suggest tons of leafy greens for poopin!


          I am a trainwreck!

          Hi Taw,

          Will definitely be thinking of you this weekend. Good luck!



            I am a trainwreck!

            yo, mama! how's it goin?

            about the constipation, slim tea sounds like a great idea. take the advice and get the good ones. they make you lose lots of weight through [I]elimination[I], and i've always noticed an increase in that when i've used them. some can be quite ungentle, so beware! and good luck!

            as for my menstrual cycle, it's as regular as clockwork. i know because in my new determination to be organized i've been making a spiral on every day that it starts. it's true to form, every time. clearly bac affects us all differently, so that could be it for you. i wonder if (hope that) others will chime in on this topic. it's an interesting question. meanwhile, keep track. maybe it will balance out soon. (come to think of it, bac as a muscle relaxant MUST affect the uterus.)

            no sun challenges here, except when i forget to put on sunscreen.

            stay strong, woman! you can and will do this! and, not btw, i've been meaning to ask you: how old is your son?

            xo xo rudy b


              I am a trainwreck!

              Thanks everyone! Will try the tea! Might help with the weight gain I have had on bac!

              Rudy, my son will be 9 at the end of the month....
              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                I am a trainwreck!

                hi taw,

                you asked on my thread if i had any ideas about what you might pursue for hobbies. i thought i'd bring my response over here, as others will be more likely to chime in on your own thread about this very important question. i think such an important part about getting sober is finding things to do that you didn't do (enough of) before, finding ways to spend your time that don't involve drinking. obviously, the best things to do are things that you enjoy. durr. so, what do you enjoy? even the smallest things, if there currently aren't huge ones. do you love a tasty dinner? a good book? knitting? um, walks in the park? do more of those. think of ways to extend them. cook for a friend. join a book or knitting club. set walking goals, do it with a friend. the other thing that has enriched my life so very much is filling it with people. do things WITH others; it can be very cheering, especially if you're all doing something together that you enjoy.

                once you start to notice the happy feeling in the everyday things that you do, you might see it increasing. give it your attention, and try to expand it into other things (like the reading to bookclub example).

                anything physical is great, as it releases all those wonderful endorphins and helps get you out of your head. (compared to a knitting group, a stitch and bitch, where you'd probably be doing more of the same stuff you might already have pleanty of in your life, mental processing and such. and you're sitting on your butt. love the idea of knitting, but it wouldn't work for me.) physical in a group, even better! happy healthy people doing fun things together.

                as you know, i think rowing is just ducky; it's physicality and harmony with others in a beautifully synergistic combination. or how about a running or cycling club? i see people fly down my road in bike packs and it looks so fun! they chatter away and seem to always be smiling. gardening, even on a very small scale, is truly rewarding. a box on a stoop is a good start.

                and oh, what's the name of that site where you can find out social things to do of whatever nature? i'll let you know when i remember.

                my son got me into snowboarding. could you do something together with your nine year old? volunteer for something he's involved in? join a sport together?

                dunno if this is helpful. but it's something i just went through myself, when i realized that i did nothing for myself in the way of fun. i single-mom'd it and went to work. and drank. i needed stuff to do to pull me out of my funk, and i was fortunate to have found so much!

                and you will to.
                lemme know what you come up with for starters. let's work on this, taw!
                xoxo rudy


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  Thanks so much Rudy! No, knitting is not for me, either! I spend so much time alone, I would love to get involved in a group...perhaps a book club for starters...I do love to read! I was thinking of a running club or something, too. Will have to look into ones around here, especially for beginners!

                  I realized yesterday I drank purely out of habit! Going to try for AF today! Son has a bday party so I might do some weeding in our tiny little community yard...usually need my wine to do it, but perhaps a nice diet root beer will do the trick!! Wanted to test bac to the limit, see how high I would need to go, but seems like a stupid thing to do when I can barely afford where I am at now. So maybe not so much white knuckling it, but a bit of good old fashioned will power and determination!
                  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    ...and hobbies! yes, dear, they WILL help. you'll find yourself too busy to drink; maybe not right away, but soon enough. yep, the habit is a doozie. especially if you're isolating. the bac won't do it all. you gotta take some action too. i guarantee that if you are consciously positive -and sometimes that DOES take some effort- you'll see a lot more good goin on in your life. get out w people. make new friends. it'll do you a world of good. and you won't want to get drunk cause you'll have a date w a new gal pal, who will have pals, and before you know it, life as you were meant to live it will unfold before your eyes and hands and it will be YOU who made that happen.

                    go do that weeding! what a GREAT place to connect w people! most people are happy in a garden.


                      I am a trainwreck!

                      good luck w your af day! it feels really really good to have those, as i know you know. maybe think of a plan for the evening (w your son or a friend; with someone!) to help yourself in this small but challenging goal.

                      you can do this, taw!

                      i'm here for you, rooting for you. woo hoo!


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        Hi Taw,:l

                        Great to hear from you, friend! Rudy is RIGHT ON with her suggestions....a running club would be great for you and cheap! I used to be in one for years, because I needed social interaction that was inexpensive, even though I knew I never would be, nor wanted to be, a marathon runner. I so understand how you need to replace the hours you spend drinking with something fun...a hobby....that was hard for me, too. I bought a bike and I had forgotten how much I love riding a bike and when I get done with a hard workout of any kind, like riding my bike, I feel better about myself and it steals those AL cravings right out of my head. Any group that involves exercising I think is a great idea....ACTION as opposed to inaction....these are words quoted from long-time AF MWO Member Guitarista. I tried knitting, too....ummmm....too sedentary. And I didn't find it relaxing at all. I couldn't knit my way out of a paper bag!!!:H:H Plus, I find what Rudy says, the "stitch and bitch" mentality to be exasperating....and all the shallow talk....I HATE small talk. I am not a small talk person....never have been, never will be.

                        Don't focus on willpower vs. lack of's making that first move to change your routine....I had to do it, too...because, yup, I drank out of habit, and the feeling of, "oh, f*ck, what elso do I have to do boyfriend, no husband, might as well be happy with my wine/scotch/vodka." Diet root beer sounds great, and Rudy is spot on about getting involved in your son's have SOOO much to offer people, Taw. You're smart, kind, interesting.....and others will see the same wonderful person we see in you. Give it a shot. You will be the Star Mom at your son's bday party. You can count on me....PM me if you need to/want to/....I am always here for you.:l



                          I am a trainwreck!

                          Good luck with your AF day Taw. I think you'll find the baclofen helps a lot, and you'll feel great tomorrow. I had a couple of AF days on my titration, and felt like Superman the next day, compared to normal.

                          Let us know how it goes.


                            I am a trainwreck!

                            how's today going, taw?


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              tawww! sorry to be pushy, but i'm itchy for a report. even if it's 'i got blasted alone at home', this inquiring soul wants to know. most important: you are GOOD.

                              thinking of you...



                                I am a trainwreck!

                                jumped back to say that you're probably out having fun doing something with friends and family and too busy to bother w mwo... maybe?

                                if you need an activity, i was going to invite you to come pull poison ivy with me, but there's not much left -a miracle!- as i've just pulled SO MUCH! see, watch what you'll come up with to keep yourself busy...

