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I am a trainwreck!

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    I am a trainwreck!

    Hope you had the opportunity to call Dr L tonight, Taw. The white knuckle thing is so hard to get past. I think your taking such low amounts of bac and not having enough AB (until your shipment arrives) is making this a hundred times worse. Keep that in mind, and don't beat yourself up over it. But I do hope you call him and soon. :l

    Lots of love to you!
    This Princess Saved Herself


      I am a trainwreck!


      How are you today? Do you need me to send you a supply to get you through?
      Let me know.
      Lord knows I have asked the same question you are asking time and time again!
      Check in and let us all know.
      If I can do this you can too. It is really all about one day at a time.

      Lots of love and support is here for you!

      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        I am a trainwreck!

        Hey Tawster,

        Hope you're doing ok. I thought of you today when my River order arrived. Yours cannot be too far behind.
        Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


          I am a trainwreck!

          same same same.


            I am a trainwreck!

            Hi All! Doing much better! Talked to Dr. L. last night so it is good to have a plan. My River Pharmacy order arrived today too!

            I am going to call the pharmacy and have them call Dr. L and will give them a script for some Bac and prozac too so I will be sure not to run out!!

            Thanks for checking on me everyone! I hope you are all doing well!!
            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


              I am a trainwreck!

              Oh, I forgot...I asked Dr. L about taking Antabuse and he said not to worry about it that I would quit following his protocol...but he did not say weater I could take it with the bac....I wonder if they are not compatible drugs...

              So my good old AL brain is telling me this is an open invite to drink....I have plenty of Antabuse now that my shipment arrived but not sure if I should take it now...

              I hate to bother Dr. L again, but I think maybe I will have to call him later....
              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                I am a trainwreck!

                taw, i'm pretty sure folks take antabuse along w bac without problems. someone will chime in soon to confirm or deny that suppositon...


                  I am a trainwreck!


                  Glad to see you!

                  I take both and they do not interact at all with me. I am doing 60mg. of Bac right now and 100mg. of Antabuse.
                  Now that my head is straight, the Bac has once again alleviated the anxiety.
                  I was nuts drinking on Baclofen. Some can drink on the journey but I feel so much better when I don't.
                  I know it works, I got there once, but let go, and the alcohol consumed me again.
                  Antabuse MAKES me not drink so I can concentrate on taking my time titrating up on Baclofen.
                  I read threads before I started the Antabuse and I believe Greg and Cinders have combined the two as well. (others too, but those names stand out to me).

                  Glad you talked to Dr. L and good luck with your plan!

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    I am a trainwreck!

                    Just stopping in to say HI to ya Taw!


                      I am a trainwreck!

                      I was taking both antabuse and bac and have only stopped the bac due to other problems. Before I took them both I searched a lot and couldnt find any information saying not to mix the two meds. I love antabuse in that by stopping me drinking I now dont have any argument going on about drink in my head I have at long last accepted that I cannot drink so that leaves me free to get on with my life


                        I am a trainwreck!

                        Good luck, SB, I hope you find some contentment.


                          I am a trainwreck!

                          Hi Taw,

                          Did you call him regarding your AB? I think he believes you will eventually stop drinking, so no need to stop now. He probably doesn't understand your situation: your family will take your son away if you drink excessively at all. I'm sure if you wanted to call him and explain your specific situation, and tell him you can't drink while titrating up, he'd be on board. He's a psychiatrist after all. He listens to peoples' problems for a living.

                          I'd been planning to do a check of your two drugs from work yesterday. We have really good programs for this. I was so incredibly busy that I couldn't do it. And it would only take me 5 minutes, so go figure. I am registered at Epocrates and I did a check there. There are no interactions. So, if you haven't called him already, and you don't want to, there's the info you need. On the record anyway, I know some good people here take the two without problems.

                          * I am happy you got your shipment, script, and an AD if you need it! All good news, sista!
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            I am a trainwreck!

                            I looked into the interaction.....up to me to take control and take them together....part of me wants to buck the system and see if I can do the bac thing and make it work.....but part of me knows I need additional help.....this just sucks!
                            "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                              I am a trainwreck!

                              Ok, time to put the big girl pants on! No more whining, pity party, why me!

                              Antabuse and bac are they way I am going! I just took an antabuse and have a spot in my bac log to keep track of when I take it! I cannot have anymore weekends like the last couple have been. Thank you Redhead for reminding me of the severity of my situation with my son!

                              Hopefully with the bac and going up slowly the way it is intended and without driking the cravings will disappear quicker...and with Antabuse, I just cannot drink!

                              Time to take control and get my life back, without AL!!!!
                              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                                I am a trainwreck!

                                You won't regret it, T. Not once.

                                (But feel free to whine and throw the occasional pity party along the way. It's a rite of passage, I think. It was for me anyway. :H)


