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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!

    Taw, try having a nap as soon as you get home. What I'm driving at is that baclofen isn't conducive to the traditional 8 hour long sleep, but instead lends itself to much shorter ones. Anything you can do to fit in with that will help.


      I am a trainwreck!

      There isn't any chance at all that you can get hold af some Ritalin? It worked absolute wonders for my daytime somnolence. I'm told the effect is a bit like taking speed. It should help you function better during the day. It is preferable to the newer (and more expensive) ADD meds because it is short-acting, so the effect wears off quite quickly, so it won't interfere with your sleeping patterns (such as they are)
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        I am a trainwreck!

        And probably preferable to speed, which is not short acting at all, and will definitely interfere with your sleeping patterns!


          I am a trainwreck!

          hmmm, ritalin. think i'll skip it for summer vacation, though -and i hope it won't be necessary by then- in the fall when i have to go back to those pesky students, might be worth looking into.


            I am a trainwreck!

            No, no naps when I get home....have a hungry son to tend to...

            Took dramamine last night, a med for motion sickness...slept 2 hours, but did not throw up this morning..will try benedryl tonight...

            Thanks Lady....I have been following you too! Maybe I will look for Melissa...Something has got to work...I am crabbier than usual!

            I have a 14 hour day today and then am off for 3 days so hopefully I can figure something out this weekend! My son will be with his dad, so if not at least I will be crabby by myself!
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              I am a trainwreck!

              how do you follow lady? i can barely find her anywhere, and my eyesight is still really good.


                I am a trainwreck!

                Rudy, Lady posted on my thread yesterday...I know she has not been around much lately!

                No bifocals for you yet Rudy?
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  I am a trainwreck!

                  Hey you 2,

                  Here I am. I haven't been on MWO much and have so much reading to catch up on!
                  I was on more when Taw was having a hard time with Bac and nausea. I am so glad you are doing well now.
                  Don't know about bifocals for Rudy but an se for me is definitely my eyesight. It is minor in the scheme of things. My employees tell me I should be wearing "readers" anyway.

                  Hope you are all fine. I was just leaving work and will catch up on more reading tonight.

                  Hugs all:l

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    Still puking, Lady....but accepting it as bac doing something to me!!!

                    And drinking way down! So, guess it is a trade I can deal with for now!
                    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      I am a trainwreck!

                      Hi Taw,

                      I haven't been on here for awhile. Are you still on NAL? Did it do you any good at all?



                        I am a trainwreck!

                        Rusty!!! I was just sending you a PM....was wondering where you had been!

                        Yes, still on Nal...something is working...WAY down on drinks...let's see how this weekend goes tho...3 day weekend without my son! But, am confident!
                        "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          I'm very excited for you taw!

                          Will you document here what you're taking and to what you attribute the cessation? Either way, it would be good to know about the Nal and Bac combo! I'm definitely very curious. There were MANY times when titrating up that I wished I had followed that path and used both meds...

                          Hope today is the start of a good, serene weekend for you!



                            I am a trainwreck!

                            Only 4 drinks yesterday! Unheard of for a day off! and I started early! Took me almost 2 hours to finish the first one.

                            I am going up to 200 mg bac today. I think the combo of bac and Nal helps at least with the mental part of it...knowing that I am doing something more, if that makes sense. Approaching it from two different sides... And sometimes, not every time, the Nal makes me nauseous, go figure, which deters drinking.

                            I have accepted the sleep thing. As frustrating as it is, I don't find my self dead tired throughout the day. I was more tired getting more drunk sleep then I feel now. I just like to sleep. Find myself not even being able to nap and I love naps!!

                            As anxious as I am for this to happen, going to stay slow and steady with going up! 20+ years of drinking, I can wait a bit longer and maintain my sanity and yours while getting there!

                            Had plans for today but of course they got canceled so we shall see how today goes. Yard work and laundry for sure! Feeling motivated!
                            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              taw;1132870 wrote: I have accepted the sleep thing. As frustrating as it is, I don't find my self dead tired throughout the day. I was more tired getting more drunk sleep then I feel now. I just like to sleep. Find myself not even being able to nap and I love naps!!
                              aaaaahhhhh. and AHA! taw! I hope, hope, hope that you are starting to experience this new sleep thing that both bleep and I have gone on about... The one where life looks sunny and cheery at the strangest hours, and a lot less sleep becomes a gift instead of a burden. (Maybe others have too, but for us, it was such a great thing!) I LOVE sleeping 5 or 6 hours. I actually miss sleeping only 4 hours, but apparently my body needs more.

                              My husband pointed out recently that I keep mentioning my 20 minute naps, but that he realized a while ago that I sleep for way longer now when I lay down for a nap-aroo. So pffft to that, too. I'm bac to regular-people naps, and not taking bac-naps. bummer.

                              So. Enjoy it! I still get up at 4am and wouldn't have it any other way. I'd set an alarm if I had to, I like it so much!

                              Any the rest? Holy Cow! That is such great news, Taw. The drinking, the keeping to the schedule, your very mood and the tenor of your post. YIPPPPPPEEEEEEE! You go, girl. I'm really happy for you and proud of you.


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                So yesterday and today have not been quite as successful as days past...WTF!!! I guess all in due time! Still have drank less in the last week then I have in a LONG time! Sticking with 200 for a few days....slow and steady....cannot do the huge going up like the big boys....for once I realize I am not a big boy....I am a small woman....why must this become a factor now?????
                                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

