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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!


    It seems odd that he would turn you down without your insurance covering it. I told him I didn't want it on my insurance....that I was paying out of pocket for his consultations and the Bac and he was fine with it. Odd that he would say come in for an office visit? I don't get it.


      I am a trainwreck!

      I think he wanted to see me because I live in the area...I don't know...I think I am just going to keep ordering bac online and just forget about the Nal...the bac has to work eventually, right?
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        I am a trainwreck!


        Don't be afraid to try the Nal, either. If Bac isn't working fast enough for you, try the Nal. You can take them at the same time. Debbie from River Pharmacy told me that's ok to do. Keep us posted.:l


          I am a trainwreck!

          I cannot afford to order both...NAl is very expensive....that is why I went to my GP to try and get a scrip for Nal but she would not give it to me...said I needed to see a psych which is not covered by my insurance...
          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


            I am a trainwreck!

            hey taw,
            i agree, it's strange that he wouldn't talk to you without insurance... i spoke with him on the phone twice and it wasn't until the end of our second conversation that he asked if i had insurance. he seemed happy that i did. seems like a really busy guy, and maybe inconsistent at times.

            also, i have a bottle of Nal that i'm not using. it's under a year old, so should still be good. i'll gladly send it to you if you want, just pm me w your address. of course i'll respect your privacy if you do.

            speaking of sleep, i've had extreme tiredness during the day a few times, which i think i can safely attribute to bac (i usually get tons of sleep at night). my dreams have been insanely vivid and detailed, too. i've read here that that's one of bac's sometimes fun se's. the other night i dreamed that there was an intruder trying to get into my house to steal things. i was sure, in my dream, that he wanted to steal my (hidden) stash of empty beer bottles, so he could return them for a refund. i'm sure he would've been richer to the tune of twelve bucks or so. but i scared him off with my pitbull (who has been dead for four years now).

            good luck taw, and do let me know if i can send you the Nal. every little bit helps. btw, i stopped taking it because i didn't have the discipline to use it, as it made drinking un-fun and i wasn't committed to being sober at the time. it also seemed to make me aggressively grouchy, 'agro' as i've heard said about such a state of mind. my sense, though, is that it does have a solid place in this whole battle we're in.

            upward and onward, indeed.
            xoxo rudy


              I am a trainwreck!


              Sorry to butt in Taw, but that's very interesting what you say about not wanting to take the NAl. I've had those feelings of wanting to stop so I can have a good old blast out. Thing is I know exactly what would happen, and I'm not prepared not interested in going there. So the nal pill gets popped everytime.


                I am a trainwreck!

                good for you, uk, for having the discipline. with my drinking, hard core as it has been over the years, hard core, serious, too much, hangover hell, etc, i've always been challenged to deeply and fully accept that it MUST STOP. i never crashed a car, seldom drank and drove, drinking and dialing has gone by the wayside, etc. so, lo and behold, the alcoholic brain in me thought: wtf, why not keep drinkin?! ...i'd rather not feel the way that Nal makes me feel (un-high from drinking), so i didn't take it. when i took campral, it did very little for the same reason: i just wasn't committed to sobriety. i overrode any reduction in craving drinking that it may have provided, by drinking. durr! i'd been getting away with drinking for so long, no matter how it did obviously reduce my quality of life, that i thought, why stop?!

                ...which brings me to bac: i take it cause i know it will work, and it only requires the discipline of popping the pills, without knowing that they'll work in such a way to steal my high. just being honest here. with bac, for now, i can still have my little fun with booze, but, miraculously and halelujiah, my interest is waning. bac seems to be working. phew.

                what a marvelous journey we're on here (and i probably wouldn't call it 'marvelous' if i didn't think it had an end in sight). so glad you're here, all of you. thanks for sharing. i think we truly benefit from sharing with each other, i know that i do, so THANK YOU~~!
                xxoo rudyb


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  Another weekend....UGH!!! Thank you so much RubyB....You are correct we are here to help each....this is the only place I can be completely honest!! If not for being able to get it out here I would be more insane than I am now!!

                  The support here is overwhelming! So unlike what I got in AA! Thank you all for being here for me!
                  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    I am a trainwreck!


                    What's happening? Are you alone tonight? Are you drinking...taking can we/I help?



                      I am a trainwreck!

                      Just dropped my son off at my Ex's to go to a Cub I am actually good right now!! Just the thought of weekends still frightens me! Sober but smoking and eating non stop!! HA!
                      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        " sober but..."
                        wow, taw, you're sober! that's great!
                        how'd you get there?


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          Taw, that's great!! :goodjob:

                          WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sober! I am so happy for you.




                            I am a trainwreck!

                            Still early....but wish me luck!!!
                            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              taw;1113905 wrote: I have talked to him before...with out my insurance covering it he would not talk to me...then I called back and he wanted me to come in for an office visit...just could never make it in...
                              Taw, it's hard for me to believe you talked to the same Dr. L with whom I (and so many others here) spoke.

                              I spoke with him by phone and was only asked at the end of my second consultation if we had established a payment. I said no, and he asked me about insurance, I said I didn't have any, then he asked what my financial situation was like, and when I answered, he asked me how much I could afford. It was as simple as that. AND I never paid him for those consultations (:blush and yet dared to call him again. He talked to me no problem and gave me prescriptions which he assured me I could use in Europe (haven't tried yet). I finally paid him a minimal amount ("token", I would call it).

                              Maybe you could call him and tell him you can't afford it, but you need help? I didn't even say that, but he was obviously not interested in monetary compensation. Don't know But I think it's always better to have a doctor prescribe your meds, and to get them from a reliable source.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                I will try and call him again!
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

