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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!

    Good point Ne. YAY Taw! Go for it! I stopped the wine as of last nite.


      I am a trainwreck!

      Hi Everyone I don't come here much but found something on the internet that sounds very promising for people that want to control there drinking it's called I apoligize if there's some ppl here that certainly can not drink anymore or don't want to drink anymore. I personally have tried everything and after a while i drink again so this seems to have hope for me who want to still have a drink it explains more on the site.TrUCKER/Bill


        I am a trainwreck!

        Hi Taw, well done on taking the plunge with antabuse, I know I havent looked back since I started taking it.


          I am a trainwreck!

          Day 3!! I wish I could bottle this feeling of waking up not hung over, not remorseful, not full of guilt!!!

          And actually something happened yesterday and and ALL I wanted to do was go home and have a glass of wine...screw the Antabuse SE's....I actually went to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine...instead I left and took an Antabuse (I had forgetten to take it earlier!)

          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


            I am a trainwreck!

            Good for you Taw, be strong. I'm right there with you, believe me.


              I am a trainwreck!

              Hello Taw!

              I really wish you didn't have to white knuckle through this until you hopefully find indifference. But you do with your situation and all. I always think of you, and I know how hard you're trying. I also truly believe you'll get there...and relatively soon. :l
              This Princess Saved Herself


                I am a trainwreck!

                You CAN be sober for the holidays.


                I just spent 8 days with my family. It was under very sad and stressful circumstances. But add to that that I was sharing a hotel room with my 84yo grandmother. And all of the family dynamic things... oy. If I hadn't been sober I think I would have lost a couple of my marbles. (My favorite aunt was driving me completely nutters. wtf??? And the fact that I was suddenly in charge of feeding adults who were perfectly capable of toasting their own damn bread, organizing rides and everything else, and driving everyone home at the end of the night--I was the only sober one in the bunch. ack!!! Still...SO damn glad I could be there and do those things.)

                Two other things helped: The meditation stuff I've been doing, and some of the other tools I've learned here. (sleep! eat! breath! ride the wave!) Cheesy, I know, but I swear it helped a great deal.

                Never-the-less when I got home I felt like I needed an extra couple of hours with my therapist and my dog.
                Hang in there. Eyes on the goal. Once you're free you won't look back.


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  Yay, taw!!!!!! You're on a roll!

                  Eve - oh yi, sounds like a test of your resolve, eh? Also sounds like you passed!


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    Hi taw your last post just reminded me of when I started on here again a few months ago, the whole tasking antabuse, cant drink, craving a drink, I had forgotten about that already, and so will you soon, you are doing great and of course you can e sober for the holidays and you will enjoy it so much more. I feel like jumping up and down for joy for you. Yippee


                      I am a trainwreck!

                      Hey Taw,
                      Hope you are hanging in here. I swear by Antabuse and jump starting me to freedom. Last Christmas my son opened a bottle of liquor from someone and that was my day!
                      Antabuse won't give me a chance of doing or even thinking of doing that again.
                      I believe the Baclofen is the long road home but Antabuse gets me on the bus.
                      I am happy where I am and I hope you are too.
                      Merry Christmas my friend if I don't get on here tomorrow!

                      Love ya girl!
                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        Lady, I really like that about bac seeing you on the long road but antabuse getting you on the bus. That is how I feel about antabuse and campral.


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          So how 'bout them Stealers? I mean Broncors?

                          alright. i won't pretend that I know what's what in the sports arena, but I figure you watched the game, and the hooha leading up to it made me think of you, my favorite football fan.

                          How are you? What's news?
                          Happy, official-MWO, New Year!


                            I am a trainwreck!

                            Wait!! Yesterday wasn't the Superbowl was it?? :H Hi Taw! I want to know how you are too.
                            This Princess Saved Herself


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              Hi Taw, how are you?


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                Taw - Your first line of this post could have been me writing it. But today I woke up with such disgust at myself that I came to this site. I've been here before - tried topamax - hated it, quit taking it, went back to drinking each night. And blacking out is a nightly occurance for me. Hubby says "you don't remember me telling you that?" or "you didn't hear her crying last night" about my 6 year old. UGH! I just want to like myself, like my life and hate alcohol. But by 3pm i've convinced my self that I will go AF next week and then drink that night.

                                Has your BAC arrived? How are you doing? I think I'm going to order some but would love to hear how you are doing with it.

                                Take care,

