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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!


    Please tell us what's going on....we all care about you! PM me if I can do anything at all to help.:l:h


      I am a trainwreck!

      I want to be sober! this damn thing has such a hold on me! I was up to 175 on bac and the SE's were killing me....I did not sleep for I went off of it....STUPID!!!! I was ok for a couple days....then have pretty much been on a bender since Friday.

      THIS HAS TO STOP!!! I started bac on bac again today.....
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        I am a trainwreck!

        hi taw did you read your 1st thread, months ago, ife is what it is,has nothing to do with the drugs, you have to make the difference,that is what addiction is i do wish you well


          I am a trainwreck!

          So what's the plan taw?
          175! yowzers!

          Where are you starting now?

          :ls sister
          (It gets better. You're not a failure. You're ill. By any definition. Hang in. )


            I am a trainwreck!

            Stick with the matter what....what is some weight gain and no sleep if I can get sober....I am going to try AF this weekend....son will be at his dad's so if I am crabby because of it it will only be me...

            I don't know what else to do!
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              I am a trainwreck!

              Taw why don't you ask your doctor for another drug? Campral worked for me and I had no side effects. I'd ask your doc if you can have some free samples and try something else.


                I am a trainwreck!

                i'm rooting for you. i know so painfully well how awful it is to suffer from this, especially as a single mom (0f a son, too, i am). please be kind to yourself, and keep seeking a way out. i, too, have struggled with the al demon, for years and years. it is so evermuch more painful as we worry about what we're doing to others (our sons, for example). but we must put ourselves first, heal ourselves, and thereby do no harm to others. we can do this! i am on the same same same journey as you. i'm telling us : we can be better. i'm staying the course with bac, i am, and i suspect you might too. seems a pretty solid course of action.

                please keep us posted here. i've wondered about you, from months ago when i posted before and read your posts. glad to find you again. sorry for your continued struggle, but gald to find you. stay strong. please keep posting. and let's try bac together. i'm in it to win it, to be corny. may the force be with you, too, whatever form it takes.

                xoxoxo rudy


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  taw;1110359 wrote: Stick with the matter what....what is some weight gain and no sleep if I can get sober....I am going to try AF this weekend....son will be at his dad's so if I am crabby because of it it will only be me...

                  I don't know what else to do!
                  Alright. good. But that's not exactly what I was thinking of. How much, how often and when?
                  How're you going to mitigate the SEs you experienced? It's hard to correlate what is related to what, I know, but it's worth some concentrated mental energy, I think. No one can do anything long term that makes them vomit regularly. Not to mention the other stuff. At least no one that isn't in cancer treatment. You've got a life to run (successfully) so preemptive strategies are the only things that might keep you going. (in my very humble opinion.)

                  Keep in mind, Taw, that I tried 3 times, too. But in retrospect I did A LOT of things to make the process much more difficult than it needed to be.

                  Also, someone made the point about other meds. I can't speak to campral but I've done a fair amount of looking into Nal and the research is sound. I would have considered using them both if I had known then what I know now. Maybe lo0p or some of the other Nal people can weigh in about that.

                  Drinking exacerbated the SEs for me, for sure. I hope that's the case for you and that you can use the jump start of a sober weekend to help with them. But if you can't, I get it.

                  Sleeping... lots of ways to combat that, it seems to me. But the throwing-up? Did that resolve itself?

                  lots of love,


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    RudyB;1110463 wrote: may the force be with you, too
                    I'm partial to that one!


                      I am a trainwreck!


                      Hope you are ok there, think you know I suffered horribly on baclofen but I never had any problems sleeping - although I've always woken several times in the night and experienced sleep paralysis on a regular basis. I am now starting to think this is perhaps why I never noticed any effects on my sleep?

                      I'm now trying Naltrexone and that might be a way to perhaps curb your drinking, and reduce the SEs?


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        Amazing what a good night's AF sleep can do.....oh, and the sun finally shinging....i am going to stick with the bac and when I see my doc Wednesday ask for Nal...I tried it before but that was with Camparal....

                        Feeling much more positive and hopeful today! Thank you everyone for your kindness and support!!
                        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          Wow, taw!

                          The difference in you is amazing! Very good to hear you sounding so upbeat.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            I am a trainwreck!

                            I see you've had your trial and tribulations while doing this for the past 5-6 months, and I know firsthand how frustrating it is, and how sometimes you don't think you can make it.

                            However, you've stuck with it this far, and it shows that you have dedication.

                            THose who have the desire and dedication will make it someday.


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              Hi taw: Welcome back to bac!!

                              If you get hung-up with the insomnia thing again, give me a pm. I take a med that has kept me from ever having to deal with not sleeping. I've taken bac since Oct. '09. I've shared info (and the med) with a couple of people on the board. I'm reluctant to "post" about it because it's yet another off-label use of a potent drug, and I'm not up for whatever that fall-out might be. Another option that LoOp has posted about, with full support from Dr. L in Chicago, is the use of alprazolam. That is working for some people.

                              So don't be intimidated by the insomnia thing. There are definitely workable options for getting around it. As Rat says, with desire and dedication, (and the correct pharmaceutical adjustments for what we're lacking - through no fault of our own!) this is a doable thing. Ne is such an amazing:bow example of this!

                              Onward!!, taw. We're with you!!!
                              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                hey taw.
                                just checking in to ask you to check in. how're you doing? i'm thinking of you.

