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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!

    Going well Taw. The forcing bit is weird, but we have all done it.

    You'll be fine over the party I'm sure - if you are having to force drinks down, you're unlikely to struggle at an event where you shouldn't drink anyway!

    Good luck regardless.


      I am a trainwreck!

      It had been a REALLY long day and I just wanted to decompress in my known way...but after an hour and only a few sips I said screw it and just went to bed....only to wake up an hour later....but anyhoo....

      The party will be whole family are BIG drinkers....and they stress me out! I will just look at it as I can eat more instead of drinking my calories!!
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        I am a trainwreck!

        only 2 1/2 glasses last night on a Friday nite! Holy Shit...whod'a thunk!

        Ok, but I will admit I have had 1/2 glass so today...on my way to a family party....God, they stress me out....They are all alcoholics but I am the weak one because I decided to get help, but that is a story for another day....BUT will be there for most of the day then son has a baseball game after so most of my day will be taken up!

        Off I go....feeling positive...Oh, going up to 225 today....

        One more thing....anyone else gained weight on bac? I see lots of people losing weight...Just wondering...maybe it is some other factor....
        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


          I am a trainwreck!

          hey taw!
          good luck at the party. i'm not worried about you; sounds like you and al are duking it out and you're winning. i'm so happy for you. and i bet your son is thrilled, though he may not know it yet. (how old is he, btw?)

          sorry to hear that your family stresses you out. that is so common, guess i totally LUCKED OUT!

          rooting for you here, dear. i'm at 130 mg and am definitely noticing a shift in my regard for (adulation of) booze, but i am still having beer. (not vodka! too strong, imagine that!) not forcing it down, not yet. i'm hoping the bac will beat the habit soon, but i realize i have to make the effort, too. going to the gym and having a good shag should help with that.

          xoxo rudy b


            I am a trainwreck!

            taw;1129257 wrote: only 2 1/2 glasses last night on a Friday nite! Holy Shit...whod'a thunk!

            Ok, but I will admit I have had 1/2 glass so today...on my way to a family party....God, they stress me out....They are all alcoholics but I am the weak one because I decided to get help, but that is a story for another day....BUT will be there for most of the day then son has a baseball game after so most of my day will be taken up!

            Off I go....feeling positive...Oh, going up to 225 today....

            One more thing....anyone else gained weight on bac? I see lots of people losing weight...Just wondering...maybe it is some other factor....

            I did gain weight in Baclofen, part of that was because it made me so sluggish, slow and depressed, I only wanted to comfort eat junk. I did however clean up my diet and start exercising again 3-4 weeks before I came off the Baclofen. I was still very bloated thought and could not budge the scales. It was most noticeable in my feet and hands. When I tapered off baclofen I did loose that puffiness completely over the course of approximately 1 week, and have since gone on to lose another 11 lbs(mostly fat I'll add) - but I'll admit I'm actually trying. So not sure how much was the baclofen, and how much was other factors. All I know is that whenever I cut down my drinking (which I did for a while on Baclofen) I always lost weight - water or otherwise, and I didn't with baclofen. It was suggested here that puffiness was a sign of kidney problems, I've had no issues since and my Doctor says she has no reason to believe I have anything wrong with my kidneys.


              I am a trainwreck!

              taw;1129257 wrote: only 2 1/2 glasses last night on a Friday nite! Holy Shit...whod'a thunk!Nice!

              taw;1129257 wrote: Ok, but I will admit I have had 1/2 glass so today...on my way to a family party....God, they stress me out....Yeah they stress me too. Mine I mean, not yours. But I found a solution; simply stop seeing them, answering their calls and letters and ... tada ... no more family stressyness. I can't recommend this solution enough; it's highly affective.

              taw;1129257 wrote:
              One more thing....anyone else gained weight on bac? I see lots of people losing weight...Just wondering...maybe it is some other factor....
              Some people gain, some people lose. There's no rhyme nor reason. Don't assume it's something else, it's probably the bac.

              RudyB;1129327 wrote:
              going to the gym and having a good shag should help with that.
              People shag at your gym? America is a strange, strange place!

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                I am a trainwreck!

                nope, no shaggin at the gym. but i might've should've given my number to that hot guy i spotted, since my current booty call is doing the flake thing i thought i left behind in my 20's. btw, daniel craig (recent james bond actor, 'case you don't read the junk glossies) and rachel weisz (talented, hot actress) were at the gym. i gave them my number but they didn't seem to need my help with their shag, alas. guess i'm on my own tonight. 'tis okay. i'm used to it. and i've got you guys.


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  Good lord, what gym do you go to?


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    RudyB;1129406 wrote: guess i'm on my own tonight. 'tis okay. i'm used to it. and i've got you guys.So when you're doing it on your own, you're thinking of us? Cool. Unless I've misunderstood. Nah, I'm sticking to that thought.

                    bleep;1129521 wrote:
                    Good lord, what gym do you go to?
                    An American one. 'nuff said.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      I am a trainwreck!

                      And so, how'd it go?

                      Not the gym or the shagging. (good lord, what gym DO you go to? I'd be self-conscious about my spandex with Daniel Craig in the house. Nah. That's a lie. I would probably show off and hurt myself.)

                      How was the fam, Taw, and how are you this fine Sunday?


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        my gym is in my sweet historic town where we just endured traffic from hell while they put in lovely sidewalks where people walk a little bit fast. it's close enough to nyc that its residents are more than 50 percent weekenders. it attracts celebreties and people with disposable income such that their landscaping makes my place look like an abandoned lot. steve buscemi lives at the end of the road, and i've oft passed him on my runs. 'good morning, icon. could you spare me some dimes so i can tidy up my place? it will make your ritual strolls truly more pleasant.' (he bought his house from harvey keitel.)

                        and the gym, well, it's almost always empty, alas. but it stays in business for moments like daniel craig so we locals can surreptitously gawk. not really, not me. i don't care about all that junk.

                        sorry taw, this is really about you. how was your family time? i'm thinking of you!


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          Hey All!

                          Saturday went well with the family...luckily we had to leave early because my son had a baseball game...only a couple comments about my of 2/12 Saturday...

                          Yesterday not so good...5 glasses...started earlly in typical taw fashion...but normally would have been I see that as a small victory...I have noticed however that is takes much longer to finish a steps right?

                          Maybe I should join a gym....been single for WAY too long!! But I am sure there will be no Daniel Craig in my neck of the woods!

                          Murph, I would love to avoid my family...but for some reason my son has not been tainted by them yet and still likes seeing them! Give it time, it will happen to him too!

                          Ok, back to work!

                          Thank you all for your support! :h
                          "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                            I am a trainwreck!

                            Hi Taw! I've been off the boards for a while but saw your thread and read the last page, it seems you're at 200 or just about. How did you get through your vomit period? How are you doing with that and other SEs now? It appears things are going much better, and I'm so relieved and happy about that. :goodjob:


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              Bruun! Good to see you, i hope you are well?

                              Taw, glad to hear the function went off without a hitch, and that you are seeing improvements! Baby steps, as you say, until suddenly, one day, it's 400m hurdles at the Olympic Games!


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                BRUUN!!!! How are you? I have been thinking about you lately...missed you! How are you getting along?

                                I am up to 225...going to 250 today....then going to try for 300 this son, so if SE's are bad then I will be alone...Still puking but not nearly as much! SE's still there, insomnia for one, but I have just had to think that the bac must be doing something to me....

                                Thanks Bleep! cannot wait for the Olympics!!! Getting impatient, but all in good time! Hopefully!
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

