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Help for bac dryness

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    Help for bac dryness

    Just wanted to post something that I've found helpful for the issues caused by the dehydrating effects of bac. It got to a point that it was really uncomfortable for me. My lips were always chapped, my eyes were dry all throughout the day (even with a new pair of contacts). I was putting eye drops in throughout the day and applying lip balm constantly. I have been guzzling water all throughout the day (and night!). I also noticed that my skin was drier, despite always applying lotion and that I was a bit constipated (hey, we get dry on the inside too!).
    I felt like I needed some kind of supplement that would moisturize my insides. So I picked up an EFA (essential fatty acid) supplement called Udo's Choice Oil. It has a blend on Omega 3, 6 and 9 in the correct ratio. It's made up of a blend of different oils, like flax, sunflower, and sesame. The recommended dose on the bottle is a tablespoon a day, but I've been taking one in the morning and one at night for now. It has REALLY helped. Eyes and lips are MUCH less dry, skin's in better shape, and I'm more regular.
    Just wanted to share this with everyone, in case anyone else is dealing with any of the same SEs from the bac! I'll only keep taking twice the amount while I'm at a high dose of bac (well, high for me). Once I can drop down to a dose that's a little less harsh, I'll drop it down to 1 tbsp. a day. But I think I'll keep taking this stuff indefinitely. In addition to the above, my mood has been much better since I started supplementing with this oil. EFAs are definitely good for your brain/mood! I had talked to my doc about the possibility of trying out an anti-depressant, but he didn't want to prescribe the bac for me and start me on something else too at that time. So I figured we'd look into it at my next appointment, but now I think I'll just let it slide. I'm feeling pretty good with the extra Omegas.
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.

    Help for bac dryness


    Thank you for posting this! I was wondering why I was thirsty all the time and one of my friends commented that I was drinking water like a camel. My lips are dry and cracked, and yes, the constipation I have experienced as well but I combat it with All-Bran! (I know, TMI!). Thank you also, for the info. on the EFAs!


      Help for bac dryness

      Can't you achieve the same thing by eating fish and chips three times a day?

      (God I would kill for fish and chips right now... Unfortunately I'm in the wrong flippin' country.)


        Help for bac dryness

        Great tip, thanks Isolde!

        I have noticed that the dosage doesn't seem related to the dryness. I experienced the same level at 15mg that I did at 275mg and still do at 100mg.



          Help for bac dryness

          moglor;1027457 wrote: Great tip, thanks Isolde!

          I have noticed that the dosage doesn't seem related to the dryness. I experienced the same level at 15mg that I did at 275mg and still do at 100mg.

          Well, some of the dehydration effects are dose dependent for me. The constipation didn't start until I got north of 120mgs! But I've been drinking water like a fish since I began.
          Better Living Through Chemistry

          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


            Help for bac dryness

            All the info here is so helpful. But I'm wondering if anyone is experiencing weight gain on baclofen. I've been on 30 mg. for exactly one month and have gained 5 lbs. all in the stomach area. Any suggestions? Thanks.


              Help for bac dryness

              Hi Finally,

              I have not experienced weight gain on Baclofen, just weight loss because it really cuts out cravings for food. Some others have experienced gain, though. Could it be because you are replacing alcohol with food? I know I did when I quit AL. I craved sweets for days!


                Help for bac dryness

                Where'd you get it?


                  Help for bac dryness

                  Thanks, Isolde. I've already ordered mine from Amazon, and notice that Vitacost also carries Udo's Choice Oil.

                  I am JUMPING on this suggestion! People like you, on this forum, have given me suggestions that saved my life (baclofen); made anti-depressants unnecessary, stabilized my blood sugar and set up a 30 pound weight loss (l-glutamine); started healing all the damage I did with alcohol (All-One plus other specific amino acids) . . . after checking into the product and my own symptoms carefully, why would I not?!?!?!?

                  I haven't been particularly bothered by the dryness - I only notice it because my finger-tips appear "pruny," and my cranio-sacral therapist says I am dehydrated.

                  However, soon after starting baclofen I did notice my nails and hair thinning. Not that I would have chosen vanity over sobriety (I hope!!), but I immediately started taking a liquid silicon product, Biosil, which helps those conditions tremendously. Biosil is also available on Amazon or Vitacost and lots more online stores.

                  I did gain weight with baclofen, and not because I replaced eating for alcohol. I'm not sure what that process was about, but I put on about 20 pounds in the first 2 months of baclofen. Once I started the supplements, though, the weight dropped like bricks and I'm now just 5 lbs. over my high school graduating weight LOL!!!

                  I'm excited to get my Udo's. I've tried to take fish oil capsules, etc., for EFA's but just couldn't handle them (and I can handle a lot).

                  I'll just close by pointing out (again some more), there is SO much information in the posts on these boards. I know we all want to get well immediately when we get here (we're alcoholics, 'ya know?), but taking time to read the early baclofen and holistic health posts is so worthwhile . . . a veritable treasure chest of life-saving experience and suggestions. Thanks, Isolde, for yet another step for my way out.
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

